Chapter 3019 Lightning Life!

“Ding Lingdang and Li Linghai have accelerated.”

Li Yao smiled and mumbled to himself, “Excellent. I knew that you could do it. No matter how dense and furious the meteorites are, they cannot destroy your starship. Now, go. Start moving at full speed and run as far away as possible.

“As for the wretched animal, the unparalleled ‘Electric Fiend’, I will definitely stall it for you. Rest assured!

The super plasma torrent was hesitating.

It had also keenly sensed the spurting flames and the surging spiritual shield of dozens of starships in the distance, which were the most ‘fat’ prey.

However, Li Yao had lured it to the depths of the stone belts, close to the surface of ‘Ancient Thirteen’. It was too far away from the exploration fleet. It was not sure whether or not it could catch up with the exploration fleet after a long journey, nor did it know how much energy it would consume to change its hunting plan and whether or not it could make up for it with the exploration fleet.

Right then, Li Yao detonated all the remaining cannonballs.

He also retrieved almost all the crystals inside his Cosmos Ring and threw them into the most brilliant fireworks, adding a hundred thousand colorful ripples to the blossoming fireworks.

“Is this all you can do?”

Hundreds of bombs and tons of crystals exploded at the feet of the pyromaniac. The tide of destruction lifted the pyromaniac high into the sky like a devil.

Li Yao raised his arm and commanded the ‘Arsonist’ to shoot out saber auras hundreds of kilometers long, challenging the strong alien species with his own life. “Don’t look around. The battle between us is not over yet. Today or forever, you have only one enemy, and that is me—Vulture Li Yao!”

The sharp aura of ‘Arsonist’ pierced into the nostrils of the super plasma torrent like Li Yao’s middle finger, if it had nostrils.

The super plasma torrent was greatly infuriated.

Even if it was a life form in a certain form, it was far from evolving intelligence or animalistic instincts. It was more like a primitive fungus that was controlled by commands that were more primitive than animalistic instincts.

With its ‘intelligence’, it was still unable to understand what a trap was, nor could it have imagined that there would be such a wonderful ‘carbon-based life’ in the world, and that there would be such a weird existence as ‘Li Yao’ in the carbon-based life.

It immediately abandoned its target in the distance and accelerated toward Li Yao. Thousands of lightning bolts were dancing, making it look like a glittering octopus or a jellyfish that had been magnified a hundred thousand times.

Li Yao turned around and ran.

Every cell and rune array on the body of the Giant God Soldier had been exploited to the point that they were about to collapse. Every meteoroid the size of a fist and even the dust the size of a grain of sand had been exploited. He had run in a route that was even weirder than lightning

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes.

If he persevered, even if his flesh and blood were worn out, his cells burnt out, the Giant God Soldier fell apart, and every magical equipment unit was blown to pieces, he would still persist until the end. The longer he persisted, the more energy he would consume from the super plasma torrent would be consumed, allowing Ding Lingdang, Li Linghai, and the rest of them to escape a safe distance. The longer he could enter the tomb of the Supreme Emperor, the more hope he had to capture Lu Qingchen. “Hehe. Haha. Huhuhuhu. No one can capture me. No devils can capture me. No strength can capture me!” When the coolant ran out, Little Black squeaked. Thick interconnecting veins protruded out of Li Yao’s face. Every vein was glittering and emitting a terrifying redness, as if the blood inside had been replaced by magma. The converging magma seemed to be breaking the seal of his skull and preparing for a volcanic eruption.

Li Yao felt that he was hallucinating. For a moment, he forgot where he was and where he was in the surging stone belts. He thought that he was racing against lightning, thunder, devils, Lu Qingchen, the Pangu Clan, the maker of the black wall, the Flood Tide Legion, his own shadow, and his own creator.

Run, run. He had to run even if his blood was being vaporized. He had to run even if his muscles were being torn apart and his bones were burning. He had to run even if his bones were being ground into powder. He had to run even if his cells were withering. Even if he was the only one left, even if the sky and the earth turned black and white, even if there was no end to the road ahead, even if the finish line was just an even more rugged racetrack, he had to run, run, and run!

Because the journey of life was a never-ending and gratifying one!

Sharp buzzes and screams echoed in his ears, which were the moans of the pyromaniacs who were about to be paralyzed because of Li Yao’s fury.

Li Yao had no intention of slowing down at all. He was still sprinting at the highest speed with his back facing the enemy at a frequency of seventeen to eighteen times per second. The corners of his mouth were curled into a smile, too, except for the dense white smoke that was spurting out.

The super plasma torrent was no longer working

Li Yao had no time to calculate the precise time, but the life-and-death race with the stone belts as the racetrack had lasted at least two hours. During the long time, the super plasma torrent had not only had to control its own magnetic field to change its direction in a fixed pattern, but it had also crushed countless meteorites. Its ‘life force’ was draining away at a visible speed.

Right now, it was no longer as dazzling, enormous, and active as it had been in the beginning. It was as clumsy as a beached whale and as haggard as an old wolf that was marching forward in the cold wind, hungry. It turned from bright purple to deep purple, and from deep purple to deep blue. Occasionally, it would be mixed with orange ripples. In the end, all the colors faded away and turned into a lackluster gray.

Its diameter had shrunk from a thousand kilometers to dozens of kilometers, to the point that it could be cut in half by Li Yao’s saber. Of course, even if it was only a few kilometers away from self-destruction, Li Yao could not even lift his little finger to cut it.

It was the same. In the beginning of the chase, it had been releasing electric arcs extravagantly. As long as there was the slightest chance, it would release thousands of electric arcs to form an overwhelming electric net to capture Li Yao. But now, even at a distance within its reach, it was barely able to release even one miserable electric arc.

There was no telling who was the hunter and who was the prey between the pursuers and the fugitives. Maybe they had forgotten the significance of chasing and hunting and simply ran and ran habitually.

Suddenly, just before the super plasma torrent was about to be extinguished


The main power unit on the left side of the ‘Arsonist’ crystal reactor made a low noise and spurted out pungent black smoke, which condensed into a series of black balloons in the vacuum.

Li Yao’s well-trained muscles and bones were not even enough to support the iron body of the giant soldier. They collapsed because of him!

His mind was in a mess, and his brain was almost blank. Li Yao, who was running for his life by instinct, did not have the time to foresee or deal with the paralysis of the left engine. The ‘arsonist’ staggered and lost control of his direction. The result of the unilateral output force was that he was spinning quickly in the torrent of meteorites, hit by hundreds of them in the blink of an eye, and pierced through by the dying super plasma in the next second.

Or rather, the two exhausted ‘lives’ that were desperate to survive hugged each other tightly.

Zi! Zi! Zi! Zi! Zi! Zi!

Every nerve in Li Yao’s body was pierced through by the super electric current and the indescribable pain. He was ‘crystal clear’ because of the electric shock. Every bone, every vein, and every internal organ was clearly illuminated by the electric current.

What was weirder than the super electric arcs was the information. A lot of information flooded into his body through the electric arcs and his brain. Some of it even tried to crawl into his brain cells and leave a deep impression on his soul.

It was a different feeling from possession.

Li Yao didn’t know if he was crazy or not, but he was well aware that the stranger had no intention of possessing him at all. He was merely ‘recording’ Li Yao’s brain and body as tools to record information, just like how human beings carved information on turtle shells, stone plates, and bamboo slips with sharp knives.

It made sense. If the ‘lightning creatures’ considered themselves to be the only natural life form in the universe, Li Yao’s body of flesh and blood and his carbon-based life form might be nothing but a lifeless slate in their eyes.


Countless thunders exploded inside Li Yao’s brain at the same time, as if ancient human beings were chiseling the slate with stone hammers and spears, carving out the brand of civilization.

He had ‘seen’ it. He had seen the origin of the super plasma torrent, a magnificent and soul-stirring epic, and an endless journey of struggling and exploring in darkness just like the civilization of mankind. His initial assumption was correct. The super plasma torrent, including the one that tried to attack Iron Fist earlier, was indeed a special life form born and raised in the atmosphere of the ancient giants.

The atmosphere of the ancient giants boasted thousands of times more gravity than that of Empyreal Terminus. They were full of fatal elements such as liquid hydrogen and methane. The super storms that swept over the planet over the years even changed the appearance of the planet permanently, turning the surface of the planet into parallel giant ribbons. In the places where the wind congregated, enormous cyclones more than ten thousand kilometers in diameter were formed, each of which could last hundreds of years! In the extremely harsh environment, no carbon-based life forms, not even the archaea that could survive in undersea craters, could be born and live in this place.

However, life would always find the most suitable form and stubbornly break out of the soil.

In the Thunder Ocean, where even the anaerobic fungi could not survive, a new life form entirely different from the carbon-based life form appeared with ‘lightning’ as the carrier!

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