Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3027 - The Starting Point of Chaos

Chapter 3027 The Starting Point of Chaos

Li Yao was shocked by his crazy speculation.

Splitting a piece of space from hundreds of worlds, combining them seamlessly, maintaining the stability of the space and the circulation of air, and producing normal animals and plants… It sounded like a story from legends.

However, since the super civilizations had developed to the peak, the techniques that could move mountains and seas were the source of the myths.

Wasn’t the Pangu civilization and the Nuwa civilization worshipped by human beings in the future, too?

The Pangu civilization was already able to utilize the energy of stars and neutron stars efficiently. The ‘Black Wall Manufacturing’ would only be more marvelous and unbelievable than them.

Then, Li Yao examined the animals and plants. The abundant evidence supported his speculation that he was not in a world fragment but had passed through hundreds of worlds and entered ‘parts’ of the habitable planets. Although Li Yao was not a zoologist or a botanist, he could still tell that the plants in many places seemed to have been born in the primeval era. They were the earliest spore plants and ancient ferns. In some other places, the form of the plants and the way they photosynthesized were closer to modern times. Often, dozens of plants that were hundreds of millions of years old were growing less than a hundred meters away from each other. Some of the ferns should’ve gone extinct a long time ago, but they grew together with the ‘later species’ in perfect harmony.

No. It was wrong to call it ‘harmonious and orderly’. When a plant took root and continued expanding its territory, it was inevitable that it would step out of its native space and invade a completely different environment. It was an environment that it could never adapt to. Often, it would wither, wither, and rot at a visible speed. Under the influence of fungi and bacteria, it would turn into a humus and provide endless nutrients for the growth of new plants.

“Therefore, this is not a ‘primordial forest’, but a museum of a certain plant where all the plants that appeared during the billions of years of evolution of a habitable planet were displayed and annihilated.

Li Yao mumbled to himself.

From the rising and collapsing of the plants, he sensed an abundant, even ‘intimidating’, vitality. The flow of time here seemed to have been accelerated by thousands of times. Everything was growing and dying crazily.

Plants and animals were the same.

Li Yao discovered a very ancient fish in a swamp. They were the pioneers of the march of animals from the ocean to the land and had appeared billions of years ago.

In the depths of the forest, he also discovered spiders the size of basins and centipedes that were almost as large as boas. In the distant past, almost every habitable planet had a plant explosion. As a result, the air was filled with too much oxygen. The higher the oxygen content, the larger the size of the living creatures. It was quite common for arthropods and crustaceans to grow to two to three meters.

As for all kinds of ancient animals such as saber-toothed tigers, marsupials, giant boars, and even mammoths that had gone extinct a long time ago, they were everywhere. It was not unusual at all.

The appearance of the ancient creatures was not strange enough. If the biochemical technology of human beings was enough to achieve such a feat, the creatures that appeared in front of Li Yao’s eyes could almost be called legends.

It was a tall, muscular elk, or rather, a creature that looked like an elk. It had dazzling bright gold hair and radioactive sun stripes on its body. On the two sides of its head were helical horns that looked like the horns of a lamb, on which colorful flowers were blossoming!

Li Yao could see very clearly that the flowers were not climbing on its horns like creepers, but growing out of the horns directly, as if it were a combination of… plants and animals!

Li Yao stared at the golden moose for a long time.

The beautiful creature seemed to have never seen a human being before. It stared at Li Yao curiously for a long time, too, until countless butterflies were dancing on its horn. Then it jumped into the forest agilely.

If Li Yao hadn’t gone through the training of “Three Thousand Mortal Dusts, External Incarnation’ and was still in the Divinity Transformation Stage, he would’ve doubted whether or not he had fallen into a dream again and everything around him was imaginary. However, right now, he had reached the Soul Division Stage. Not only had his soul experienced three thousand reincarnations in the world of mortals, it had also been tempered by the lightning-like life form and was sharper than before. He should be able to distinguish the difference between ‘virtual’ and ‘reality’.

Or rather

If there was a certain existence who could create such a vivid illusion that even the division experts were completely fooled, the technology and resources behind it would absolutely not be much less than building such an ancient tomb.

At Li Yao’s level, the boundary between reality and illusion was gradually blurred. If an illusion could fool him, it would be ‘real’ in a sense.

For the rest of the day, Li Yao explored almost every different space and analyzed the plants and animals there, including the undersea volcanoes thousands of meters deep.

As it turned out, as more and more data was collected, the seemingly random, twisted maze gradually revealed its full appearance.

Li Yao discovered that there was a pattern to the arrangement of most spaces. They seemed to be arranged in the order of one ring after another, as if there was a certain ‘center’ or ‘origin’.

The further away from the center of the circle or the origin, the more ancient the air constituents, crustal features, and animal and plant forms would be. The closer to the center of the circle or the origin, the higher the level of evolution would be, and the more colorful and explosive life would be.

The ‘center’ or ‘origin’ was at the center of the continent below his feet.

Li Yao retrieved all the strengthening drugs and nutrition drugs inside his Cosmos Ring. Whether or not they were affected by the lightning life-force or not, he simply swallowed them all.

Then, he captured a few giant octopuses that were more than twenty meters long and animals that looked like whales. After examining them and making sure that they were harmless, he wolfed them down and started chewing.

He found an open beach with no obstacles and set up a cordon. With the help of deep meditation, he absorbed all the nutrition and nourished his dry cells, nerves, veins, and nerves.

Three hours later, the pores all over his body were emitting hot streams again. After countless simulations and calculations, the vitality magnetic field had been adjusted to be more suitable for the chaotic space. Li Yao suddenly rose up and marched toward the ‘origin’ of the chaotic space. The closer he got to the ‘origin’, the more chaotic the magnetic field became. Flying in the sky was too dangerous. Besides, he wanted to observe the world at a closer distance, too. Therefore, he chose to walk in the dense forest.

The closer they got to the ‘origin’, the more colorful the life forms were. Countless weeds, bushes, vines, and trees were growing rapidly. The fungi were wriggling, expanding, and rotting at a visible speed, as if they were living carpets.

There were also animals, all kinds of weird animals that seemed to have escaped from a nightmare. They were fighting hard in the depths of the forest that was growing and dying crazily. The instincts carved deep inside their genes were burning, bringing a strong scent of blood to the forest.

There was no road in front of him at all. Li Yao had to pave the way with his saber of flames. Occasionally, when he entered an area where the oxygen content was too high, a small spark would burn furiously and beyond his control, burning down the entire forest. But he didn’t care too much about it, because new plants would be born in a few minutes, half an hour tops, and cover the rotten wood that had yet to be burnt up.


Heavy footsteps suddenly echoed in front of him, as if thunder had risen from the underground For the first time, Li Yao had a premonition of danger. Something big seemed to be coming.

Li Yao immediately withdrew all his spiritual energy and aura. He rolled on the ground, covered himself in mud and humus, and crouched below a giant tree. He even allowed the vines on the trunk to hang down and wrap around his body.


The moment he finished his disguise, the giant tree in front of him collapsed. A figure that looked like a grey iron tower appeared in front of him. It was solemn, magnificent, majestic, barbaric, and a symbol of ferocity and violence. It was a giant reptile that looked like a tyrannosaur. “So… beautiful!”

However, with Li Yao’s combat ability, he was not scared of any giant reptiles. It did not matter even if thirty to fifty real tyrannosaurs attacked him together.

But the ancestral memories hidden deep inside his cells still made him exclaim in admiration in front of such an ancient tyrant.

In Li Yao’s era, almost all the habitable planets in the three thousand Sectors had been occupied by human beings and modified to be suitable for the survival of primates. Ancient reptiles such as dinosaurs could not exist naturally.

It was true that the biochemical experts of the Blood Demon Sector had developed some enormous, brutal biochemical beasts with the genes of dinosaurs. But no matter how enormous and brutal the biochemical beasts were, they could not have been more intimidating than the natural tyrant in front of them.

The body of the tyrannosaur-like beast was full of lumps, as if it were wearing a solid armor. There were bright purple stripes on its body, either natural colors or feathers.

But it seemed to have reached the end of the road and was on the verge of death. After a few painful roars, its heavy feet staggered, and it lost its balance all of a sudden, crashing into a giant rock that was full of vines and moss. After an earsplitting explosion, the rock was dented, and it fell to the ground.

Li Yao blinked and immediately understood.

Due to the enormous size and the relatively primitive structure, dinosaurs had a high demand on the oxygen content in the air. They could only live in a certain oxygen saturation state, and it would not do if their oxygen content was even a few percentage points lower. It was also one of the reasons why many giant beasts that looked like dinosaurs had gone extinct on countless habitable planets.

The ferocious beast that looked like a tyrannosaur must’ve been born in the periphery of the space far away from the ‘origin’ and in an even more ancient geological era and ecological environment. But it had left its home by accident and trespassed into a space where the oxygen content was lower. It must’ve been suffocated to death.

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