Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3054 - The Truth of the Battle of the Ruins

Chapter 3054 The Truth of the Battle of the Ruins

In the picture that constituted the last words of the Supreme Emperor, the innocent girl of the Nuwa Clan had been replaced by the indifferent, hostile adult researchers. There was a thick ice shell on the faces of the Pangu Clan, the Nuwa Clan, and other intelligent species, as if all their feelings were hidden behind the thick ice.

Li Yao finally realized something very strange.

As far as he could see, more than 70% of the feelings of the prehistoric species who established laboratories in the primeval relics had been sealed.

Maybe, only such people could withstand the endless, bizarre, unbelievable mysteries and fears in the middle level of the primeval relics.

If they had normal emotions and realized that hundreds of species that were as strong as the Pangu Civilization over billions of years had perished, they would’ve gone mad and failed to make any progress in their research.

Only the girl, perhaps because of her young age, was able to show some normal emotions. It was probably because she was particularly close to the Supreme Emperor.

Then, the picture blinked. The researchers were performing all kinds of intense and destructive experiments on the golden meat ball.

The researchers stimulated the defense ability of the golden ball with intense electric arcs, tested the self-recovery ability of the golden ball with highly toxic and corrosive liquids, and even intentionally denied the golden ball any nutrition for a long time to test its limits.

It was as if they did not want the Supreme Emperor in the golden meat ball to be born at all.

Such vigilant, hostile, and even malicious treatment naturally aroused the Supreme Emperor’s resistance. In the next picture, a tall member of the Pangu Clan was lying on the ground outside the crystal tower. His head had exploded, and blood and cooling liquids were spluttering everywhere.

Shocked researchers were all around him. Even though they had sealed most of their emotions, they could not stop the uncontrollable fear they had for the golden ball. “I killed a researcher.

The tomb watcher’s voice was both dull and cold. He said, one word after another, “The guy was a geneticist and a pharmacologist. He was best at cracking the fragments deep inside the gene strands with various naturally-extracted and synthesized poisons. He injected almost a hundred kinds of venom into my embryo to test my self-recovery and immunity. He even tried to implant a seal into my gene strand, which was a gene fragment that was full of his commands. When I was really born, if necessary, my body would automatically secrete all kinds of hormones with a telepathic thought, which would be synthesized into a deadly poison and poison myself.

“This is one of the seals that the primeval civilization came up with to contain me and all mankind.

“It was not the most effective seal, but it was indeed the most painful one. I was almost poisoned to death by his drugs many times, only to be saved by his antidotes. In a sense, my brain was indeed full of bizarre illusions, as if the past billions of years ago were flashing and being stolen by him one by one.

“In most cases, I don’t hate what the researchers did. After all, most of the experiments caused me little pain. Besides, I could read the secrets deep inside the genes through the experiments and get to know myself better. “But the methods of the researcher were too painful. I didn’t hate him. I just wanted to get rid of the miserable state. Also, now that I was separated from my only friend, I was filled with frustration and frustration for the first time and simply wanted to vent it out. “Therefore, when he walked toward me with a syringe filled with venom again, I concentrated all my strength and performed a small ‘push’ in his brain.

“It’s very difficult to explain what the so-called ‘push’ is. It’s like an upgraded version of hypnosis. With a sweep of my telepathic thoughts, I will be able to clearly scan the way his brain functions. I will even be able to determine the specific part of his brain that can influence his decisions. Then, as long as I slightly compress his mind, I will be able to influence his decisions.

“I hoped, no, commanded him to inject the venom into his body.

“To be fair, I did not intend to kill him, because I knew that he would prepare antidotes at the same time when he was preparing a venom. After all, they only wanted to stimulate my genetic memory with the venom and test my self-recovery and immunity at the same time. They did not mean to kill me. Although the antidotes in the past had all kinds of side effects and the process was quite painful, they all worked wonders when it came to reviving the dead.

“Therefore, I believe that, even if he injects venom into himself, he can save himself with the antidote immediately. At most, he will suffer a little bit.

“However, my ‘push’ shocked the researcher of the Pangu Clan. He summoned all his brainwaves and mental power to resist me subconsciously.

“For me, this level of mental confrontation is just a game in the wind and rain. I didn’t care and increased the ‘push’ force, but the guy’s eyes were wide open. Every inch of his skin was red, and his face was like a cracked ice shell. He couldn’t have been more terrified. The wrinkles on the back of his head were spurting hot streams. In the end, his head exploded before the other researchers realized what was going on.

“I made a big mistake. “Or rather, I have shown too much capability and terrifying potential. It is no longer something that the Pangu civilization can suppress with regular methods. They have decided to suspend the research project and put me in a super long hibernation state for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years… or forever, until they make progress in other fields and are confident that they can control me and unfreeze me for new studies.

“I didn’t have the slightest chance to resist.

“At that time, I was just a small embryo after all. No matter how many mysteries were buried in the depths of my genes, I was still unable to do anything due to the lack of nutrition, energy, and a body of flesh and blood. It was one thing to hypnotize an unsuspecting researcher, but it was a whole different thing to hypnotize over a hundred mental combat experts who were on high alert and had all kinds of ‘brainwave amplifiers’. The latter was a hundred times more difficult.

“I knew that they had injected the hibernation drugs and all kinds of weird nutrition drugs into my body and turned the crystal tower that carried me into a giant, transparent amber, but there was nothing I could do.

“The vigorous and turbulent sea of consciousness gradually calmed down and solidified.

“I can sense the range and routes around me. They are shrinking and dispersing, too.

“Before, I could sense dozens of kinds of visible lights, invisible lights, and high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the hundreds of square meters nearby. I could hear the heartbeats of countless researchers, the flow of their blood, and the sizzling sound of their brainwaves. But the glamorous brilliance and noises were all taken away. Sleepiness surged up uncontrollably like a thick black tide and covered the golden meat ball in a black membrane.

“I should’ve fallen asleep like this. Maybe, I will never wake up again.

“But right then, deafening noises and earthshaking explosions echoed outside the laboratory. Even I, who was about to hibernate, could feel the intense scent of killing.

“Now that I’ve been injected with a lot of hibernation drugs and completed 95% of the hibernation procedure, I don’t think there will be any more trouble. All the researchers left me alone and ran out.

“I don’t know how long it took, but my friend rushed in and rushed to the crystal tower that sealed me.

“Her body was smeared with blood and smoke. She seemed to be in a panic.

“She told me that all the researchers of the Pangu Clan, the Nuwa Clan, and the other species living in the primeval relics were betrayed by the outsiders.

“Just as they feared the ‘True Human Beings’ of the primeval era, the Pangu Clan outside feared them, too. They feared the ancient mysteries that they studied day and night. Therefore, they grasped extraordinary technology and ancient magical equipment. The clansmen outside demanded that they hand over all the research files and the war machines that they excavated. They even asked the clansmen outside to teach them how to use war machines such as the ‘space knights’.

“However, those are just excuses. “My friend told me that, outside the primeval relics, her compatriots had been engaged in a protracted civil war that almost destroyed the entire Pangu civilization. It also destroyed the Pangu Clan, the Nuwa Clan, the Zhurong Clan, the Gonggong Clan, the Kuafu Clan, the Houyi Clan… All the beautiful feelings and moral principles deep inside the hearts of the ancient carbon-based intelligent species.

“Even though both sides were at the end of their rope in the civil war, like two vipers that were biting each other’s ankles, they would rather perish together than to let go of each other.

“The desperate and desperate parties both focused their attention on the ancient relics, hoping to recruit the experts and researchers there as their ‘secret weapons’. At the same time, they were scared that the innocent and gullible non-combatants would be lured to the enemy’s side. If so, they would rather make the first move and destroy all the experts and researchers together with their research results!

“It sounds unbelievable, but a war is the most unreasonable thing in the world. The two parties who are on a killing spree have no scruples at all. They call themselves the real dominators and the rightful successors of the Pangu Civilization, which means that they have the right to command their compatriots in the primeval relics. If the experts, scholars, and researchers in the primeval relics do not listen to their commands, they will be traitors of the entire civilization. Naturally, they will be punished without mercy!

For a brother’s book, RE: Wang Jin’s Idle Daily Life, author “Wang Daoyi”, if you are interested, you can go and support him. Thank


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