Chapter 3159: Reincarnation Prison

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“I’m sorry, Sister Qingqing. As for your proposal, the committee will have to study and discuss it. I’m afraid it won’t be so easy to make a decision. It might take a year and a half before a decision is made.

Ding Lingdang said somewhat embarrassedly, “But you don’t need to be in such a hurry, because the research related to ‘super teleportation’ and ‘anti-space folding’ have been carried out as fast as possible.

The research on the super teleportation technology did not start today but three years ago, when Gu Wuxin almost turned into a rainbow. To this day, the best experts of mankind and the survivors of the primeval era had a profound understanding about the nature and form of the ‘Rainbow Bridge’. The ‘anti-space folding’ technology brought by Wei Qingqing could be verified and answered by each other, thereby accelerating mankind’s understanding of the mysteries of space.

“It doesn’t matter. I understand—even I believe that the whole thing is not as simple as it seems. Maybe there is a great scheme behind it.”

Wei Qingqing said, “Everything we know right now is just my side of the story. Even if I didn’t mean to deceive you, who knows whether or not I have been brainwashed by the so-called debris of the ‘Messenger starship’? In fact, there is no such thing as a ‘Messenger starship’ or an alliance of the resistors. Everything is a trap set up by the tides so that all the resistors will walk right into the trap without any trouble. Isn’t it possible?

“Even if the Courier starships and the coalition of the resistors do exist, it does not mean that they have revealed the whole truth to us. In any case, the main body of the coalition of the resistors is the remnants of the Primeval Civilization. Who knows what kind of values the ‘cosmic conquerors’ and the ‘tyrants of the sea of stars’ had, and whether or not they are in line with the tiny civilization of human beings in the Pangu Universe? Maybe, they blew the horn and summoned ‘cannon fodder’ instead of the coalition army. The possibility is very high, too.

“All in all, whether the information that the carrier brought is true or false, what is in front of us is far from a bright road. Our remote and insignificant civilization is destined to endure countless setbacks, tribulations, and tests in order to survive in the endless sea of stars, isn’t it?

Wei Qingqing looked at the stars in the sky, her voice distant and calm.

“…You’re right.”

Ding Lingdang was dazed for a while before she replied, “The bottom line is, we are still too weak. For the weak, any action of the strong can be a scheme or a trap. We have no choice at all.

“Yes. Just like when the Earth was destroyed, the two feeble and terrified fleets of refugees left the mother planet one after another and became the dominators of the sea of stars.

Wei Qingqing said, “The strong change from the weak. If the civilization of mankind, which originated from Earth in the past, can do it, why can’t we, the civilization of mankind from the Pangu Universe? It doesn’t matter whether it is a scheme or a trap. We knew that there were tigers in the mountains, but we still chose to go there. This is our only chance. These words should come from your mouth, not mine.”

Ding Lingdang was silent for a moment.

“Let’s change the topic. I… have some questions for Sister Qingqing.”

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Ding Lingdang hesitated.


Wei Qingqing smiled, “What do you want to know?”

“About Earth…”

Ding Lingdang said, “Of course, we all know that the real Earth was destroyed billions of years ago. But tell me, with the capability of the ‘quasi-god civilization’, is it possible to build a new Earth, including countless ignorant ‘earthlings’, and let them reenact the development of the old Earth civilization?”

“If the intelligence provided by the carrier is correct and the coalition of the resistors can build a ‘black hole fortress’ with the power of billions of black holes, what’s the big deal about building another Earth?

Wei Qingqing said, “Choose a habitable planet of a suitable size and size, simulate the environment of the primeval earth through the modification of the atmosphere and the crust, and then throw in a lot of ‘earthlings’ whose memories have been purged and tampered with, or who were born in the laboratories in the first place, and build one or even a hundred Earths to soothe their homesickness or to simulate the different changes in history. Of course, this is very possible.

“If they are not entities in the three-dimensional universe but the complicated data in the virtual world, it will be even simpler. I believe that, with the technological capability of a civilization at the level of a Quasi God, countless ‘virtual earths’ and billions of ‘virtual earths’ can be created within a moment, right?


Ding Lingdang was a bit nervous. “According to the information you received from the carrier, have you ever heard of such ‘replicating Earth’ or ‘virtual Earth’ in the middle of a flood?”

“I didn’t know that.”

Wei Qingqing said, “But I’m told that there is a very mysterious and terrifying prison in the depths of the flood where all the people who were unwilling to submit to the flood for billions of years are locked.


Ding Lingdang was surprised. “What do you mean?”

“Although the flood was unstoppable and swallowed species and civilizations one after another, especially when it defeated the Primeval Civilization and absorbed the thousands of universes that belonged to it, not all the individuals were willing to submit to its tyranny.

Wei Qingqing explained, “The three armies can seize the commander-in-chief position, but ordinary people can’t seize the will. It’s easy to crush a civilization, but it’s difficult to make all the individuals of the civilization obediently submit. For the individuals of the defeated race and civilization, the stronger they are, the more tenacious their will is, the more independent their spirit is, and the more unwilling they are to meld with the souls of thousands of people.

“The flood tide has already captured these people. It is a piece of cake to kill them. However, such a simple and crude approach will not achieve the ultimate purpose of the flood tide. It will even give these people a quick release.

“Therefore, such a prison exists in the depths of the flood. It is known as ‘reincarnation prison’ by the coalition of the rebels. Countless unyielding heroic souls are locked up there, including the ‘Vulture Plan’ that I mentioned three days ago. It is very likely that it is the ‘prison break’ of the heroic souls.

“So it was like this.”

Ding Lingdang stared at Li Yao and thought for a long time. Eventually, she couldn’t help but ask, “Sister Qingqing, let’s say—let’s say—let’s say Li Yao is still alive. Is it possible that his soul is locked in the ‘Reincarnation Prison’?”

“I don’t know.”

Wei Qingqing said, “But such a possibility does exist. Death is not the end. It is just the beginning of the other side of the journey. According to your description, Li Yao’s soul is already strong enough. Even if most of his life information has been erased, it must still be of great research value. Chances are that he is locked in the ‘Reincarnation Prison’.”

“Therefore, we still have a chance, even if it is one in a billion, to rescue him and revive him?”

Ding Lingdang was extremely excited. But on second thought, she was greatly disappointed. “Forget it. Even if such a possibility does exist, the defense of the ‘reincarnation prison’ must be extremely tight. Li Yao’s soul must be the target of high-level surveillance. His every move and ours will be detected by the flood. Our recklessness will only be walking into a trap and getting ourselves killed.”

“Not necessarily.”

Wei Qingqing said, “This is what I told you earlier. To understand the existence of the flood tide with our language and thinking methods is completely different. In fact, whether it is the words ‘civilization’, ‘alliance’, or ‘reincarnation prison’, they were all randomly put together in order to explain it.

“You shouldn’t think of the flood as a civilization billions of times more advanced than that of mankind. Instead, you should think of it as a certain… gargantuan life form that includes the universe. It is a super life form with the ‘universe’ as its body and billions of shining stars as its thought fire. At the very least, it is evolving toward such an unbelievable ‘cosmic life form’.

“And we, the little carbon-based intelligent creatures, are equivalent to… bacteria and viruses.

“For example, you might be able to monitor the outbreak and destruction of a common cold. You might be able to come up with various methods to prevent and eliminate it. You might be able to intervene with the common cold. You might have various methods to protect yourself, but it would be impossible for you to monitor every specific cold virus, right?”

Ding Lingdang was slightly surprised and nodded subconsciously.

“By the same logic, when you find that there is some kind of bacterial infection or imbalance in your body that will affect your health, you can take medicine and IV fluids, you can use the most advanced treatment measures, and you can also activate the immune system inside your body to deal with it.

Wei Qingqing continued, “But you still can’t lock onto every specific bacterium and destroy them one by one… There’s absolutely no need for that, is there?”


Ding Lingdang said, “I kind of understand what you are trying to say. You are saying that, assuming that the tide is a gargantuan giant, because the giant is too enormous, it is impossible for him to communicate with us ‘bacteria and viruses’ directly, and it is even difficult for him to monitor a specific ‘bacteria and virus’? After billions of years of evolution, he has actually turned into a completely different life form from us and cut off the ability to communicate with us?”

“Yes. Not to mention that the giant was still at the weakest moment of his life. You may imagine him to be a seriously wounded giant who was barely breathing.

Wei Qingqing said, “He is trying his best to treat his disease. Maybe his ‘treatment plan’ will eliminate billions of germs and viruses in the blink of an eye. However, monitoring a specific bacteria and virus? I don’t think it is necessary.”

“I understand now. When a giant swallows all the stars in the universe and the entire universe needs to process the endless information from billions of stars every second, it is indeed difficult to squeeze out the redundant computational ability to pay special attention to an empty soul.

Ding Lingdang mumbled, “However, even if we can break into the ‘Reincarnation Prison’, it will be hundreds of years later. Can Li Yao really wait that long?”

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