Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3135 - When the Super Body Met the Primeval Lord

Chapter 3135: When the Super Body Met the Primeval Lord

Gu Wuxin paused for a moment. Then, his facial muscles twitched uncontrollably, and his expression turned extremely weird.

He seemed to be laughing and crying at the same time. Every muscle fiber was twisted in different directions, as if a hundred, a thousand, and ten thousand faces were covering his face at the same time with different expressions.

“Very soon, my predecessors realized that the ‘super-body technology’ far exceeded the scope of the large-scale telepathy of the Pangu Clan. Not only did it increase their wisdom, it also involved the construction of brand-new social and civilization ideologies, new life forms, and a higher relationship between life and the universe!

Gu Wuxin’s voice seemed to be coming from ten thousand mouths and ten thousand brains at the same time, echoing in Li Yao’s head like a surging tide. “We are both independent individuals and co-born a small, hopeful new life. We can also let go of ourselves and integrate into it. We can perceive each other’s thoughts about the ancient relics and our civilization. Countless ideologies and paths have been melded perfectly. The barriers, doubts, and negative emotions that we had in the past have all vanished. We are now living in the purest, clearest, and brightest happiness. Even when a certain expert passed away, his wisdom, his memories, his emotions, and his thinking patterns did not die out. Instead, they continued to exist in the super bodies as information.

“From this point of view, you can think of it as an individual gaining an ‘immortal body’ after being connected to a super body. Even if your body rots, your soul will still shine brightly in other people’s brains and be eternal!

“Of course, of course, as I said, we were not controlled by the super body of the main civilization outside of the Pangu Universe. Even though we formed our own super bodies, we retained our independent will and thinking ability. At that time, we were not prepared to fully open the Pangu Universe and let the main civilization march in.

“Moreover, at that time, our super bodies were still very weak. We only recruited a small number of open-minded experts and scholars. Most of the people in the Heavenly Palace were radical ‘liberal fundamentalists’ who were entangled by the bad habits of the carbon-based intelligent creatures. It was impossible for them to understand or agree with everything we did.

“However, as you know, as time went by, the chronic disease of the Pangu civilization became more and more obvious. All kinds of conflicts and disasters broke out. Small-scale conflicts, famine, and even massacres took place one after another. In the end, a total civil war between the Pangu Clan and the Nuwa Clan took place.

“Although we are in a celestial palace that is isolated from the rest of the world, we are still very concerned about the situation of the entire Pangu Universe. It is our home and homeland. We chose to burn our life and everything in this lifeless, desolate ancient tomb to save our civilization.

“It’s a pity that, however hard we try, a lot of ancient technology has been analyzed and duplicated and sent to our civilization, only to no avail. We cannot stop the total decline and collapse of our civilization. We can only watch the civilization we love walk on the path of destruction that a hundred pioneers once walked on.

“The primeval relics and the heritage of the Primeval Clan can’t save our civilization. The righteous, the righteous, and the kind paths can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause and buy us more time. Only the ‘unified body of super information in the universe—the super body’—is the ultimate answer to save our civilization!

“The apocalyptic civil war has taught us a lesson. If the destruction of the Pangu civilization is inevitable, let’s plant new seeds with the super bodies so that our civilization will be reborn in raging flames and bring eternal brightness and peace to the Pangu Universe!

Gu Wuxin was almost moved by his sincerity and enthusiasm when he said that. He was apparently enjoying himself.

The four monsters around him, and even the big faces that popped up from the ocean of foam, had exactly the same expression as his. It was quite a creepy scene.

“Well said!”

Li Yao braced himself and said, “Wars to be extinguished, violence and oppression, eternal light and peace... In the end, didn’t the Flood Tide Legion annihilate everyone who didn’t agree with you with brute force?”

“This is ‘evil that is necessary’. Peace cannot bring peace. Only violence can bring peace. Have you never resorted to violence on the path of justice?”

Gu Wuxin said casually, “The civilization of mankind in the old days created the first generation of the super bodies when the earth was destroyed. Then, it made up its mind that such a tragedy could not be allowed to happen again. It was determined to create a new era in the dark, cold sea of the universe where there was no war, violence, darkness, or evil. There was only peace, kindness, happiness, justice, and brightness.

“That’s what they thought, and that’s what they did. When they finally grasped the space navigation technology and marched out of the solar system and even the Milky Way to explore the entire sea of stars, they encountered countless low-level civilizations and alien species. But they barely had any conflicts with the ‘outsiders’. Instead, they invited the ‘outsiders’ to join their ranks and join their super families.

“Of course, there were countless twists and turns and conflicts in the beginning, but the earthlings resolved them with their unique patience and thoughtfulness.

“When the alien species were connected to the super bodies, they shared the history of human civilization and the life on Earth instantly. They also shared the feelings, memories, and ways of thinking of billions of people. In the meantime, the earthlings shared the origins of the alien species and the glamorous scenes of the low-level civilizations through the super bodies. They all realized the importance of communication and integration. One plus one was always greater than two. They were all the children of the universe and even part of the vast universe. They were the tiny cells on the body of the universe. Was there a need to kill each other?

“From then on, the super body was like a snowball, growing larger and larger in the sea of the universe. Its tentacles extended to every sub-universe and every space zone. Thousands of species were willing to be connected to the super body and share everything with each other.

“At this stage, the number of alien species and low-level civilizations connected to the supernaturals far exceeds the number of earthlings. It is no longer appropriate to call them ‘earthlings’ or ‘human beings’. Let’s just call them ‘supernaturals’.

“In this way, the super body civilization really achieved the ‘eternal peace’ within a certain range. All the races that were connected to the super bodies, regardless of whether or not their appearances were hideous and ugly, regardless of how the strong preyed on the weak in history, regardless of how cruel and cruel they were, regardless of whether or not there was a blood feud in the past, regardless of whether or not there were endless conflicts, let go of everything, be reborn, and become part of the super bodies in a brand-new form. There were no selfish desires, no hatred, no violence, and naturally, there was no war. Even after several generations of evolution, the boundary of the race no longer existed... What a perfect new civilization this was!

“It was a pity that the good times did not last long. Although the Universe Ocean was vast and boundless, it could not accommodate the endless desires of certain ambitious species. When the super body civilization explored and invited more species to join the peaceful, friendly, and equal family in the Universe Ocean in their own way, they finally encountered another ferocious, dark civilization—the Primeval Civilization, their ‘brother’ on Earth in the old days!

“The super body civilization and the Primeval Civilization are like duplicates in the mirror.

“If the super body civilization represents brightness, friendship, and peace, then the Primeval Civilization represents darkness, hatred, and conquest.

“Wherever the super body civilization goes, it will extend its friendly tentacles and invite all the intelligent creatures with carbon bases to join its family. There will be absolutely no discrimination, exploitation, or oppression. Even the most primitive alien species in space will be able to receive the ‘invitation code’ that is connected to the super body with a spark of wisdom and be taught selflessly by the other species in the super body.

“Wherever the Primeval Civilization went, they butchered the intelligent alien species in space, wiped out all the low-level civilizations that could threaten them emotionlessly, destroyed the homes of the civilizations, enslaved the citizens of the civilizations, and modified the prosperous planets to the point that they were unrecognizable just so that they could live a comfortable life.

“Moreover, after they conquered most of the natural paradises in the sea of stars, when there were no more low-level civilizations or alien species for them to kill, they would pour their dark and evil lust for killing on their own kind and wage a prolonged, destructive civil war.

“The civil war of the Primeval Civilization almost destroyed one third of the natural paradises in the center of the universe and the future of countless civilizations and intelligent creatures, including themselves.

“They are simply the disgrace of the civilization of mankind in the past. They are also the most evil destroyers in the sea of the universe. They are the ‘cancer of the universe’!

“Despite their darkness, evilness, and cruelty, when the super civilization and the Primeval Civilization met for the first time, the super civilization still had no intention of attacking the Primeval Civilization.

“The history of the ancient Earth has long been buried in the smoke of time. The super civilization is a civilization that values peace and does not care about the grudges of the past.

“What’s more, during the long exploration and growth, the super body civilization was used to peace, friendship, selflessness, and sharing. They had long forgotten the methods of war, slaughter, and conquest.

“In accordance with their usual attitude, the super civilization sent out the tentacles of endless information and invited the Primeval Civilization to join their family. They hoped that the Primeval Civilization could learn the spirit of selfless sharing and resolve the grudges of the past in such a way, thereby changing the nature of the Primeval Civilization.

“It’s a pity that, hehe, the Primeval Civilization is used to their own methods.

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