From Nun to Real Heiress: Expert at Turning the Tables

Chapter 342 - Chapter 342: 156 Worth it (Second Update)

Chapter 342: 156 Worth it (Second Update)

Translator: 549690339

For a moment, the entire Zhu family’s living room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Ming Ti and Ming Chen frowned and looked at Lin Qing.

Madam Zhou cautiously glanced at Ming Jing’s face, reciting Amitofo in her heart. What on earth was Madam trying to do?

Lin Qing regretted shouting that sentence immediately, looking awkwardly at Ming Jing.

She actually saw Ming Jing smile, as if she didn’t care at all.

A surge of anger rose, and Lin Qing’s regret instantly dissipated.

“Cultivating one’s mind is for progress, nun is an identity, being a Miss in the Zhu family is also an identity, they do not conflict with each other.”

Ming Jing thought for a moment and looked at Lin Qing’s blushing face: “I know what you expect, and what you are disappointed in. I cannot give you an answer now, but you will understand in the near future.”

After finishing her words, Ming Jing didn’t look at Lin Qing again and helped Granny Zhu back to her room.

When Lin Qing came out of Granny Zhu’s room, she still stood in place. Seeing Ming Jing, she pursed her lips and turned to go upstairs.

“Cousin.” Zhou Bao called cautiously.

She somehow felt that Ming Jing had changed some things upon her return. Does becoming a star do this to a person?

Ming Jing nodded and went upstairs with Ming Chen, while Ming Ti happily followed behind Ming Jing.

Everyone was afraid of Ming Jing except for them. In their memory, Ming Jing has always been like this.

“Sister, where did Aunt Wen go? I haven’t seen her for a long time.” Ming Chen looked up and asked.

“One-one misses her?”

Ming Chen thought seriously with her little eyebrows furrowed and nodded: “One-one misses Aunt Wen. Aunt Wen tells me stories every night. Now, there is no one to tell me, and One-one doesn’t want to sleep.”

Ming Jing smiled, hoping that Zhu Shaodan and Zhu Xiangxiang would not disappoint her.

“Sister, will you be a star in the future?” Ming Chen asked excitedly.

Ming Jing shook her head.

“Ah? But you recorded a variety show, and now you have a lot of fans. Everyone likes you. On Weibo, your name is always on the trending list. If you don’t become a star, it’ll be a waste.” Ming Chen was genuinely disappointed, and she was now the number one fan of “Seeking Truth” CP.

“There are more important things in life. You are still young, so study hard. All experience and wisdom come from books. When you figure it out later, you will be ashamed of asking such a question today.”

Ming Chen did not quite understand, but Ming Ti was deeply thoughtful and said seriously: “Sister, I understand.”

Ming Jing thought of something and asked: “How was your entrance exam?”

Ming Chen immediately became happy and said: “Ming Ti and I both scored full marks; we did not disgrace Sister. We just received the admission notices yesterday. Sister, let me show you.”

Ming Chen ran into her room and came out with two admission notices in her hand. After giving them to Ming Jing, she looked excitedly at her, waiting for praise.

Ming Jing looked at both notices: Jiangzhou High School, Junior High Division, Class 1A.

Ming Jing smiled: “Elite class, very good. What rewards do you two want?”

Ming Chen thought for a moment: “Sister, studying hard is what we should do. We don’t want rewards, just having you with us every day is enough.”

Ming Jing tapped her head: “You, so smooth-talking.”

“Hehe.” Ming Chen held Ming Jing’s arm and smiled happily.

Ming Ti noticed Ming Jing’s tired face and pulled Ming Chen. She said to Ming Jing, “Sister, go back to your room and rest. Ming Chen and I are going to review our first-grade lessons.”

Ming Jing watched the two leave and returned to her room.

Starting tomorrow, she would enter the training camp. Although there were only five days left, it was enough.

Ye Zhen had returned to the sanatorium, and Han Suwen would be back soon.

The results must have come out at Ran Tengxiao’s place.

It’s time to close the net.

“Master Xiao, the results are out.” Ye Jian shook his head.

Ran Tengxiao furrowed his brows.

“Did I guess wrong?”

Ye Jian said, “Although we have ruled out the possibility of Ming Xin being the true daughter of the Zhu’s, it doesn’t mean that Ms. Zhu’s identity is not suspicious.”

Ran Tengxiao looked at him: “What do you suspect?”

“If we assume that Ms. Zhu is not the real daughter of the Zhu’s, then why would she pretend? Is her motive suspicious? Since she returned to Jiangzhou, in just a few months, she has had a close relationship with Shen Zhou, Madam Jiang, and the young master of the Qus. Master Xiao, as you have also said, too many coincidences are no longer coincidences, and everything is premeditated. Why would she do this? It can only be said that there is a deeper conspiracy behind her.”

Not only that, but the thing that made Ran Tengxiao most suspicious was the Narcissus Basin.

“Is there any news from Shou Chang? Hurry up, I’m running out of patience.” The man turned the jade ring on his thumb and said in a chilling tone.

Ye Jian shook his head, “It seems that he really doesn’t know much about the events of that year.”

“No, this old man is hiding something, so keep a close watch.”


Ran Tengxiao thought of something and curved his lips: “Ms. Zhu is most adept at deceiving people, perhaps we have been tricked by her.”

Ye Jian was surprised: “How can it be possible, unless she knew everything from the beginning, but how could that be?”

If that were the case, this Zhu Mingjing would be too terrifying – all of their plans were within her calculations. What a dreadful schemer she must be.

Ye Jian suddenly shuddered, thinking that everyone in Jiangzhou believed Ms. Zhu to be gentle and compassionate, which he found utterly terrifying.

If it was true, the motives behind Zhu Mingjing would be highly suspicious.

“Maybe, from the moment she returned to Jiangzhou, or even before she returned, she started to arrange everything. Madam Jiang, Shen Zhou, Qu Feitai, and even me, are all on her chessboard. Interesting, I’d like to see what her final goal is.”

A person cannot act without a purpose, and Zhu Mingjing’s purpose is not yet clear. The position of the Zhu’s daughter is not worth her great efforts. So, what exactly is she after?

Ran Tengxiao thought about what Zhao Qin said that day: Xi Yu… Xi Yu is the son of Ji Chang, who is more trusted by Ran Bowen than Lu Chang and Shou Chang. Otherwise, after Ji Chang’s betrayal years ago, Ran Bowen would not have been furious and chased him all the way to Jingdu.

Ji Chang is a smart and cautious man, so he definitely had a backup plan. Maybe he knew that this day would come, and passed the secret to Xi Yu. Whether Xi Yu approached Zhu Mingjing to avenge his father or to…

Ran Tengxiao suddenly stood up: “We were wrong, maybe we were wrong from the very beginning.”

Ye Jian was surprised: “Master Xiao…”

“Yu Jiang, Yu Jiang.” Ran Tengxiao suddenly laughed.

Those memories had become very vague, but he would never forget those gentle eyes.

They had agreed that when he returned, she would teach him martial arts. He had been envious of her “Swallow Skimming the Water” for a long time, and she had smilingly agreed.

Little did they know that it would be their final goodbye.

It’s been twelve years: out of sight, out of mind.

She achieved success with two years of hidden endurance, but twelve years have passed, and Ran Bowen is still a prominent figure. She, on the other hand, has been forever forgotten in the river of time.

Was it worth it?

Was the result worth all she sacrificed, even her life?

Others have risen to prominence on the merit of her efforts, but she is either buried anonymously in the wilderness or living a quiet, secluded life under a different name.

Ran Tengxiao sighed and looked at the setting sun in the distance, his expression blank.

Ye Jian bowed his head in fear.

Yu Jiang’s name is a taboo in the Qinglong Association.

But ever since Master Xiao mentioned this name, he would fall into inexplicable emotions. Gradually, Ye Jian came to understand.

For the past two years, Master Xiao had been painstakingly investigating the events of twelve years ago and searching for Yu Jiang’s whereabouts. Although it seemed to be for the purpose of appeasing the Four Elders and finding the Qinglong Seal, it was also to give an explanation to his younger self.

People of the Ran family were all sentimental, and Master Xiao was no exception.

Having wealth and power, all he sought for was that original thrill that he once felt.

Upon leaving the study, Ye Jian saw Ye Shuang, and his brow furrowed unconsciously: “What are you doing here? Master Xiao asked you to keep an eye on Shou Chang. Is there a situation

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