From Nun to Real Heiress: Expert at Turning the Tables

Chapter 369 - Chapter 369: 169 Unsteady (One more)_2

Chapter 369: 169 Unsteady (One more)_2

Translator: 549690339

Uncle Wen sighed quietly to himself just as he saw Lin Qing help Zhu Xiangxiang into the living room.

On hearing Madam Zhou’s startled, pitch-altered gasp, followed by Granny Zhu’s contemptuous exclamation of “ridiculous”, Uncle Wen felt a disquiet in his heart. Once again, The Zhu family was headed for turmoil.

A jarring racket echoed, as Zhu Shaodan arrived on a motorcycle. He barely stopped the bike before eager questioning, “Is my sister back?”

Uncle Wen nodded, watching as the young man rushed forward like a gust of wind.

The siblings, long separated, embraced each other enthusiastically.

Zhu Xiangxiang asked, “Where’s Ming Jing?”

As her words fell, the entire living room was instantly struck winter-still.

Lin Qing and Zhu Shaodan fell into simultaneous silence.

Granny Zhu cast a glance at Madam Zhou, who replied, “Madam is in the garden.”

Madam Zhou grumbled to herself, “So, that’s it. Madam Zhu’s recent abnormal behavior was all for Zhu Xiangxiang. She brought Zhu Xiangxiang back without a word to anyone. Where does that leave Ming Jing?”

Ming Chen and Ming Ti stood by the entrance gallery on the third floor, watching the scene in the living room with mutual suspicion.

“This woman just won’t go away. She’s going to latch onto The Zhus,” huffed Ming Chen indignantly.

Ming Ti squinted slightly, her perspective somewhat deeper. “If Madam had a stronger will, Zhu Xiangxiang would never have come back. Ming Jing, devoted to her faith, is detached from worldly desires. Madam Zhu, as a mother, wants nothing but familial harmony. She can’t find that in Ming Jing, so naturally, she rekindled the flame for her adopted daughter. A few months of coldness cannot freeze sixteen years of a mother and daughter’s affection,” she scoffed.

“So, what now? Just let Zhu Xiangxiang swagger her way back in? That’s much too unfair to Ming Jing.”

“Patience. Remember what Ming Jing told us — don’t be impetuous,” Ming Ti responded.

“Well, I am holding my breath, I’m sure Zhu Xiangxiang’s return is not well-intentioned,” Chen retorted.

Ming Ti arched her lips into a smile, “Let’s wait and see.”

Although Ming Jing is spiritually focused and compassionate, that doesn’t mean she will be indifferent to someone crossing her. If Zhu Xiangxiang steps over the line, she will regret ever being born into this world.

As their Master once claimed, Ming Jing being born into Buddhism is both a blessing and a curse.

The holy teachings of Buddhism cleanse the soul, wash away the murder, and atone for one’s sins. This long, long path towards re-establishing bone and blood ties…

Uncle Wen squinted at a pure white silhouette in the distance in the garden. She had been standing there for some time, as motionless as a statue.

“Madam, Madam is back, and she has brought, Madam Xiangxiang.”

Ming Jing straightened her skirt, turned around, and replied with a soft smile, “You’ve worked hard, Uncle Wen.”

Unable to maintain eye contact, Uncle Wen quickly diverted his gaze. “I am used to it, Madam. It is you who are truly overworked.”

Those involved cannot see as clearly as impartial bystanders.

Ming Jing smiled and walked out of the garden.

After over a month, Zhu Xiangxiang laid eyes on Ming Jing again.

She was always so sanctified, elusive like a fairy, as if the common folk were not fit for her gaze.

People proclaimed her magnanimous and compassionate. Zhu Xiangxiang snorted in disbelief, for only she knew the ugly hypocrisy beneath that perfect facade.

Having learned from her last stint of troubles, she would not lose her cool so easily again. Above all else, in dealing with Ming Jing, she learned not to let anyone discern her true feelings.

Ming Jing stayed on her high horse, prioritizing her reputation above all; she would not make her move so easily. Zhu Xiangxiang seized the opportunity to stay in The Zhus’ household. As time would pass, she would find a handle on Ming Jing, tear off her mask, and expose her true face to the world.

She flicked a glance at Lin Qing standing next to her. Zhu Xiangxiang purposefully let a hint of fear show in her eyes. Lin Qing gave a comforting pat on her hand then stepped forward, acting as a shield between them as he explained to Ming Jing, “Ming Jing, Xiangxiang had a difficult time in her new home. Her stepfather was intolerable. If I hadn’t arrived in time today, Xiangxiang would have been choked to death by that man. She can’t stay in that kind of home, so I took the liberty of bringing her back without asking. Rest assured, you are the true heiress of The Zhus. Xiangxiang only needs a roof over her head. She won’t fight with you over anything.”

Granny Zhu scoffed coldly, “What kind of person do you think Ming Jing is? What kind of mother are you to speak those words? Also, is my house some sort of hotel – to go and come as one pleases? I thought the incident in your life would have made you wiser. But I see you are still as naive as ever. Among various solutions, you managed to choose the most annoying one. If it was not intentional then it was purely selfish. I am too old to manage all these things. As you wish! Ming Jing, help me back to my room.”

Ming Jing didn’t favor Lin Qing and Zhu Xiangxiang with a glance, rather she turned and pushed Granny Zhu’s wheelchair back towards her bedroom.

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