June was getting way too ahead of himself. So, he shook his head with a chuckle.

"Sorry about that," June chuckled. "There's still some time before that would happen, right? You still need to have a meeting with the company?"

"Yes," Lena sighed. "But, who are you talking about?"

"I'll tell it to you soon," June smiled. "For now, you need to help me with my allegations."

Lena groaned. "You're making me work too much!"

"Aren't you used to that now?" June asked. "Besides, once you start helping me, you'll have lesser workload on your shoulders."

"You always speak in riddles," she scoffed. "So, what do you need me to do? Can I help with the trial after I break up with Lei. I want to get that guy out of my life as soon as possible."

June nearly jumped from his seat. "Break up with him? But why?"

Lena looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you insane?" she exclaimed. "Why would I continue entertaining him after all that he has done. Not to mention he's really bad in bed!"

"Oh, Lena," June said, shaking his head. "You're quite innocent for someone who owns such a big company."

Lena blushed at his words. Why the heck did that have an effect on her?

"W-what do you mean?" she stammered.

"This is the perfect opportunity to help me!" June said with bright eyes. "Now that you know his true colors but he doesn't know yours, you can exploit him to the maximum!"

Lena looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Fuck you," she said. "You want me to put up with him for you?"

"You can do that, right?"

June turned to him with wide eyes and a charming smile. Lena's breath got caught in the back of her throat. He really did look like a kitten the closer you looked at him. For a hot minute, she was silent, just looking at June.

Then, she absent-mindedly nodded.

"Nice!" June exclaimed, snapping him back to reality. "You must really love Minjun to be putting up with this. But then again, I'm not complaining."

Lena covered her mouth and couldn't believe she just agreed. And to think it wasn't because of Minjun but because June looked too much like a cute cat!

"Besides," June added. "Don't you want to get revenge? Imagine his face when he realizes that the person he's been chasing is in front of him all along?"

Well, that sounded pretty fun.

"Fine," Lena sighed in defeat. "So, what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to sign another artist in your company," he started off, making Lena frown. "You have an acting department, right? You're also planning on expanding that."

Lena frowned. "Why do you want me to sign so many people into the company? Phoenix Entertainment is going to go bankrupt because of you!"

"Don't worry," June smiled. "You don't have to deal with a lawsuit because this person is unsigned! We just need you to sign them before Lei does."

"What?" Lena asked, sounding confused.

"The person behind my allegations is Lei," June said. "And the person he's using is someone who always wanted to become an actress but never got the opportunity to."

"And you know this because?" Lena asked.

"Because I know a lot of things," June smiled.

Well, Haruto and Bo Wen knew a lot of things. They just happened to treat June like their master so he also knew about them!

"Fine," Lena sighed. "Will this guarantee that she would back out of the allegations?"

"Yes," June responded. "As long as you guarantee her safety. You would also do that, right?" Lena sighed and nodded. "What else?"

June smirked. "That's it for now," he smiled. "Settle everything with your company first and recruit the person I'm pertaining to."

"Once that's done, we'll proceed to the next phase."


Minmin leaned back in his seat, cracking his knuckles with a smirk. The light from his laptop glowed in the dark room, illuminating the smirk on his face. He stretched once more-gotta get those vibes right—before diving in, fingers flying across the keyboard. It was wild how life could flip in just one day.


Guys. Hold onto your overpriced coffee and tasteless snacks because we've got some news.

Last week, the most beloved member of EVE, the one, the only, June, was hit with some serious allegations. And no, not the "he's too good-looking for his own good" kind-though, let's be real, that's still true.

I'm talking about those kinds of allegations. The ones that got everyone screaming on Navel. Cancel-culture vibes were in full swing. Azure Entertainment? Completely ghosted him like a bad date. Kicked him out, no questions asked. Literally threw him under the bus with no spare



Seoul police just came through with some tea today. And y'all better sit down for this one.

Turns out... it wasn't June. Yep, you heard that right. Not June. The actual victim in the case straight-up told the police, "Oops, wrong guy. June is an innocent man. My bad. So sorry." The official statement from the victim (who's identity still hasn't been revealed and probably will never be), released earlier today, reads as follows:

"I want to sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding and the harm caused. After further review and reflection, I realize that I identified the wrong individual in this case. June was not involved, and he is entirely innocent of the accusations made against him. We did meet in the same club, but nothing remotely sexual happened. None at all. It was a mistake on my part, and I deeply regret any pain and damage this has caused him, his fans, and his career. I hope that this clarification will help set the record straight, and I apologize once again for the distress this situation has caused."

Anyway, as of today, the charges are dropped. And with the charges being dropped, June's lawsuit against Azure Entertainment? Yeeted. Gone. The man is free.

Ever since the truth dropped, support for June has doubled. Tripled even. All those haters? SILENCED. All those fake fans? Blocked and deleted. His real fans-me included-always knew. WE BELIEVED IN JUNE. I mean, have you seen his face?

That is not the face of a guilty man. The audacity of you all to think otherwise!

So, to all you doubters out there who were quick to jump on that cancel train...how does it feel

to be on the wrong side of history?

Minjun smirked as he wrote his article. It has been a while since he wrote something

humorous like this.

"Minmin is back, baby," he muttered before stretching once more.

"Now, let's write that article on Phoenix, shall we?"

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