Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 133 - Last Day

Chapter 133 - Last Day

On the last day. Alicia already too exhausted to get up. She just sat on the bed all day long. Many people are coming to the room. From Rizertia House, Raymond and his wife, butler Ji, Alicia's sisters, Lea and Mia. From Merona House, Firia's father, Marcus, and his wife, Linda. Edmund and his wife also came along with Bryan. The last is Alex, Firia, Marco, and Sherry. Fifteen people in the big bedroom. Alicia sat on the bed and looked at them with a smile on her face. All of them can only hide their worries and smiled back.

"Thank you for coming" Alicia said.

"Father, Mother. Thank you for taking care of me all this time. I know I am a bit willful and brought you many problems."

"No, how can you say that!" Raymond said. He bites his lips.

"That's right. It was a parent joy to see a smile always planted on their daughter's face." Madame also back him up

Alicia smiled, "Father, thank you for always supporting me, for always protecting me from childhood. Mother, thank you for raising me this whole time. I know that you and Father always spared sometime even in your busy day to see sisters and me. I'm sorry that I can't help and lighten your burden."

"No No, this is our job as parents, you three are the greatest blessing in our life" The madame can't hold her tears. Even Raymond's eyes become moist, he trying really hard to keep his tears on the bay. The madame hugged her while crying, Alicia also hugged her back as she let out tears on her pretty face.

After a while, she finally turned to Marcus and Linda, Firia's parents. "Uncle Marcus, Aunt Linda. I'm sorry that…"

Before Alicia finished her words. Linda already hugged her in tears. "You are also my daughter, just like Firia. Don't you dare to say something like that. Firia is very fortunate to have you as her sister."

Marcus nodded repeatedly showing his confirmation to her.

"Aunt Linda, Uncle Marcus. Can I call you Father and Mother too?"

"Of course, my dear" Linda replied hurriedly.

"Father, Mother"

"Yes, my dear" Both Linda and Marcus answered at the same time. Firia closed her eyes, she is trying to hold her tears from falling.

"Elder Sister Lea, Elder Sister Mia. I'm sure that I had brought you many troubles when I'm small." Alicia looked at the eldest one, Lea. "Elder Sister Lea, do you remember when I was six years old, your favorite clothes suddenly disappeared, I stole that. It was found after a day, though."

Lea immediately hugged her. "It is a joy to play with my Little Sister."

"When I was seven years old, we are going to a shop. That time, I suddenly disappeared. Because of my curiosity, I suddenly vanished from your sight and strolled around alone. I almost kidnapped back then, Luckily that Big Sister found me and defeated the kidnappers."

"It was the duty of Elder Sister to protect her little sister."

"Elder Sister Mia, Do you remember when we fought each other because of a toy. We both really wanted the same toy. We fought with each other, and eventually, there is a cold war between us for two days before Father reprimanded us. Back then, even after Father scolded us, there is still a cold war between us. When the next day, Elder Sister suddenly came to me and gave the toy. I always remembered what you said back then, you said, 'I don't want it anymore, If a toy can break the relationship between us, two sisters, then I didn't need it'. Ultimately, we shared the toy with each other, I kept it for a day, and the other day, you will keep it. Until you suddenly bored with it and gave it to me completely. It is still in my bedroom back in Rizertia House. It is my precious treasure, after all."

Mia also gets closer and hugs her. She didn't care about Lea, who still hugging her.

"Elder Sister Lea, Elder Sister Mia. I'm glad that I am your little sister."

"We are also very glad that we become your elder sister. You are our little sister, you are our treasure."

The three sisters hugged for quite a while. Undescribed words are flowing within each of them. Their memories of childhood, when they are together. Whether they are fighting or get along. All of them is a precious memory for them that make them even closer as a family.

After that, she looked at Acacia's King, Carollus. But for her…"Uncle Carollus. Thank you for taking care of me. You were even very protective of me. You always spoiled me that even Big Brother Crown Prince jealous of me. It is saddening that he can't come here for the moment."

"That brat. He only thinking about getting stronger. How can it even more important than his sister. Let see how I will teach him when he goes home." Carollus was angered.

"Hehe… Don't beat him, I'm sure that he had his reason. But…maybe, please hit him once for me, alright?" Alicia giggled a bit.

"Of course, I will hit him for you, hard enough to make him flew higher than our city wall."

"Hehe… But, the thing that I am most thankful for is When you acting and make some illogical reasons and make me Alex's fianceé."

"What… you knew?"

"Of course. That sloppy act. But, I am really thankful for that. If not, I might not be able to stay by his side and made so many happy memories with him and Firia, of course, Sherry too. These four months, each day is the best day ever in my life. Of course, the memories with Uncle, Fathers, Mothers, and Sisters are only second to these memories. Uncle, thank you, thank you, that now I can be his wife."

Carollus can't say anything, he can only hug tightly, he let out all his feeling in this hug.

"Sherry" Alicia call Sherry. She walked closer to Alicia. Alicia stroke her fur. Sherry licks her fingers. She is showing her concern for Alicia.

"Sherry. From now on, I'm leaving Alex in your hand. Please protect him, alright?"

"Wuu" Sherry nodded her head repeatedly.

"I'm sorry for you to do this. From the first time, you brought the unconscious him back to here. Looking at your condition at that time, I know that you have carried him for days or even weeks tirelessly. When you finally arrived, your battered body fell to the ground as you fell unconscious. I know that your bond with him far higher. If you are the same as us, I really wanted a sister like you, we will be by his side forever."


"I know that you always be on his side and helped him in the time he needed." Alicia suddenly got closer and whispered something on her ears "Alex is a charmer. I'm sure that he will charm many women later. This is my personal request, make sure that no bad woman, homewrecker, thieving cat, or a gold digger approached him. You are the one who will judge if they are worthy or not to be by his side. If they are not, make sure you beat them up, so they don't dare to approach him."

"Wuu" Sherry replied.

"Uncle Marco, thank you for taking care of Alex. He can become the way he is now was because of your guidance."

"No no, I basically let him solve his problem alone, I only supported him a little on the back. I don't want him to be dependant on his status. So he can freely soar in the sky like a heavenly dragon, not like some caged dragon. I wanted him to become a sovereign not become someone pet. So even if I'm not beside him. I decided to do that after I saw the darkness deep inside his heart, and now it finally becomes his belief. All the things he achieved at present is from all of his hard work."Marco explained bitterly

Alex, on the side, finally knew the reason why his teacher seemed rarely appear when he was in trouble. When someone provoked him when he offended someone. His inferiority personality that seeped into his bones. It is precisely the thing that his teacher wanted to break. If he too dependent on him, he might become 'Useless Young Master' like those novels he read on Earth, where he flaunted his status, his teacher, etc. He was sure that his teacher also felt pain in his heart, "Teacher…"

"That is still because of your guidance. I'm sure you also felt pained when you did that. I'm glad that you are Alex's Teacher" Alicia smiled.

"Firia" Alicia looked at Firia, "These four months… for me, these four months are the best in my life. I am really happy that I can become Alex's wife. And you became his wife too, made me happier. The memories that I made with you, with Alex, with Sherry. I won't forget about this.

I still remembered when the first time we met in the classroom. I was jealous at that time. I never thought that we became sister that will accompany him to the end of time, I can confidently say that I'm grateful that you also beside him. I'm sure that you have so much to do from now on. Please take care of him, and please take care of me."

Firia can't help but cry. The tears that she tried so hard so they won't fall down, At this moment flowing smoothly on her beautiful face. She hugged Alicia very tightly. "I should be the one who is grateful. If you didn't give the chance to pursue him, to pursue my happiness at that time. I don't know what will I become now."

Alicia smiled, her tears also flowing on her cheeks, "That might be the best decision I have made in my life. Only second to my decision to be in his side."

Firia giggled even though her tears still flowing. Alicia also giggled a little, before she finally said, "I leave him to you."

"Yes. Leave it to me"

Finally, the last person, her husband, Alex. She looked at him, she presents her most beautiful smile. Even though in his heart, he feels pained, he tries his best to smile.

Alicia looked at the rest of the people in the room, "Can I talk to him alone?"

The crowds didn't say anything. They left the room, leaving them alone, even Sherry didn't go back inside of him but follow the group to leave the room.

They looked at each other, holding the sadness in their heart, Memories of the past flooded in their mind, Alicia finally broke the silence.


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