Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 285: Jadeite Mirror Array

285 Jadeite Mirror Array

"He didn't do actual damage to us except the building and family members that were trying to put the fire out. What is this person's objective?"

"Family head. What is your order?"

He gritted his teeth. "Search for him/her first. Since all people this person killed are only Martial Grandmasters. That means, he is afraid of our Martial Lords. Make the elders lead the group and search for this person whereabout.

"It is not too late to break the barrier. If we let this person out, we will lose him. How can our Kasmanan Family retain our face, especially with your advice? Other families will just mock us if we request their help!"


All people started searching for Alex's whereabouts for two hours but to no avail.

At this point, the people from all families had arrived, including the royal family. Even the Alchemist Guild, Forging Master Guild, and the Array Master Guild had come to this place.

They were perplexed as to what happened. Even Bima was forced out of his house to see this scene.

All of them instinctively asked this particular question in their mind, 'Did Kasmanan Family offend someone?'

But because of the Jadeite Mirror Array. The first suspect was the Array Master Guild.

Bima suddenly came to a big old man. Even though his face had aged, his muscular body didn't lose its appearance. This old man looked at Alex's Jadeite Mirror Array in confusion.

"Guild Master, Darma, why is your Array Master Guild attacking the Kasmanan Family? We have been cohabiting for a long time, and our relationship is good. Why do your guild attack the Kasmanan Family? Did they offend you?"

"Offend me? I don't even know what is going on, are you expecting me to answer your question?"

"You don't know anything?" Bima narrowed his eyes.

"I could guarantee it with my identity as the guild master. I don't know anything about this." Darma shook his head. He looked at the array, "This array..."

"What? Do you know anything about this array? Do you know who did this?" Bima asked loudly. Even the other families also tried prying their conversation.

"No, I mean, this array is fascinating. Just look at this, I don't even know if this array even exists. I feel... I have seen something similar..."

"What? Even you, don't know about this array?" Bima was surprised.

Darma was the guild master of Array Master Guild. He was the most knowledgeable person in the Array Master Guild. And to think he didn't even know this array, Bima was bewildered.

"Just look at this barrier... It looks like the barrier is made of jade. The jade looks polished enough to be a mirror." Darma walked closer to the barrier. He said while looking at himself in the barrier.

"This translucent barrier... Jade... mirror... Rank 4..." Darma's eyes brightened.

"What? Do you know what this array is?"

Darma pondered it for a moment before he was startled by what he found. He took a few steps back in surprise. "This... this array is... the long lost Jadeite Mirror Array."

If Alex was here, he might be thinking about Maxwell. 'As expected of God that came to this place a few thousand years ago. Even this array had become the long lost array.'

"Jadeite Mirror Array?" Bima was confused as he didn't know that name. The other families also perplexed with that name. They started listening to Darma attentively.

"Yes... I have found this array inside a book. Inside the book, there is only an explanation about this array's appearance. 'A barrier made by jade that is polished enough to reflect you like a mirror.'

"This array is supposed to be the strongest rank 4 defensive or barrier-type array," Darma explained.

"What? The long lost rank 4 barrier-type array?" Bima was shocked to the extent he dropped his jaw.

"I don't think I know any person that could make such an array," Darma said.

"Do you mean it is an outsider? But we have been tightening our defense."

"I don't know. We Array Master always have a way." Darma said proudly.

"This is not the time to be proud of your job. We are in crisis. Can you deactivate the array?"

"Hmm... I don't know. There are three ways to deal with this type of array. First, you can break it with raw power. Second, you can search for the array's core. As long as you destroy the core symbol, then you can destroy the array.

"Third, you can understand the array and disturb the flow of the energy. Sadly, the third will take a long time as we didn't know this array well." Darma said.

"Then we will split our force. You will try to search the core, and I will break this array with force." Bima said hurriedly as his fist started burning, and a tiger aura appeared from his fist.

"Wait!" Darma suddenly shouted.

Bima wanted to criticize him. But before he had the chance to do it, Darma suddenly came to the front of the array. He put his hand on the barrier.

Darma's eyes flashed before he channeled his Spiritual Energy to the array. And suddenly, an invisible barrier broke, and the loud ruckus from inside finally filled the space.

"I thought it was weird that we can't hear anything even though this place has become such a ruckus. So there is a Sound Insulation Array placed in this place."

"What?" Bima suddenly realized he forgot about that. He only knew from the soldier the Kasmanan Family was attacked. He came out in a rush to see what happened. He forgot that he couldn't hear anything even though it was such a ruckus.

"That person is inside and afraid of us. He could only kill Martial Grandmasters. As long as we stick together with an elder, we can safely search for him."

"That's right. Kill that person."


"..." When Darma, Bima, and the others heard this. They were speechless.

Darma was the one who broke the silence. "It seems that the person who did this is inside. So, I assume this must be a personal revenge. But I am wondering who the Kasmanan Family had offended? Judging from this array alone, he must be a rank 4 array master.

"You know it yourself. We didn't have a rank 5 array master in this continent.

"Just look at this array. It contained a thousand symbols. It is truly a peak rank 4 array."

"A thousand?" Even Bima, who was not an Array Master, had basic knowledge.

A rank 1 array only contained ten symbols or less. A peak rank 2 array contained fifty symbols. Peak rank 3 contained a hundred symbols, while the rank 4 had a thousand symbols. Even the array that Darma used only contained around eight hundred to nine hundred symbols.

Darma tried to approach the barrier, putting his hand on it. "Just look at this, there is a mysterious force of rejection in this barrier. I don't think this barrier has an ability like this.

"This force seems to reject the incoming harm to this barrier. In other words, If you tried to break this barrier. This mysterious force will weaken your attack's power before it hit the barrier.

"And just look at these symbols. It was made of King Stage Monster Blood to strengthen the barrier. It made the barrier even harder to destroy.

"I am really wondering who was offended by the Kasmanan Family. This array master is truly good. I really want to meet this person and exchange our thoughts.

"So, what are you going to do, Your Majesty? Are you going to break this barrier? If I could say... this person's skill might be on par with me." After he explained all of that, he looked at Bima and asked.

Bima was startled along with the other families. An array master on par with Darma... All of them were respectful to Darma because they knew Darma's skill.

Even if they wanted to kill Darma, they might need to pay a huge price. And if they offended this person too, what kind of price they will pay?

Bima contemplated for a long time, thinking about the pros and cons. Which one he needed to choose, the mysterious array master or the Kasmanan Family.

But the Kasmanan family was one of the prominent families in this city. Even Willy Kasmanan, the head of Kasmanan Family, served the current king as a minister.

After thinking that he might not even be able to meet this mysterious Array Master even if he massacred the Kasmanan Family. He gritted his teeth and shouted.

"We are breaking the barrier." He chose not to cower. After all, they just fought with the Zhou Kingdom a few months ago. If they took another hit like this, they might lose all of their face...

"!!!" That thought suddenly enlightened him. "We are helping the Kasmanan Family. The Zhou Kingdom must be the culprit for this because we destroyed their invasion.

"Don't you remember what kind of thing happened a few months ago. To create such madness, do you think the Zhou Kingdom won't do something like this to us?

"If we back down now. What will other kingdoms or sects do when they see us in the future? They will mock us. So we will break this barrier."

"Ho..." Even Darma was enlightened by his speech. He also knew about what happened in that war, and he thought it was really a madness. After he heard that, everything clicked on his mind.

"I hope the guilds also help us with this." Bima didn't ask Darma alone. He also asked the guild master of the Alchemist Guild and Forging Master Guild.

"We are a neutral party. But we also need to help others in need. As long as we aren't directly involved in this, we will try to help as much as possible."


As he finished his speech, an explosion sound was heard.


They looked at what happened and found that the people from the Kasmanan family tried to destroy the barrier.


A few minutes ago, the Kasmanan family tried their best to find Alex. Sadly, Alex didn't leave any trace behind. And their suffering was not over.

Not long after that, their family members felt nausea, dizziness, headaches, and vomiting.

After another minute, many of them started convulsing. Even Willy also felt nausea and wanted to vomit. They were showing these symptoms were because of carbon dioxides and lack of oxygen.

(AN: Correct me if I'm wrong.)

"Family head!" One of the elders looked at him. His eyes were telling him to stop their search and started breaking this barrier.

Willy didn't know what happened to lead them in such a case.


Only that doubt came to his mind. He gritted his teeth. He wanted to find the person who did this, but they needed to be alive to do that.

"We are destroying the barrier!"

"Yes!" All of them shouted.

Willy raised his sword, and the rest followed him, they raised their own weapons.

"Attack!" Willy shouted as he made the first move. "Moon Cutting Wave!"

"Hell Wind."

"Unbreakable Arrow."

"Stone Flame."

Each of the family members sent their attack to the barrier. But the first barrier they met was Greg's barrier.



In the blue colored realm, Greg suddenly fell to his knees. Alex was frightened.


"They are attacking the barrier. As expected, with so many attacks and with my current cultivation, I can only handle one more wave." Greg explained.

"What will happen to you if the barrier breaks?" Alex worried about his condition.

"Nothing. I will only exhaust my Spiritual Energy. I won't have any internal injuries or whatsoever." Greg tried to assure Alex.

"Are you sure? If you will get an injury because of this. It is better to let the Jadeite Mirror Array take the brunt." Alex said.

"It is fine, Young Master. You don't need to worry about that. You can ask the others if you don't believe me."

Alex was hesitating about this, but when he saw Anna nodded her head, he finally believed in Greg. "Alright. Just don't overdo it."


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