Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 334: Preparation of Two Sides

334 Preparation of Two Sides


Everyone was shocked by Agus's statement. It was even more so for Ruben.

\"What did you say?\"

\"I will explain it to you, Father,\" Agus said. \"You must know Alexander Sirius, right?\"

\"Indeed.\" Ruben nodded his head.

\"According to our information, he is cultivating in the altar, located at the top of the mountain. Judging from the time, it seems he is the one who breaks the barrier.\"

\"!!!\" Everyone was dumbstruck.

\"How is that possible?\"

\"They have confirmed there were four people in that place. One of them is Alexander Sirius, who seemed to be a 1-Star Martial Lord. The other three were 1-Star Martial Lord, while one of them was a 2-Star Martial Lord.

\"But judging from their situation, they seem to be protecting this Alexander Sirius,\" Agus explained.


\"How can that be?\"

\"He should only be a 7-Star Martial Grandmaster two months ago when he defeated Intan. How can he cultivate so fast.\"

\"This is bad.\"

The elders were panicking this entire time as they could not believe what they heard. Of course, even Agus and Ruben were trying hard to calm down.

They were surprised by not only the fact that the barrier had disappeared. They were also shocked by Alex's cultivation speed. He was sitting around inside Heavenly Sword Sect for two months and suddenly became a Martial Lord.

If Alex was given time to mature, he might be able to destroy their family. They were panicking about this. But Ruben felt something wrong.

\"Even if he is a Martial Lord, he should not be able to conquer that place. After all, it is full of undead. He should not be able to fight a thousand Martial Lords even with three of his friends.\" Ruben said.

Agus also understood this. But he remembered a certain matter. Agus said, \"Father, do you forget about the incident in the Death Forest. He is the one who cleared the puzzle inside that place. The royal family had clarified this.

\"So, I am assuming that since he could do something like that. It is possible that he could do the same in the Undead Region.\" Agus said.

Although he said 'Royal Family,' it was only Mega who said that. Even Bima or the current king was in the dark from this information. Because of their cooperation for the throne, Mega obliged to share this kind of information.

When they thought about that, they could understand why it was possible for Alex to do the same.

\"And the fact that he had conquered that place, he should have gotten many incredible things. After all, no one managed to even get close to the altar in that place because of the undead. It should be the same as the place inside that region, and we should take this opportunity to seize it from him.\" Agus said.

They all knew about Putri's rank 5 spear that she had gotten from Zwaka's place. And considering Alex was the one who had the full inheritance, he should get better things than Putri.

Their greed suddenly took over their heart. But there was something wrong about it. They remembered the case of the Kasmanan Family.

\"But, according to Princess Mega, he killed the Kasmanan Family with the inheritance in the Death Forest. If we attack him right now, would we not become the second Kasmanan Family?\"

\"No-!\" A woman's voice suddenly filled the room, and when they saw who it was. It was Intan.

\"Princess Mega was lying about that.\" She shouted. They could see how tired she was as they knew every time she tried to cultivate or sleep, she would get a nightmare. Even though they had been trying to cure her, no one knew why she was like that.

Intan immediately dragged her body to this room the moment she heard about this meeting. After all, there was only one possible reason for her current situation. She was defeated by Alex before all of this happened, so the only possible culprit was him.

She hated Alex to the bone and wanted to kill him very much. But because the Heavenly Sword Sect protected him tightly, she could not do anything even with her master, the sixteenth elder.

The sixteenth elder stayed in this place to take care of her as she did not want to come back and saw Charya's face.

\"What do you mean she was lying?\" Ruben asked.

\"After the massacre of Kasmanan Family, she told me she did not know about the reason why Kasmanan Family got exterminated.

\"When she suspected Putri got the inheritance in the Death Forest, she tried asking about it to Putri so they could share as the one who truly got the inheritance were Alexander Sirius and Putri.

\"Although Putri kept denying it, we knew Alexander Sirius had it. We did not bother her for a while after that, as we were planning to get the inheritance from his hand.

\"It was at that time the Kasmanan family was exterminated. We were scared at that time, thinking about the possibility that Alexander Sirius was the one who did it.

\"Princess Mega then came to Putri again because of the situation. Although Putri denied again, Mega told her that it was okay if she did not want to tell her about the inheritance. But Mega tried to probe whether the inheritance had the possibility to destroy a family.

\"Putri said no. And she was even shocked when the Kasmanan Family got exterminated. That's why I am sure that Alexander Sirius did not have that kind of thing. And we don't even know such a thing exists.

\"So, the possibility of us becoming the second Kasmanan Family is low. And even he had something like that. Just thought about it, what kind of result we found about the extermination of the Kasmanan Family.

\"Nothing! No poison or weapon that could kill them. They were killed in such a weird way. And the only we understood was that whatever Array. All of it needs time to prepare.

\"But this time, we are the ones who ambush him, so he won't have the chance to prepare it even if he has something like that. As long as we can kill him, we can seize everything he had.

\"It seems the royal family is still in the dark, so this is the perfect time to move,\" Intan explained. There was even a trace of madness on her eyes because she was tormented by the curse. She wanted to kill Alex to end all this suffering.

Agus, Ruben, and the elders took a while to comprehend everything she said. It was like she said. With all of the information, they felt this was also the perfect time to move.

If Alex did not have a weapon to kill them, then it would be perfect. But if he had something that could kill them, this ambush would not let him have the chance to prepare that. And Alex had yet to be confirmed as the one who exterminated the Kasmanan Family.

Alex possessed a unique method and two inheritances. With that alone, he managed to incite their greed. And because Princess Mega was already missing for two months, they did not need to cooperate that deeply with the royal family.

They had no obligation to share this information with them. In other words, they were planning to get all of Alex's possession.

\"Inform all Martial Lords in our family. We are moving to Nemu Forest as soon as night comes. We could not raise the suspicion from the royal family.\" Agus said. Ruben also nodded his head, agreeing with his plan.

Agus then said to Intan, \"You go back first. We will handle the rest.\"

\"Family head. Please let me join this operation. I don't mind about the share, but I truly want to kill him. He is in the care of my Arch-enemy, the ninth elder. So, please let me join. It is for my personal hatred as well as avenging my disciple.\" The sixteenth elder suddenly said.

Agus frowned when he heard about this. She was indeed helpful in this case. After all, in the Makmur Family. With her came along with them, they would have two 8-Star Martial Lords. As well as Ruben, a 9-Star Martial Lords.

And another two elders with 6-Star Martial Lords cultivation while the rest were 1-4 Star Martial Lords. They were numbered twenty.

This number was already very big, considering each country only had less than a hundred Martial Lords, and all of it was accumulated from many prominent families.

Their Makmur Family was considered second only to the royal family, and if they got all the things Alex possessed. They might even beat the royal family and replace them. This was the reason why Alex managed to incite their greed.

Agus looked at Ruben, who nodded his head. He finally agreed to bring her along with him. After all, with him and Ruben, she would not be able to do anything if she tried to stab them from the back.

The family immediately became busy with this preparation. One hundred and twenty people were gathered in front of their mansion. They flew outside the capital city without anyone noticing… Anyone, except Nicole.

\"Young Master. They are coming toward you. Judging from their speed, they will arrive at dawn. Twenty Martial Lords with two 8-Star Martial Lords and one 9-Star Martial Lord. There are also two 6-Star Martial Lords. They also brought a hundred Martial Grandmasters.\"

\"Alright. Thank you.\" Alex said.

The others also heard about this. Anya immediately said, \"Anna should be able to handle the 9-Star Martial Lord with her True Spirit Body and my support.

\"Leoz will hold both 8-Star Martial Lords. Even though you could not use your True Spirit Body, I am sure it will be an easy task for you with my support. If you or Anna finish your fight, immediately cover the other.\"

Anna and Leoz nodded their heads.

\"Jeanne, you will activate your True Spirit Body and kill the Martial Lords one by one starting from the weakest.\"

\"Of course. I am sure it will be fun.\" Jeanne said with a smile.

\"Fabio will hold the two 6-Star Martial Lords back with Vera as your support. Greg will cover me while I am supporting them. And lastly, Alex, Sherry, and Kyle will hunt the Grandmasters.\"

\"Change it. Jeanne and I will switch our role.\" Alex suddenly said.

\"Alex?\" Anna was startled when Alex objected to Anya's perfect plan.

\"Alex… you do know that I made this plan not because I am giving you a special treatment by giving you the least dangerous job, right?\"

\"Of course. Since Anna's technique will be useful in fighting many enemies, but since Anna is occupied with the 9-Star Martial Lord, it leaves me, Sherry, and Kyle to hunt them with our fire.\"

\"Then, why?\" Anya frowned.

\"I am planning to startle them with my intent. Remembering that even Morgan only had 50 meters Sword Domain. If I show both of my intents to them, I am sure I can take them by surprise. Killing ten of them should be easy in my current state.

\"Of course, I am not underestimating Jeanne's ability, you can even have me and Jeanne hunt together. But it will be hard for Sherry and Kyle to cover a hundred Martial Grandmasters.

\"Don't worry. I am not reckless or whatever. I am going to use my array too. Since we are planning to kill all of them, I don't really need to hold back. And with your support, I think I am good enough.\"

\"…\" Anya looked at him with a serious expression. She also understood his point, and after so many considerations inside her head, she finally agreed by letting Alex take Jeanne's role.

Jeanne would fend anyone come near them if they managed to dodge Sherry's and Kyle's bombardment. Alex suggested this was because he had another plan. Because of the knowledge he got in his tribulation, he could make an Array much faster than before. So, he was a bit eager to test it in a real fight.

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