The Elven Forest, World Tree.

Upon the massive branches of the World Tree, several people gathered eagerly, including Alice Galewind, the Nature’s Saintess; Berserker, the Oak Guardian; Aél Moonlight, the Favored One; and Philotea, the Chieftain of the Rageblaze1 Clan. They all came together as everyone excitedly gazed upon a constantly flickering cocoon hanging from one of the tree branches.

After hearing that the first primordial elf was about to be born, they all dropped what they were doing to personally witness such a once-in-a-lifetime event!

In addition to these natives, Li Mu and HootyBird are also there, having been brought by Alice along with her.

They were the only two players who had been fully acknowledged by the saintess and these two would represent the Chosen Ones, having have the honor of witnessing the birth of the Primordial Elf!

Although other players did not have this opportunity, Li Mu and the HootyBird had already started streaming this ‘cutscene’ in-game for the rest of the playerbase to watch…

Beneath the World Tree, within the City of the Chosen Ones, nearly two hundred Rageblaze clansmen had also gathered, excitedly awaiting for the arrival of their new kin.

Even most of the players currently online had temporarily stopped what they were doing and simply gathered, looking curiously and expectantly in the direction of the World Tree, while waiting for the stream to begin.

The World Tree serves as the progenitor of elvenkind, and the Elves are the long-lived and sentient species born from the World Tree.

There are varying opinions upon the meaning behind the birth of the elves…

But the most widely known and easily accepted belief was that during the Twilight Era, the World Tree, with its inherent ability to conceive life upon its own, gave birth to elvenkind in order for them to serve as the guardians and caretakers of the world.

Ever since the World of Saigües came into being, this ancient dimension had already gone through six eras…

They were the Genesis Era, the Dragon Era, the Titan Era (Giant Era), the Twilight Era, the Silver Era, and finally the current one, the Eternal Era.

During the ancient times, in the age of dragons and titans…

At that era, the creatures living within Saigües were still not civilized enough, and the ancient gods who had been active in the previous Genesis era had retreated one after another, leaving only the two golden races, the Ancient Dragons and the Titan Giants, to rule the world.

They waged wars against one another for many years, turning the entire world of Saigües into a desolate wasteland, and causing heavy casualties upon their own respective races as a consequence of this endless warfare…

After this seemingly endless war, the entire world of Saigües ushered in a long and dark twilight era.

To restore the land’s greenery and facilitate the enlightenment of all living beings, as well as the eventual formation of a proper civilization, the World Tree took its own embodiment as a template and created the peaceful and life-loving Elvenkind, shaping them upon its own image.

Since then…the world of Saigües had ushered in the Silver Era which was dominated by the Elves!

Throughout the entire Silver Era, the elven race made significant contributions that fostered the development of the entire world of Saigües…

It was also during this era that religions and faith in gods gradually emerged and took hold, while the Great Ancient Ones that had existed since the Genesis Era gradually diminished in power over time or slipped into deep slumber, one after another…

Of course, all of this has now become pages in the annals of history.

With the advent of the Eternal Era, the intellectual race that previously held the spotlight on the global stage has been overshadowed by humanity, who had achieved tremendous growth and surpassed the might of the elves. Meanwhile, it was also during this era that belief in the new generations of deities has soared to unprecedented heights worldwide, while the vanquished elves are left with no choice but to conceal themselves in the far-flung corners of this immense continent.

But now, the World Tree has finally returned!

After a period of rest and recuperation, the Elven Matriarch has finally given birth to true primordial elves once again.

In contrast to the summoned chosen ones, this time it is a genuine primordial elf in the truest sense.

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, the cocoon flickered with increasing intensity until it reached a critical point, with several cracks starting to emerge upon its surface.

The breath of life then began to surge around it.

“It’s about to be born!”

“This primordial elf…Is it a baby?”

“Nah, I don’t think so. Judging from the cocoon’s size, the being inside should be close to adulthood.”

“I’m more curious about whether it’s a boy or a girl…”

Within the stream’s chatroom, the players engaged in fervent discussions especially the male players and female players started betting on whether the gender of the upcoming primordial elf is either a boy or a girl…

“Hehehe, I hope it’s a girl!”

“Hmph, why can’t it be a boy instead?”

Before long, the cracks on the cocoon multiplied, gradually increasing in number. Eventually whilst being accompanied by a hazy radiance, the cocoon finally detached itself from the branch of the World Tree and descended slowly onto the trunk, before shattering with a resounding thud!

“It’s here!”

The elves standing on the World Tree were filled with excitement.

And the players watching the in-game stream widened their eyes as a slightly tall figure appeared before everyone from the shattered cocoon.

It was an adolescent male elf who appeared to be sixteen or seventeen years old.

His eyes were tightly shut, while both of his hands were crossed over his chest. Silvery long hair flowed down his back, and his fair skin resembled that of a youthful maiden, enough to evoke envy amongst all the female players from Earth.

He possessed the innate handsomeness of a male elf, and being the primordial elf closest to the divine matriarch, he also inherited certain divine traits, which further enhanced his appearance in comparison to ordinary elves.

Even the few native elves standing on the World Tree couldn’t help but reveal a hint of amazement upon seeing his appearance.

He was wearing a white traditional elf robe, adorned with exquisite patterns that had been meticulously crafted by Evé.

At the precise moment of his emergence from the cocoon, Evé quickly attired him in a manner reminiscent of when the players themselves were born.

The robe was sourced from the ‘scrap’ provided by the players as an offering…

Following his liberation from the cocoon, he tentatively opened his eyes for the very first time.

His eyes bore an icy blue hue, reminiscent of Aél, yet upon closer examination, a faint trace of purple could also be discerned within them. This unique shade of color could only be possessed by the purest elven royalty.

At this very moment, a torrent of comments had already erupted within the chatroom of the stream:

“Hahaha! A boy! It’s really is a little brother!”

“Huh, a male? I’m a bit disappointed it’s not a female.”

“Damn! He’s so handsome~”

“Ahhh~ The fangirl within me is going to explode!”

“What a good-looking little bro! I’m a fan already!”

“No way! I’ll definitely go and max my favorability rating of him later on! Ahhh ~so handsome!”

Within the stream’s chatroom, the barrage of comments was already overflowing.

Of course… almost all of the comments were from female players, and the few comments from male players had already been drowned out by the cheerful replies from the girls…

Don’t underestimate the power of a handsome guy!

Even Evé, who was also peeking into the stream’s chatroom, was astonished by the enthusiasm shown by the female players.

She had already foreseen that a new fan club would soon emerge on the forum, and it would likely be the craziest one ever…

After all, when girls go crazy with their fangirling, they could be much more formidable than the guys.

“A royal clan! At last, the royal clan finally have a newborn!”

Exclaimed Philothea, the Chieftain of the Rageblaze Clan, while watching the newly born elf.

The traits of the primordial elves aren’t fixed and have the potential to also be born into many types.2

But the most powerful, fastest-growing, and highest-potential amongst all types is definitely from the royal clan!

As the first primordial elf to be born, Evé naturally raised all his innate potential to the highest level and even personally used some of her divine power to give birth to an elf belonging to the royal clan.

For this, she even expended an additional point of divine power!

The primordial elves of the royal clan were closest existence to Evé, having silver hair just like her incarnation and ice-blue pupils with a hint of amethyst, similar to Eve’s eyes.

According to legends, the primordial elves of the royal clan were also amongst the earliest to be conceived by the previous World Tree.

However, although the primordial elves of the royal blood have greater potential, they also face more difficulties in propagating compared to other primordial elves.

In the world of Saigües, the lifespan of creatures was inversely proportional to their reproductive abilities.

As the most well-known long-lived species, elvenkind already faced difficulties in producing offspring, and the royal clan, with their even greater potential, faced an even more significant challenges in this regard…

Throughout history, members of the royal clan even back at the ancient elven civilization had always been scarce.

It was precisely due to the challenges in propagating the royal clan that the previous World Tree eventually gave birth to other primordial elves with relatively lower potential but easier reproduction.

In fact, that was also Eve’s plan.

Whether it’s for ease of reproduction or to conserve divine power, she had no intention of producing a large number of elven royalty and the subsequent types of primordial elves being birthed would be randomized instead.

Of course, the low potential of other primordial elves was only relative since each primordial elf is an extraordinary existence akin to a genius compared to a normal elves.

In fact, the players’ physical avatars were of the same type as them.

And Evé, who was also paying attention to this, clearly sensed the state of this newly born primordial elf.

“Indeed, this guy was just born but he’s already at level 40, the pinnacle of Iron-rank! He’s just one step away from reaching the rank of silver…”

She felt very satisfied.

“However, I can only transmit a certain amount of knowledge. He is still a blank canvas, possessing only natural loyalty to me… As for his personal worldview and character, they all will depend upon his future development.”

évè ultimately chose not to directly instill heritage and beliefs into his mind sort of like her inheritance, but instead allowed the newborn to learn things in a more traditional manner.

Primordial elves are inherently loyal to her, so there is no need for further indoctrination.

Moreover, as a newborn life, he is not a chosen one, and his soul is not bound to évè, thus he cannot benefit from the system’s inheritance.

In fact, forcibly imposing the inheritance of heritage and beliefs into this newborn could even potentially distort his fragile soul…

Actually, Evé had some doubts as to whether the indigenous elves obsession with life and kindness are a natural occurrence. The more likely scenario was that the obsessiveness of these elven natives was more likely due to the fact that the previous World Tree had tampered with their minds and instilled a strong desire to adhere upon such beliefs…

After all, the previous World Tree seemed to be an existence that very much loved life and peace.

But Evé was different from her predecessor.

“Everything within the world is constantly evolving. Thoughts and beliefs are no exception; they are part of an ever-changing process! Everyone should learn upon their own and adapt to the changes occurring in the world by themselves…”

“Perhaps, in the Twilight Era, the love for peace and reverence for life were a necessary traits for intelligent beings, but alas… times have changed, and the downfall of the Silver Civilization was not without reason.”

“I suppose just as long as they remain loyal, then it will be good enough for me…”

With these thoughts lingering within her mind, Eve’s mischievous side resurfaced once again…

Suddenly, she stirred her divine power, and in an instant, everyone once again heard the majestic voice of the goddess:

“Newborn child, I, in the name of Evè Yggdrasill, bestow upon thee the name—Thranduil3 Moonlight!”

The players watching the stream: “……”



Thranduil? Lol, is he going to be the future Elvenking?”

“Hahaha! That’s possible!”

Upon hearing the voice of the true god, the newly born primordial elf lifted his head and looked at the World Tree with admiration and reverence in his eyes.

He then knelt down, with his mellow and sonorous voice brimming with uncontrollable enthusiasm;

“Hail thee! O’ Great Mother, Your Divine Majesty Evé Yggdrasill, I thank you for granting me a name…”

Upon hearing his gentle and captivating voice, the girls in the chatroom once again exploded with excitement:

“Ah! So cool!! xDDD My ears are going to get pregnant~”

“His voice sounds sooo nice, right? (*°▽°*) “

Evè: “……”

She glanced at the chatroom and purposefully ignored the thirsty comments before proceeding to deliver a divine oracle to the Saintess, Alice.

“Alice, you will be responsible for the education of Thranduil Moonlight.”

Alice, upon hearing this, looked visibly excited.

Being able to educate a primordial elf, and a royal one at that, would be a great honor and a sign of trust from the Divine Matriarch!

She took a deep breath and knelt down, before devoutly tracing a tree-shaped symbol upon her chest.

“This humble servant of yours will follow the divine oracle. Your words shall guide the path of my life! I shall not disappoint the Matriarch’s expectations!”

Evé nodded inwardly and added,

“In addition, you shall select a trustworthy Chosen One, who will also be entrusted with properly guiding Thranduil Moonlight.”

Cho…C-Chosen ones?

Alice was stunned.

1 Clan name rectification – I decided to opt for a more direct term between the elven clans so now the new names are,

??(疾风) – Means strong winds, so it’ll remain as ‘Galewind’

??(烈焰) – Means a fiery flame/raging flames/roaring blaze, so from ‘flame’ it’ll now be ‘Rageblaze’

??(暗影) – Means dark shadow/deep shade so from ‘shadow’ it’ll now be ‘Darkshade’

??(月光) – Means light of the moon so it’ll remain as ‘Moonlight’

2 I think what the author is implying here is that the ‘type’ of primodial elves could not only be born having traits of royalty but could also be born having traits from other clans as well such as Rageblaze/Galewind/etc…

3 (瑟兰迪尔) Thranduil is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth legendarium. He first appears as a supporting character in The Hobbit, where he is simply known as the Elvenking, the ruler of the Elves who lived in the woodland realm of Mirkwood. The character is properly named in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, and appears briefly in The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales.


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