Gamers of the Underworld

Chapter 213 - Tell Me About Sherlock

Chapter 213: Tell Me About Sherlock

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Brainiac’s promotion video was completed quickly. As a rare genius, he was also familiar with video production.

Three days after assigning the task, Sherlock received Brainiac’s completed video. Brainiac was very efficient.

After watching the video, Sherlock went into deep thought.

The starting image was Brainiac speaking without emotion, saying, “I’m Brainiac, a Specter College Level A graduate. I’m happily staying in Eternal Kingdom. There’s food, lodging, and a laboratory for my research. My boss treats me well, and there is no overtime according to my working hours. Would you like to be in my situation? You can be a Specter College Level A graduate like me.”

Then the video ended.

“After three days, you’ve only shot tens of seconds of video?” Sherlock put down the round Adamantine rock and asked.

“No, there are a lot more videos. This is the final edited version.” Brainiac took out a round Adamantine rock, which Sherlock took and examined.

In the images, a Goblin’s face filled the entire screen as he said, “Oh my God, what’s this about? A video camera? Does this mean we can produce videos?”

New voices were heard offscreen.

“I’m uploading the video to the PivX website!”

“This is awesome! I’m going to produce a video!”

Then the video was interrupted with a new scene.

The recording device was fixed in the Burial Hall and facing Brainiac and the gamers.

A few gamers looked at the recording device while some offscreen gamers spoke.

“Say something cool to let the audience feel excited. It’s still shooting.”

“Wo, wo, wo!”

The gamers who were queuing up at the front nodded in agreement.

A gamer with a broken femur had his leg supported by a brace. He sat down happily to receive treatment and said, “Aiya, I have a sister who is preparing for her college entrance examination. My examination results used to be bad, but recently, we have been cutting down trees, and my mathematics results have become extremely good. The month leading up to her exam, she came to me daily for tuition in mathematics, and she obtained the first position in the model examination. She invited me to participate in COSPLAY. She was the model and had her hair dyed yellow. My sister is so cute!”

After the gamer, TallPensivePlank, finished speaking, the other enthusiastic gamers became silent.

“What’s happening? The recording device is rolling, keeping talking.”

“No, I don’t feel like speaking.”

The video was cut off, and a new scene began.

In the video, a few Gnomes were queuing up to receive treatment. Voices were heard offscreen.

“Apologies, I heard wrongly. It’s not to let us act cool, it’s to let Brainiac act cool. Okay, one, two, three, begin.”

Then the queuing gamers started to speak.

“Aiya, Brainiac is awesome. When he arrived at Eternal Kingdom, he worked 24 hours a day without any complaints. He helped to treat our wounds and revive us.”

“Yes, yes, Brainiac is the best Lich.”

“And that group of evil creatures in Specter College! They’re too evil!”

“Eternal Kingdom is the most awesome Dungeon in the Underworld. Brainiac is the most awesome Lich!”

“Brainiac is very powerful. We’re severely wounded, but he is able to heal us. That is awesome!”

The subsequent images were about gamers’ casual conversations, transactions, forming of teams, and guild war conflicts.

Sherlock put down the round Adamantine rock. He understood why the final edited version had only tens of seconds of video.

“This isn’t working.” Sherlock frowned as Brainiac shook his head and said, “I’ve tried my best.”

Sherlock pondered for a while and asked Brainiac to leave. Then Bru said, “Lord Sherlock, it’s difficult for Brainiac to handle such a publicity assignment.”

“Let me do some editing while adding some content.” Sherlock put away the round Adamantine rock, then he looked at an invitation letter from the Northern Gladiator Arena.

“I’ll put aside the Specter College matters. Let me visit the Gladiator Arena.”

Sherlock stood up and walked towards the Teleport Portal.

“Bru, take care of the Dungeon.”


“Pa ta, pa ta, pa ta.”


A Beetlemon halted at a Beetlemon stop. The door opened, and three fat Hamsters with short legs walked down from the Beetlemon.

They turned their heads back and said.

“Thank you!”

“Thank you very much!”

“The leather seats are delicious!”

The Beetlemon ran off and receded into the distance.

The three Hamsters stared at the faraway Beetlemon and looked at each other strangely. Then they walked in the direction of Winterfell.

The more they walked, the stranger they felt. The roads looked very dark, and the passersby looked listless, as though they had gone through a war.

The three Hamsters didn’t know what happened, and they didn’t dare to ask as they proceeded towards Winterfell.

An Orc who was bearing a Magic Lantern walked towards them and said, “What are you doing?”

The three Hamsters were surprised to be stopped by the Orc. They looked at each other.

“What are we doing here?”

“Yes, why are we here in Winterfell? Where is our Lady?”

“We’re here to have our meal.”

The wary Orc sized them up. He felt they looked familiar.

“Wait a moment, you’re...”

The Orc frowned and grasped the hilt of his sword as he shouted, “Someone, please come here! I found them!”

The nearby Garrison Guards heard the cries and ran towards them, which caused the three Hamsters to panic. Then the Orc held their paws warmly as he said, “Aiya, it’s you! When we escaped with the Captain, we saw you at the camp of the Northern Gate. You came with Eternal Kingdom to save us!”

The three Hamsters were taken aback as they didn’t understand the Orc. What camp of the Northern Gate? What Eternal Kingdom?

“What’s that? Eternal Kingdom?” Big Boss, who was the representative of the three Hamsters, asked curiously.

“Eternal Kingdom is a Dungeon helmed by Lord Sherlock!” The Orc smiled as he explained.

“Wait, did you say Lord Sherlock?” Second Boss shouted, “Is that superior Devil Lord Sherlock?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

The other Orcs gathered around them. They saw their benefactors and wanted to thank the three Hamsters.

But the Hamsters ignored them. They looked at each other and started talking.

“Wait, aren’t we here to find Lord Sherlock?”

“Yes! I remember now. Our Lady wants us to find Lord Sherlock! Did Lord Sherlock set up a Dungeon?”

“Hey, can we have our meal?”

The Orcs laughed and passed their food to the Hamsters while an Orc explained Eternal Kingdom to them.

Behind the Hamsters, a pair of white tender bare feet stepped on the dirty floor, but they weren’t stained at all.

Black feathers that reeked of decay floated down on the back of the right foot.

The sudden imposition of a dominant aura made the Orcs breathless. The three Hamsters turned their heads, and their eyes widened.

The clean white legs that were like fine pieces of art walked towards the Hamsters, and a pure female voice said, “Tell me about Eternal Kingdom and that Sherlock.”

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