Gate of God

Chapter 976 - The Inverted World

Chapter 976: The Inverted World

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“No, I can go up by myself!” Ping Yang looked at Fang Zhengzhi and Yun Qingwu in his chest and rejected outrightly.

Furthermore, after rejecting him, Ping Yang dashed towards the chains, leaped and stopped stably at a height of twenty feet.

Then, she turned around.

She looked down at Fang Zhengzhi with an expression that signified her superiority. Then, without waiting, she continued flying upwards.

It had to be admitted that Ping Yang was relatively nimble and her speed was fast. After all, it was easy for her to climb up a chain with the capability equivalent of a Sage State.


Before she reached a hundred feet high, she trembled as though she was hit by something and even her hair stood up.

“In fact, you conduct electricity rather well.” Fang Zhengzhi smiled lightly and looked at a diagram below the chains.

It was drawn intentionally on the floor but a part of it was erased by someone and what was left were merely the traces of the diagram.

Despite that, one could still make out that the figures seemed to be various different formations and looked matching to the nine chains in front of them.

“I see.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded his head slightly.

At this moment, a shout of agony was heard above him and a figure fell from the top.

Fang Zhengzhi moved and stretched out his hand. He caught Ping Yang who was falling down and hugged her in his arms.

Then, without waiting for Ping Yang to speak, he immediately dashed up along the chains. The Black-Golden Wings behind him spread open and wild wind blew.

“Don’t... don’t step on the chains, there... there is lightning...” Ping Yang looked extremely concerned while she was in Fang Zhengzhi’s arms.

( B oxnovel.c om ) “I know,” replied Fang Zhengzhi.

“Fly, you should fly...”

“Do you think there is no electricity if I flew?” Fang Zhengzhi felt speechless looking at Ping Yang but found it funny too.

However, he knew that Ping Yang’s personality was as such. She was stubborn and slightly competitive, yet it was what made her cute too.

“You will get electrocuted even if you fly? How do you know that?” Ping Yang clearly did not believe him.

“You told me this!”

“I told you?”

“Yes, you once told me that Mu Qingfeng entered this place before and after he entered, he specially made a trip out to call Chi Guyan in.” Fang Zhengzhi explained to Ping Yang as he continued dashing upwards.

“What has this got to do with getting electrocuted while flying?” Ping Yang did not understand.

“Look at the diagrams on the ground.” Instead of explaining directly, Fang Zhengzhi signaled to the marks on the ground.

Ping Yang immediately looked down.

Although she was already at a height of thirty feet, she immediately saw the blurry marks on the ground.

Then, Ping Yang’s eyes widened.

“You... Shameless brat, you knew this long ago?” Ping Yang’s face turned red after she figured out the marks of the diagram.

“I just saw it too.” Fang Zhengzhi was not foolish enough to admit that he saw the marks when he fell.

As he may be hit if he said that.

Moreover, he was not certain that the diagram was really related to the nine chains as after all, he had to test it to find out.

And Ping Yang successfully tested it out for him.

Therefore, no matter how foolish he was, he would have guessed that the marks on the diagram were made after Mu Qingfeng brought Chi Guyan in.

Who was Mu Qingfeng?

The Pavilion Master of Heaven Dao Pavilion, one of the most powerful Sages.

With this level of power, the only reason why Mu Qingfeng left the black stone palace halfway without accomplishing anything was that he encountered a problem that he could not resolve with his physical powers.

If it was not resolved with his physical powers, then he would naturally need to depend on his intellectual capability.

Intellectual capability was something that Mu Qingfeng had. He did not need to purposely go out and ask for help if he met ordinary traps.

Yet, the reality was that Mu Qingfeng went out and only brought Chi Guyan back in.

( B oxnovel.c om ) Therefore, it meant that amongst the people in the Heaven Dao Pavilion, only Chi Guyan could resolve this problem.

The answer was obvious now.

Mu Qingfeng trained his sword powers and state of mind. Although he was powerful, if one looked at the ability to break through and resolve formations, he could not be compared to Chi Guyan who was born in the Divine Constabulary and had studied the formations since she was young.

Of course, this deduction could be proven by something else.

There were no corpses of the disciples of the Human Alliance on the ground.

How could the disciples of the Human Alliance be able to get up the chains if Ping Yang could not do it?

The only possibility was that Mu Qingfeng had his way to break through the nine black chains.

“Do we just go up like this? Then what about... Mo Shanshi and the rest?” After figuring out the logic behind it, Ping Yang was slightly worried about the Human Alliance behind them.

“Chi Guyan is indeed very powerful in terms of her understanding of the law of formations. However, she is not the best.” Fang Zhengzhi had guessed what Ping Yang was concerned about.

“Oh... I get it!” Ping Yang figured it out quickly.

What was the Fu Xi Valley? It was the sect that had the best understanding of the law of formations amongst the five sects in the Holy Region. Therefore, how would Mo Shanshi not be able to break through the formation in front of them?

“If I can figure out the gist of the formation based on the marks, Mo Shanshi should be able to see them more clearly than me.” Fang Zhengzhi changed his position on the chains as he spoke.

At the instant he changed his steps, a bolt of lightning struck at the position he was at initially and made a moderately loud sound.

“You figured it out just by one look?” Ping Yang was shocked when she saw this because after all, a part of the diagram had been destroyed.

It was probably intentionally destroyed after Mu Qingfeng and the rest got up. The purpose was probably to prevent the demons and monsters from chasing after them and also to delay the time.

“Make a guess?” Fang Zhengzhi laughed.

“I thought only Sister Yan knows the Law of Formations, I never expected you to know that too?” Ping Yang’s eyes lit up after hearing this.

“You are so confident in me?”


Before Ping Yang could say the word “course”, her body trembled and her hair which was already standing stood even higher.

She was electrocuted!

Of course, Fang Zhengzhi and Yun Qingwu were also electrocuted.

The three of them were connected.

Fang Zhengzhi moved his body slightly and was not surprised by the electrocution. Flapping the black-golden wings, he moved to another chain very quickly.

“Shameless brat, didn’t you say that you have figured it out?!” Ping Yang was mad.

“Did I say that?” Fang Zhengzhi looked innocent.

It was more difficult for him to figure out the erased marks just by one look as compared to drawing those marks. Evidently, Fang Zhengzhi’s knowledge in terms of the Law of Formations was much poorer than Chi Guyan.

As the saying went, “so-so”, that was the accurate description for Fang Zhengzhi’s understanding of the Law of Formations.

However, Fang Zhengzhi had already figured out a part of it and as he had surpassed Mu Qingfeng’s skills, he was confident to continue going.

“Ah... I am going to die from the strike of lightning!” Ping Yang screamed after she regained consciousness.

“Are you dumb or what, even if we were to be struck, I would be the one dead first!” Fang Zhengzhi felt speechless.

“Hmm? Why?” Ping Yang did not understand but her expression had returned to normal. Evidently, she faked the scream earlier on.

“Don’t you feel that the strike of lightning didn’t hurt?”

“Now that you say it... it seems like it. Why is this so?”

“Rubbish! I am blocking it!”

“I see, then I have nothing to worry about. However, although you were blocking it, why was I still electrocuted?” Ping Yang nodded but was suddenly confused again.

“We should share the pain together, I was mainly afraid that you have fallen asleep.”

“...” Ping Yang’s mouth moved and she stared into Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes and clenched her fists tight.

However, she did not punch Fang Zhengzhi with her fists.

That was because the moment she clenched her fists, she saw Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes blink and the light from the bolt of lightning flashed across them.

Meanwhile, Fang Zhengzhi turned and hopped onto another black chain.

Evidently, Fang Zhengzhi was electrocuted again.

However, this time, Ping Yang did not feel the strike of lightning. She merely felt a numbing sensation and it did not hurt at all.

“Shameless brat...” Ping Yang’s head leaned towards Fang Zhengzhi’s chest because she knew that although Fang Zhengzhi refused to admit it, he was blocking all the lightning that came from the black chains on his own.

And the few electrocutions earlier on...

Should be because Fang Zhengzhi did not truly figure out the power of the lightning bolts.


With the speedy leaps of Fang Zhengzhi, the three of them who were connected got closer and closer to the highest black thunderous cloud on the nine black chains.

The nearer they got, the louder the thunderous sounds were.

They were close!

At the instant when the three of them dashed into the lightning, Ping Yang felt warm and a set of black armor with gold radiance flowing in it appeared on her body.

The lightning was striking non-stop.

A bolt of lightning struck and hit the black armor. However, Ping Yang could not fell any pain but instead felt as though she was being submerged in warm water.

Not only was she not in pain, but she enjoyed it.

“Shameless brat is becoming more and more powerful...” Ping Yang looked up slightly at the figure who was also wearing a set of black armor and tightened her grip on him.

Boom! A golden bolt of lightning struck past the sky.

Fang Zhengzhi twisted his body in an awkward manner and managed to move two feet away from the place where the golden lightning struck.

The golden lightning missed him.

Fang Zhengzhi continued charging up to the thunder cloud.

Meanwhile, Ping Yang was so shocked that her mouth was open because she could not believe how Fang Zhengzhi was so fast that his speed was comparable to the speed of the lightning.

“When... when can I reach this level...”


As Ping Yang was thinking about this, the black thunder cloud disappeared and she found herself in a whole new world.

The sound of thunder had stopped.

What she saw in front of her was a stunningly beautiful and shocking scene. There were countless mountains around her and each of them was above the layer of white clouds.

Meanwhile, underneath her was a tall mountain that was covered with plants and tall ancient trees.

However; the strange thing was...

These tall ancient trees did not grow towards the sky, instead, they were growing in a reversed manner as the top of the trees were growing towards the ground.

It was a strange but shocking scene.

Ping Yang looked around and her mouth opened bigger because she realized that not only did this phenomenon appear on the mountain she was standing on, but it was also the case for a waterfall at a distance.

The silvery-white waterfall had water flowing rapidly from the bottom to the top and light shone as the water fell on the mountain rocks.

Moreover, the other mountains around her were all showing the same phenomenon.

All the mountains were hanging upside down in midair.

Those clouds...

Should be the clouds at the peak of the mountains!

And what they were standing on was not the peak of the mountain but the bottom of it.

They were standing on the bottom of the mountain!

“Wah, this place is... really beautiful!” Although Ping Yang was shocked, the first sentence she said was an appreciation for the beautiful scenery.

“Hmm, it is indeed very beautiful.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded seriously.

Although the world in front of them was inverted, this scene gave them a feeling that they never felt before.

The word “beautiful” was not sufficient to describe what they felt.

However, what was lacking was that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at the two of them.

“Who are you!”


The behavior of the two people who barged into this strange world but was “blindly” admiring the beautiful scenery made it hard for an ordinary person to understand.

Moreover, when their gaze fell on the two visitors, they shockingly discovered a lady in a white dress.

The woman was being hugged by a man who was masked with a black face cloth and she looked like she was unconscious.

“Could this be...”

“Yun Qingwu!”

“The Daughter of the Monster and Demon Race, Yun Qingwu?!”

All of the pairs of eyes widened. If they did not have the black face cloth on their faces, one could definitely see their exaggerated mouths.

“That’s right, it is Yun Qingwu, I accidentally caught her,” said Fang Zhengzhi as he saw the pairs of widened eyes.

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