God of Cooking

Chapter 520 - Glimpse of One’s Back (1)

Chapter 520: Glimpse of One’s Back (1)

Kaya’s Six Meat menu made its debut at Irregular Lab. In fact, there were lots of restaurants that wanted her new recipe. Even those restaurants where she showed her recipe asked her if they could use it on the condition that they would pay for the royalty and reveal it was her recipe.

In fact, that was natural because the Six Meat menu was a recipe that they could not help but love not only at home but also at any restaurant. More precisely, restaurants had no choice but to favor it because it was a rather simple recipe compared to Cho Reggiano, but it was easy to bring out the taste more distinctively.

From the standpoint of a restaurant where the chef had to cook within the set time whenever a customer wanted a specific menu, there was no recipe as perfect as Six Meat. All they had to do was to plate the finished ingredients on a plate.

But Kaya was greedy. She wanted to monopolize the happiness of this recipe and the smile on those who would enjoy this dish.

Rationally speaking, she might have been better off presenting the recipe with other chefs from the start, for many people could taste it at the same time, which would naturally draw an explosive reaction from the people. But sometimes humans wanted to do things according to their instincts and emotions rather than their reason.

But Kaya didn’t even have to be in a hurry to host such an event because, in a few weeks, her Six Meat was verified and recognized by numerous restaurants but also widely known to the general public. And the results were very satisfactory as she expected.

In fact, Six Meat was a recipe that people had no choice but to love from the beginning. Min-joon’s Cho Reggiano was mainly made of cheese, while Kaya’s Six Meat was mainly meat. Whether it was cheese or meat, people loved any dish containing either of them.

Moreover, the culinary convenience of Six Meat was far superior to Cho Reggiano. Of course, like Cho Reggiano, it was difficult for ordinary people to make six Meat well at home. Basically, the meat should be cooked with the sous vide because it was virtually impossible to make the dish without the sous vide machine.

Of course, there were some people who tried to cook with ordinary fans at home to imitate sous vide way. They could keep checking the water temperature with a thermometer while adjusting the heat appropriately, or they could turn off the heat after boiling water first, then put the meat in the hot water and slowly expose it to the hot water.

However, they could try this kind of cooking with sous vide within an hour. It was impossible to keep the temperature perfectly, and above all, if they cooked for a long time, it was hard to keep checking the temperature all the time. So, they could do it in theory, but it was practically impossible.

As a result, people made up their mind on which they would prefer. Some of them were bold enough to buy sous vide machines, but most of them went to Jefferson, owner of Cho Reggiano factory, and started begging him to commercialize Kaya’s Six Meat just like he succeeded in commercializing Cho Reggiano before. They told him there would be lots of customers who wanted Six Meat as long as Jefferson made quality Six Meat like Cho Reggiano.

And now, Jefferson was sitting in front of Kaya, Min-joon, and June.

He glanced at June and muttered quietly.

“Honestly, I don’t know when I can run an additional production line because people’s enthusiasm about Cho Reggiano never disappears. Aside from the orders from ordinary families, orders from local restaurants are rushing in enormously...”

“Then, I don’t think Kaya has any reason to sign a contract with you, Mr. Jefferson. We have to start producing Six Meat as soon as possible for commercial success. I think you already know this is a great opportunity...”

“Got it! I’m going to make it work even if I build a new factory specializing in Six Meat.”

Jefferson hurriedly responded when June reacted coldly. Actually, he knew her. Although he was on close terms with her, he heard a lot about what kind of personality she had.

June once again showed her negotiating style in this deal. She pointed out every single thing Jefferson said, and she even mentioned something that he could not because he was so embarrassed. She even took issue with the contract problems he caused Min-joon when they were about to sign the contract on Cho Reggiano. When June argued he should have made Min-joon greedy even if the latter wasn’t, he was at a loss of what to say.

“Oh, don’t worry about me because I like money,” Kaya said suddenly.

When June and Jefferson were worried that Kaya was not as greedy as Min-joon, Kaya raised her hand and spoke with a smile.

While Jefferson smiled awkwardly at her, June also made a smile with her arms crossed.

June said, “Yeah, I think you have to draft the contract perfectly for the sake of our lady who loves money. Right, Jefferson?”

“You don’t have to remind me. I was thinking of making the best contact ever anyway.”

“Well, let’s see whether the contract is best for you or for her.”

Jefferson felt June’s response with a smile was annoying. He even felt like he wanted to throw a tantrum like a child when June changed her tone and opened her mouth.

“Well, Kaya’s recipe could be sweeter than Cho Reggiano.”

“Why do you think so?”

“If you ask me to tell you why, there are so many. But I won’t explain it for long. Cho Reggiano was like the first step on which Min-joon and Kaya climbed first. Six Meat is the second step for them. I don’t have to tell you which step is higher, right?”

June naturally talked as if Min-joon and Kaya were like one person. But Jefferson didn’t want to take issue with it because he knew why she said that.

Min-joon and Kaya were just lovers living together, but they were not cooking at the same restaurant. However, almost everybody was aware of the well-known fact that their dishes resembled each other in many ways. It wasn’t just known to the chefs. It was known to many people that from the days of the Grand Chef competition to the present, their dishes were resembling each other and melting into one little by little.

Even this Six Meat was a good example. It was not the same as Cho Reggiano in cooking style. Different types of meat cooked the same way with the same sauce and ingredients, although it was not exactly the same as Cho Reggiano. When examined closely, it looked like Six Meat was the opposite side of Cho Reggiano, but Kaya couldn’t even deny that Six Meat contained the traces of Min-joon’s Cho Reggiano.

Suddenly Jefferson recalled what his friend said, shaking his head when he tried Six Meat the other day.

the story of my friend’s chef, shook his head when he saw Six Meat this time.

<Man, they are really fantastic!>

<Why do you think so?>

<They are basically cooking beyond what you can think of normally. For example, you can measure somebody’s cooking skills last year, then you can predict how much they might have improved this year, right? But when I look at Min-joon and Kaya’s dishes, I just have no idea how they could have improved so much beyond my understanding. That makes me look back at myself and my career. I just wonder whether I have really cooked well, compared with them.>

<Are they so great? I thought they were genius chefs, but I never expected they were more than that.>

In fact, Jefferson’s friend was also one of those who was called a genius since childhood. As a matter of fact, he was also running the most popular restaurant in his area. But that friend said with a sigh.

<They are geniuses who make geniuses look mediocre. As for Six Meat, Gosh! I don’t even know how to describe it... There is only one thing I can tell you. Don’t miss the opportunity to hold them while you are hesitating. It might be the next biggest opportunity in your life after Cho Reggiano.>

His friend’s advice made Jefferson come and meet them here. In fact, his words, ‘I can’t afford to produce Kaya’s menu because I’m too busy producing Cho Reggiano’ were not a lie because that was true. As a matter of fact, he could make a fortune and make a successful business thanks to Min-joon. So, he thought it would be okay to bet on Min-joon once more even at the risk of increasing the production line.

“Alright, let’s go together.”

“I told you before.”

June handed out the contract to him.

“Whether we will work with you or not depends on your acceptance of the terms of the contract.”

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