Adam was not an Otaku. But he was still quite an avid reader of manga. This was why there was a certain pattern he had noticed in the fights.

Whenever two oppositions would meet, one would always start talking about their plan, explain their powers, or share their motivations for doing whatever the hell they were doing.

Adam always knew that something like that was bullshit in real life. He had fought too many times in the ring to not know about that fact. And he was proven right once again during the attack of the mercenaries and even this time he was proven right again.

The only hint the vampire had given out to them till now was that he was chasing after the Director. Outside of that, there was no other talk, no preamble about their motives, nor any small exchanges of their views.

The moment the vampire realized that they were not the people he was waiting for, he entered the equivalent of the second phase in a boss fight, that you would encounter in games, without any hesitation or wait.

The worst thing in all of this was— Adam had basically nothing that could inflict damage on the bloodsucking maniac of a monster.


The moment Richard pushed through the cracks and practically rushed at him after tearing apart the barrier like it was a mere piece of paper, Adam immediately realized that he would not be able to stop him by using his powers. Trying to use his telekinesis or gravity on him seemed an utterly hopeless endeavor.


Even as the time slowed down to a crawl in the realms of his perception, Richard still moved fast enough that he felt like there was no change in his perception at all. Adam immediately started to control the surrounding gravity with the intention of leveling up the field for them as much as he was able to.

Gravity Manipulation :: Increase x2 | Decrease x3 | Increase x3 | Decrease x2

The space between him and the bloodsucking lunatic immediately changed into an unequal gravitational field of horrors. The gravity twisted and distorted so much that it was hard to even position oneself accurately in this horrific field.

'Fuck, this is taking much more energy than I thought it would.'

He felt like his brain was about to fry after using this principle of gravity manipulation. But the result was at least positive.

Richard opened his eyes wide when he felt the gravity suddenly increase from his perspective, messing up his pace and body's rhythm. But when he actually pushed to accelerate for the second step, he actually floated slightly only to be ruthlessly pressed down on the second step.


He had no other choice but to halt at that spot due to this weird phenomenon. As a veteran fighter, he was immediately able to understand that he was facing a crowd-control type fighter. These types of enemies were amongst the most troublesome opponents. At the same time, it was impossible to control such a field without a large strain on the body so he was sure that the boy wouldn't be able to keep this up for long.

Blood boiled in his body as he opened his mouth wide in an inhumane display.

Rooaaar!! [1]

He screamed, or more like roared, akin to a savage beast.



Adam had no time to react as the sound literally blasted into his skull. Lilith was faring better. As restricted as she was with this body, there was no way she was able to save herself from this sudden attack. All she could only focus on right now was to direct all the prana in this body to protect her ears.

Adam's ears started to bleed, he realized that his eardrums were now down for the count. Vertigo and nausea struck his mind, causing him to lose all the focus he had been building up. His balance was broken and he felt like the earth was turning all around him due to his ears rupturing because of the surprise attack. [2]

The only thing he could hear now was a strident siffle noise that was akin to digital noise.


He tried to get back control of his body, but for an instant— he was unable to regain enough control and awareness to keep track of his enemies.

That instant was all Richard needed to deal a fatal blow.

Whoosh~ A spear of blood formed in his hand and then was thrown off at a speed so high it broke the sound barrier with impunity.

Lilith hurriedly created another barrier but it could not even slow down the spear as it rushed and impaled Adam like a skewer propelling backward until his back hit the wall near the door.


"Well, that should do it."

Richard stretched slightly after finishing off one of the pests. Even though his powers were constantly deteriorating and he needed to use the syringe he had hidden to get back into top shape, he had been created for fighting with a Director in mind. There was no way he was going to

'Is it Bronze tier? Silver? I must say, young people nowadays are truly talented.'

If given a few more years, that boy would have undoubtedly become a Gold tier or even an Executor. In the end, though, a talent that had yet to be realized did not amount to anything at all.

"Now then, you are pretty calm for someone who just saw their friend die so helplessly in front of them, aren't you?"

He turned toward the young girl who was clad in a skimpy bikini. He could feel a weird force emanating from her that was a bit incongruent with her existence.

She seemed to be incomparably weaker than the young man he had just killed but at the same time, it felt like she held a great deal of power inside of her too. It was a weird oxymoron that only heightened his vigilance.

His instincts were screaming at him that she was more dangerous than the young man if she was left unchecked.

"Heh…We aren't really friends."

She pointed at him with her slender hands and gestured to him to come forward in a provocative manner…

"Come on big man~ Let me see if your size makes up for your techniques."

"Your provocations are futile."

Another blood spear formed in his hand as he rushed at Lilith but all she did was just grin at him with a sultry smile tugging her lips.

The two began to fight in earnest at close range combat. The succubi did not excel in strength-based fights but Lilith had been around since the dawn of time.

She had fought with just about everything that could be fought in this world. Monsters. Devils. Demons. Angels. Gods and so many more.

She did not have access to her full strength but this did not affect her experience.

'Tch. I can't use my authority either, otherwise, that coward will flee from this domain.'

Asmodeus had hidden from her for eons now. Even for her, it was impossible to attack a Prince of Hell in their very own territory. In that place, they were no different from gods and had absolute and perfect control of the full place. This was not something that could be surpassed with simply a small difference of power. She wasn't as crazy as Cains after all.

The current situation was a golden opportunity for her— an opportunity that she could not and would not miss.


Like shadows dancing in the dark, the two moved to kill the other. It was a battle dance of the highest degree where Lilith had to take into account each and every possible detail as the slightest mistake would cause harm to this body.

Pushing a punch that was reaching to crush her skull, Lilith was not surprised when a spike of blood immediately jumped from his arms and tried to impale her then and there. She had already created a simple barrier just sturdy enough for her to jump away before it was crushed by the sneak attack.

'Hmm… He is using his powers quite well.'please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

The first mistake many people made when fighting beings like a vampire or a shapeshifter, was to fall for their physical appearance.

For all they looked like humans, vampires were still monsters and the range of motions they had at their disposal was infinitely larger than whatever a human could even imagine they were able to do.

After all, for them, breaking a few bones just to strike someone was next to nothing. It could heal in an instant anyways.

But this one here was still predominantly fighting like a human.

"I wonder… Who is the crazy bastard that tried to replicate vampires this time?"

In all generations, there was always that one bastard who dabbled in the forbidden path and tried to create experimental subjects like this one here — They always failed, in the end though,

Richard's brows twitched after hearing Lilith's words.

"Bullseye, huh? You humans are always the same. Always chasing after the forbidden and cursed powers. How funny— then again, I totally understand it though."

Richard growled menacingly. As a soldier created for the one and only task of fighting and fighting alone, he would have simply shut up and continued to fight in this situation. In any other circumstance, that is. He knew that Lilith was trying to bait him into spilling what he knew.

But he couldn't help himself. His mind was currently too fragile for him to just control himself.

He had suffered so much and sacrificed way too much already. There was no way he could accept someone belittling his beliefs.

"What do you know!?"

He roared and screamed, meanwhile, his deformed hand began to grow larger and became more menacing. Looking more like the clawed paws of a monster than anything else.

"You supernatural creatures can never understand the weakness we humans are bestowed from birth!

"With this… We will finally surpass all of you. We, humans, will be able to stand at a higher level than you wretched beings and truly suppress all supernatural creatures, creating a world free from all of you filthy monsters!"

"Hah… So you are that kind of person."

The light of interest in her eyes immediately dimmed before vanishing completely.

She gave a humorless laugh. She was one of the first humans to have ever existed on this plane. Even though her mindset had changed considerably after her transformation, she doubted many could understand humanity more than she, herself.

Lilith was the first to acknowledge that fact.

She was evil…

She was an amoral being who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. She was a petty woman who refused to bow down to anyone and who would take revenge for even the smallest slights toward her.

She was a power-hungry being who wanted to stand at the very top of this plane. She was a lustful, greedy monster.

All of this — She recognized.

This was why…. What she hated the most in this world were righteous hypocritical bastards like the one in front of him.

"So you decided to do this for humanity?"

She waved her hand nonchalantly toward the gate,

"Kill innocent people. Rape women, summon an evil god. I suppose in your brain… All this convoluted mess is some part of a greater plan that will bring good or something fruitful? Heh… Hahaha. Oh my gosh…"

Lilith laughed hysterically, "Man. Did you know that once… Humans had so many sins that God itself decided to erase the entire human race. [3] Let this sink inside that small rotten brain of yours, you filthy mongrel."

Humans were capable of the greatest evil in the world. Be it back before the flood or with Sodom and Gomorrah. [4] It was a proven fact that history was the greatest witness of.

Richard was about to answer in anger when he suddenly felt that something was off. His reason finally suppressed his emotions.

The reason he was buying time was that it was helpful to him for the arrival of the being he summoned into this realm. But why was this woman buying time then?

Richard immediately turned around and his eyes widened when he saw the young man that should have died reaching close to the Cursed Womb and striking at her.



On Adam's side, listening to the scream of that monster, he could only laugh and attack without hesitation toward the womb of the deformed woman. Well intent on killing and putting that poor woman out of her misery.

From the start, Adam knew that he had no chance of winning against that monstrous being. He simply did not have the weapon or the method necessary to kill such a powerful monster.

But… Did he even need to win in the first place?

Means and Objectives.

His main objective wasn't to kill the vampire. It was simply to stop this unholy ritual.

'I am sorry.'

Adam immediately gathered all the power he could, gravity, telekinesis, and even his physical strength, and simultaneously launched a tri-infused attack to crush the belly of the deformed woman.

This was the end. This whole debacle would finally come to a close with this strike of his..

Such a hope bloomed in Adam's mind.

It was until the eyes of the woman swirled in his direction and a malevolent grin stretched on her face that all his hope crashed down in its entirety….


The world seemed to stop as light engulfed his whole being.


[1] For better imagery, imagine what Uvogin from Hunter x Hunter did. If you didn't watch it then try finding it on youtube. Search Uvogin scream or something.

[2]: An interesting point to note is that the ear not only helps with hearing but also helps us maintain our bodies' balance and equilibrium. Without the ear, we would not be able to balance our bodies with respect to the earth's gravitational pull.

[3]: So for those who know a little about the bible, humans of old had an incredible lifespan. Adam lived for 930 years. Methuselah lived for 967 years. So yeah basically all humans from Adam to Noah lived nearly for a thousand-year. Noah lived 600 years before the flood. It was when humanity was at an all-time high in the sins department. I mean. We only live for like 60-80 years nowadays per generation and look at what we do. Now imagine what we could do with ten times that lifespan. So yeah. God was pissed and when Angels decided to come fuck humans and give birth to Nephilim, God said enough was enough and decided to wipe out everything with a flood. He said he regretted creating humanity and they were beings filled with sin. But he gave one last chance to humanity— Noah.

Noah made the arc and all that, put a pair of every animal then waited for the annihilation of humanity. Then he lived 350 more years after that. After him, all humans went from living nearly 1K to being limited to 100+ years. Less time to live means less time to sin.

[4]: Now this one is legit funny and sad at the same time. This is a very summarized version. Basically, Two cities were so wicked and sinful that God decided to erase them. Abraham begged God. So God gave them a chance. He sent two angels and said that if 10 righteous people could be found in the cities, the two cities would be spared. Guess the result? Hah. Anyways it ended with another rain. But this time it was a Rain of fire and sulfur. Weirdly, once again one family was spared. The father and his two daughters minus his wife. The wife was dumb so she did something stupid and got changed into a pillar of salt.

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