(AN: Prologue 2 will be edited Tomorrow morning first thing or even in a few hours.)

(AN: The chapter will start with a part of Prologue 1. We have been a long way. Obviously, there are a few changes from what I thought I wanted to do in Prologue 1 to what actually happened. But I will work to make sure there is no inconsistency. At least no great one.

Anyway, thanks to all of you guys, I managed to reach 10K unlock. Truly thanks. My release rate will be a little more normal in July as I really need to rest haha. Between 1-3 chapters. Most likely 1-2 daily. But in Aout, I will fight again for a 10k unlock or who knows perhaps 25K.

Anyway, Enjoy! A new month a new book.)


A single word escaped from his lips, and in the next moment, what looked to be an old antique book with the symbol of an apple drawn on the neat antique cover appeared out of nowhere.

ƥandasnovel.com Opening the first page of the nigh-ancient tome, Adam smiled as he saw his <<Status>> written on the first page. It was one of the basic functions of the book. It showed him the condition of his body and the general parameters of his overall competence simplified into basic rank.

Of course, that was not the most important of things. Even though it may seem significant to anyone else. It had become an everyday thing to Adam now.

With the command of his mind, the pages kept turning and turning until a particular page was reached, the one he sought. At the beginning of the book was a word drawn in cursive writing and presented in a bold format for it to be eye-catching. A golden border also shone around the edges of the word pronouncing it further to the user.

<<Ordeal>> was the word, and under it were descriptions related to it that helped him in acquiring further power.

Active Ordeals:

[Have Shuri break off her shackle and decide to give up on her cheating husband]

[Ordeal completed]

[...Calculating reward…]

[Knowledge level required in the study of psychology has been deemed to be satisfactory.]

[Knowledge level required in the field of psychoanalysis has met the minimum standards.]

[All conditions have been met. Commencing Skill evolution.]

[The skill Silver Tongue has evolved into Snake Tongue. Please read the intended page and acquire the required knowledge.]

Below the letters that absurdly floated into existence, indicating to him the evolution of one of his prominent skills, was now the description of the new skill and further instructions for him to acquire the evolution through a full understanding of the basics.

[Snake Tongue:

Description: Your words have a great persuasive effect. Twisting lies and truths is as easy as breathing for you. Your words may now bend some measures of cognition and expedite themselves to be more believable and logical. The following effects are now applied…

Effect 1: Your lies can hardly be detected without a skill tailored for the detection of lies.

Effect 2: Your words have a greater chance of convincing people into doing your bidding.

Effects 3: Previous effects and criteria of actions are all enhanced when the target is a woman.]

[You received a Free pass to the Bronze section]

Under the constant streaming of the hot shower, Adam absentmindedly contemplated his life. Even now, everything still felt like a distant dream. Reality and Fantasy seemed to have blended to keep him in this fantastical delusion.

He knew it to be real. Yet, he couldn't completely discard that it may have been the production of his deluded mind either.

This power.

His current work.

And even his relationship with Shuri.

How did it all come to this?

He again recalled back to that fateful day not long before…

A day like any other…I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com




'Only one month and I feel like everything happened an eternity ago.'

Time was truly a funny thing.

Adam sighed as he closed his eyes and let the water wash over him. The new skill he obtained would be very useful in the future he was sure.

High-ranked skills could not just be bought with Karma. They needed to have a certain amount of knowledge in different related topics and have lower-level skills as a prerequisite.

He had been worried about his level of psychology but it seemed like it had reached a level good enough.

What made Adam sigh though, was not the skill itself but rather the fact that this would be the last time he received a free pass from the Bronze section.

In a way, he felt like he had graduated and was entering a new class and this made him feel both happy and anticipating. He was sure that the Silver section would be even more magical.

'With this, I have one pass from both the Silver and Bronze section.'

He had been saving the silver pass since the events of Water Park. But soon it would be time to use it.

As for the Bronze pass, he planned to use it to simply visit Eve and spend some true quality time with her. As long as he didn't study in the Library, the amount of time he could say might basically double.

And the more happy Eve was, the higher the chance of her actually giving him more benefit.

'This feels good.'

Adam thought absent-mindedly as he wondered what he should do today. Shuri had made clear she wanted to see him in class and he had the intention of going. Mostly to ask for a leave and a year off or simply drop out.

Since he had a scholarship, dropping out would at least give the chance to one more person in need of getting it.

—Or some rich kid was going to steal it. But neither was his problem.

With the date of his trips to France approaching, it was becoming clear that university could not be in his plans. He barely had enough hours in a day to do what he needed and did not want to waste it on sitting in class when he could do so much more.

The good thing was — He didn't need a diploma to pass the Bar. Having a public identity was very important for the camouflage of all hunters.

Though he could use his illusion to act as a Lawyer if he wished. He wanted to pass the bar exam. He had spent nearly three years in school for that after all. While he did not need it, he wanted to have it. It was that simple.

"Very well. I will go to university today."

He would follow all classes with extreme focus. It would be his last day in university before actually dropping out after all.

As for the next bar exam…It would be in July.

'Around 8 months.'

Adam shook his head.

Thinking about all that happened in just one month, he was starting to wonder if he would actually be able to pass this bar exam.

As hopeful as he was. The chances of it happening seemed quite unlikely…Or perhaps he was just worrying too much for nothing and the remaining months would be calm with absolutely no problem.

But this was what made life so fun, right?

Never knowing what could happen tomorrow was quite the thrill.

Laughing he stopped the shower and walked out.

This day promised to be quite interesting.

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