The moment Adam unleashed his aura blast without paying attention to his surroundings, the reverberation of his power was felt throughout the entirety of the coverage of his zone— created by his skill 'The World.'

Which was a whopping radius of more than one kilometer or a little under one mile.

One of the greatest fears all living creatures gifted with reason had was the fear of death— their eternal demise from the realms of the living.

The knowledge that the end was ever approaching and there was nothing that one was able to do to stop that phenomenon from occurring was a deep fear that lurked in the depth of everyone's hearts.

When the power of Death washed over everyone present inside the blast range, this deep fear was brought back to the very surface of their minds and the subsequent results were more than evident for all to see.

The vast majority of people simply fainted in mere seconds, their minds unable to handle the realization and fear that was brought up while meeting their demise. Those who did not faint went still with shock or went crazy as they started running around like raving lunatics or mental asylum patients.

Mass hysteria, hordes of people driven into a state of coma, and many other small and big problems followed for everyone who had been blasted by Adam's aura.

This was pure Chaos in the truest sense of the word.

ƥ The government of the city hurried to prepare a statement to explain what happened while the hunters and other creatures of the supernatural side naturally became hesitant to approach the danger zone of more than a kilometer.

This was a never before seen case and they were wondering if some cult had just gone wild once again and decided to summon some calamity class being or something of the sort to this world. And that too in the city that was under their jurisdiction.

"Boss, What do we do now?"

"We wait. Just wait and stand still. If the situation worsens further we will have to ask for help from the nearby territories."

Hunters were not heroes and they were certainly not desperados who would jump inside a danger zone without at least understanding what the hell was going on inside, what they were dealing with, and what kind of situation they were entering into.

Rushing in now would only be utterly stupid and reckless of them.

But…While all those who faced that power were greatly surprised and even shocked by the being who emanated that despair-inducing aura, there was one who was shocked for completely different reasons…


Sitting inside a bar inside the danger region, a woman with tanned skin and a previously bewitching smile – that she had been donning just before the aura blast – froze before standing up and screaming the word out in utter shock and surprise coloring every single thread of her tone.

She ignored how everyone in the bar passed out and tried to focus on the sensation of dread and despair that had just washed over her due to the sudden blast of aura.

At the same time, she took out a special dagger from inside a sheath that she had pulled out from who knows where— a black and red dagger emanating an ominous aura and marked with eldritch runes appeared once she took it out of the colorful sheathe.


It had only lasted for an instant but this sensation was simply unmistakable to her. The feeling of pure annihilation and the deep fear of the realization that the ultimate end of everyone and anyone— Death was approaching that washed her was too distinct for her to mistake for anything else.

The proof of that phenomenon was none other than the visual sign of the dagger in her hands shining even now as it resonated with the power that was essential in the creation of the blade.I think you should take a look at

It didn't matter that it had already been one thousand years since the time that she had felt this power or the fact that she had only been a kid when she last felt that power.

She could never mistake that feeling, not even in a million years…


A frown covered her face at the next moment. She gripped the dagger tightly in between her palm.

Something was wrong here. Something significantly wrong.

Even though the sensation was oh-so similar to the one she knew of by heart;

Not only did the 'nature' behind the sensation felt slightly different but… How could the pressure that was held within be so weak?

'It's not him.'

After the feeling of surprise and euphoria passed, her rational mind came to this conclusion almost instantly once she analyzed everything with a keen eye. The power she remembered from all those years ago wouldn't have just made people faint at the fear of Death.

Their hearts would have simply stopped and they would have all died without exception— led to their eternal damnation and demise.

She would not have been spared either. Her Lord and savior cared not for individuals. She would have been unable to think coherently any longer and would have been kneeling and shivering in fear as well or would have simply fainted.

The fact that she was coherent enough to think and be able to come to this conclusion was proof enough that the power did not belong to 'him.'

But if it wasn't her sir… Who else in this world could handle that power?

'A primogenitor?'

This was absurd. Even though they were all children of the all-father. No primogenitor had managed to obtain any of the main skills and power the ancestor was known for.

There has never been a primogenitor race with power even remotely similar to that of Death.

'This is big.'

Her long elven ears twitched. She began to walk away and even ended up sprinting.

She had initially planned to say and observe the new Alpha some more but now it was the furthest thing in the world in her mind…

She had to warn the elders.

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