Gospel of Blood

Chapter 171: It's indeed very dangerous

The old werewolf's eyes scrutinized Sebastian and Charlotte, finally settling on Charlotte. He frowned.

"Luff, let's set aside your brother from the tribe for now. What's the deal with this little one?"

"Old Logan, although Resa is young, she's quite strong and can handle the work."

Luff responded, pretending not to catch the underlying question in the old werewolf's eyes.

The old werewolf: ...

"You know that's not what I meant."

He said with a frown.

"Old Logan, Resa insisted on coming. She wants to contribute. Besides, there are others around her age in the tribe."

Luff gestured towards the dirty young werewolf in the group.

The old werewolf had nothing more to say. With a sigh, he shook his head.

"Fine, fine."

"Since they're from your tribe, they can be considered one of us. They can come along, but they must stay in the outer area and not venture into the inner mining zone."

"You know, the supervisors of the mining workshop turn a blind eye to the outer zone, but the inner zone is strictly monitored. After all... it's easy to find mithril ore there."

Luff immediately smiled and said.

"Of course, they're novices. Working in the outer area is enough."

The old werewolf hesitated and added.

"Also, I advise you not to venture into the inner mining zone with us. We have been doing this for years and can handle the risks, but it's different for you."

Luff nodded and smiled.

"Don't worry, Old Logan. I know what to do."

His response did not satisfy the old werewolf, who grew serious.

"Luff, I'm serious. You need to take this seriously too."

Glancing at the curious beastmen behind him, the old werewolf suddenly extended his withered arm, pulling Luff aside and whispering:

"Luff, you're the only werewolf I've seen in years who can still unleash their bloodline power."

"I don't know how you do it or what you've been through, but you might represent the future of our kind."

"A person like you shouldn't be in the mines; you should be out in the world, finding better opportunities for our people."

The old werewolf sighed, his expression complex.

"Our kind hasn't awakened their totem powers in many years..."

Hearing the old werewolf's heartfelt words, Luff felt a warmth in his heart.

"Old Logan, I..."

The old werewolf interrupted.

"Let me finish."

"I know you have ulterior motives for offering me drinks and asking for information, but... that doesn't matter."

"Whether you're here to scavenge for silver ore or gather secrets for someone, it's irrelevant."

"I've observed you for days. I can see you care about everyone and genuinely want to make Castell your tribe's settlement."

"That's enough."

"Luff, the mining zone is more dangerous than you think. Just because you returned safely last time doesn't mean you'll be safe this time... Most of those who disappeared in the inner mining zone vanished on their second visit."

"You might have been marked by the monster the last time you were there."

Hearing the old werewolf's heartfelt advice, Luff's gaze grew complicated. He sighed and said:

"Don't worry, Old Logan. Since I'm with Barce and Resa, I'll stay with them."

The old werewolf finally relaxed and nodded in satisfaction.

"That's for the best."

Then he turned back to Sebastian and Charlotte, who had been disguised as werewolves by Sherry, and addressed Sebastian sternly.

"You're called Barce, right?"

"Mr. Logan."

Sebastian greeted with a slight nod.

Despite being disguised as a werewolf, his smile remained as elegant and charming as ever. The old werewolf paused, taken aback by Sebas's radiant smile. After a moment of hesitation, he spoke solemnly, half-warning, half-advising.

"I can see you have a distinguished aura, likely with an impressive past. You seem well-educated."

"But, now that you're in Castell's mining zone, you must follow the rules. The most important rule here is to stay within the designated mining area."

"I assume Luff has told you about the monster legends in the mines, so I won't repeat them. Just remember, not only is it dangerous to venture into the inner zone, but even leaving your designated area can be perilous!"

"If you want to earn your keep, follow the rules!"

He then looked at Charlotte beside Sebastian, his expression softening slightly.

"And take care of your sister. Don't let her be seen. Though werewolves like her might not disappear due to monsters, it's still unsafe."


Sebastian probed.

The old werewolf responded with a disdainful scowl, spitting:

"Don't you get it? Do I need to spell it out? The mines are no place for someone like her! The mine supervisors are far more dangerous for her than any monster!"

Sebastian: ...

He nodded and replied respectfully.

"You're right. If the mine supervisors act recklessly, it could be very dangerous."

The old werewolf nodded in approval.

"That's better!"

"Alright, come along now. Hide your sister's hair to make her look like a boy; it'll be safer."

He gestured for Sebastian and Charlotte to follow. Sebastian looked at Charlotte, who nodded, indicating he should help her tuck her hair into a headscarf. As for why she didn't do it herself... she simply didn't know how to tie her hair up.

That's right, after a year, she still hasn't learned to do her own hair. Living a life where maids serve you every day can turn a person into a useless mess.

After a year of being here, not only has she not picked up any new life skills, but some of the abilities from her previous life have also become rusty due to being served so well.

With a bit of tidying up, Charlotte transformed into a young werewolf boy.

Unfortunately, despite the makeup and tied-up hair, her natural beauty made her stand out among the dirty, grimy werewolves.

The old werewolf sighed and suddenly dug a large chunk of dirt from the ground.

"Smear this dirt on your face."

He said, approaching Charlotte.

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Seeing the dirty clump of soil, both Luff and Sebastian hesitated to speak. However, Charlotte boldly grabbed a handful and smeared it on her face, much to Sebastian's astonishment.

"Alright, let's move out."

The old werewolf nodded in satisfaction and led the way to the mining area.

Under the moonlight, although his figure was hunched and small, Charlotte felt his shadow was tall and grand.

Being a bloodborne, Charlotte had sharp senses and had overheard the conversation between the old werewolf and Luff.

Over the past year, most of the nobles she encountered were eccentric and perverse. Seeing such a responsible and dedicated old werewolf leader in the mining area filled her with a sense of admiration.

It was ironic that those considered barbarians by the civilized world, struggling to survive, still had hearts yearning for the light. Yet, many human nobles, who held power and privilege, had fallen into depravity.

Blending into the group of demi-human miners, Charlotte successfully infiltrated the mining area.

It proved to be the right choice because, upon entering, she noticed numerous defensive formations and patrolling soldiers.

The Castell mining area had stringent security. Charlotte estimated that without using her bloodborne powers, it would have been difficult to sneak in.

Divine power was precious and should be used sparingly.

Soon, someone from the mining workshop came to greet the group. Charlotte noticed it was a human steward, but not a noble.

His relationship with the old werewolf seemed unexpectedly good. He didn't trouble them much, merely giving the group a cursory glance before letting everyone through without thorough checks.

This surprised Charlotte, making her think that the seemingly tightly guarded mining area might not be without its loopholes.

"Mr. Mael is a friend of Grandpa Logan. Generally, he doesn't give us a hard time. He knows we often bring other tribesmen to mine for money and turns a blind eye."

Said a crisp, young voice beside Charlotte, as if answering her curiosity.

Charlotte turned to see it was the young werewolf boy around her age.

"Noah, you can call me Noah."

Said the werewolf boy.

Despite his dirty appearance, his voice was clear and pleasant.

Charlotte smiled warmly at him.

"Hello, Noah, I'm Resa."

Noah was momentarily dazed by Charlotte's smile but quickly recovered.

Charlotte was slightly surprised.

Even with layers of dirt on her face, a year of using bloodborne charm magic had given her a natural charm. Usually, few could resist her smile, especially those driven by base instincts.

However, this young werewolf's quick recovery was much faster than those aristocrats at fancy banquets.

Intrigued, Charlotte found herself curious about this young boy.

But Noah solemnly advised.

"Resa, never smile at strangers like that. It's too dangerous for you."

Charlotte: ...

She felt as if she was being lectured by a child younger than herself.

"Actually, you shouldn't be here. The mines are no place for a little girl, even if we're werewolves."

Noah continued.

Charlotte smiled, pointing to Sebastian beside her.

"It's okay, my brother will protect me."

Noah fell silent. He glanced at Sebastian, his expression complicated, but said nothing more and retreated back into the group.

Sebastian, surprised, remarked.

"I thought he would say that if he were me, he wouldn't let his sister come along."

Charlotte sighed.

"It seems everyone here has a story."

"Hey, who doesn't have their own story in this world?"

Sebastian replied, shaking his head with a smile, lost in his own thoughts.

"Be quiet!"

The old werewolf's stern voice came from the front of the group.

Seeing Charlotte quiet down, Sebastian immediately fell silent.

As they passed through the open mining area on the outskirts, the group quickly followed the old werewolf into the actual mine.

Despite being called a mine, to Charlotte, it looked like a steampunk underground city.

After hundreds of years of mining, the Castel mine's tunnels crisscrossed to form a massive underground network. The mine was brightly lit, with hundreds of miners busily working. Some pushed mine carts along tracks, others hammered away at the ore with crude tools, and dwarf craftsmen operated large, steam-emitting alchemical devices.

Surprisingly, Charlotte saw no magical devices.

In a magical world, she had expected to see some magical apparatuses, believing magic to be the ultimate productivity tool.

However, after a moment's thought, she realized that the extraordinary powers in the world of Myria were monopolized by the nobility. Operating magical devices required magicians, and there were no magical tools usable by ordinary people.

Developing such tools was taboo, considered blasphemous by the Mage Association against Magic and the Elemental Gods!

Many magicians were nobles, and even those who weren't were often employed by nobles or became renowned mercenaries with high fees.

In such a scenario, it was too expensive to employ magicians in a mine. Even for a mithril mine, hiring magicians would be akin to letting mice guard the granary. Most magicians knew a few tricks to steal some precious mithril for themselves.

So, in the end, it was still ordinary people and non-magical, low-level extraordinaries who worked in the mines.

Charlotte curiously observed everything in the mine, inspecting what was nominally her "underground city." But she didn't stay long and soon followed the group deeper into a mining tunnel.

At the end of the tunnel was a mining cavern, flickering with spots of silver light under the dim oil lamps. Some demi-human miners were already working there.

The old werewolf stopped and addressed Charlotte, Sebastian, and Luff.

"Luff, Barce, and Resa, you can work here. The tools are ready. Do what you can, wages will be settled according to the amount mined, but don't overexert yourselves. Your health is most important."

"And don't try to smuggle ore out. There are magical devices to check for that."

Then, he looked at the young werewolf boy.

"Noah, you stay here and work too."

"Why? I want to go into the inner mines! I've been there so many times before without any trouble!"

Noah protested.

The old werewolf Logan glared at him.

"No trouble, my foot! Don't think I don't know what you're up to. You say you're mining, but you're actually looking for the dragon in the cave. Do you have a death wish?"

"But! There really is a dragon in the mine!"

"That's even more reason not to let you go. If you anger it, do you want everyone to die with you?"

Logan scolded.

"No... it won't. I believe it won't."

Noah shook his head stubbornly.

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