Gospel of Blood

Chapter 176: Overwhelming Superiority!

Looking at the undead army that had instantly turned against him and the mysterious girl surrounded by everyone, Black Dragon Gikode's expression changed completely.


Perhaps he should no longer be called a black dragon.

A real black dragon would be much stronger than him.

Charlotte's voice seemed to carry some mysterious power, ringing like a bell in Gikode's mind.

His aura quickly became chaotic, and his hideous dragon form began to twitch and change, sometimes appearing to want to revert to a human form, other times trying to maintain his dragon shape.

"No! I am Black Dragon Gikode! I am Black Dragon Gikode!"

He roared and bellowed, his eyes blood-red, quickly descending into madness once again.

Gikode let out a dragon's roar, and his terrifying dragon might exploded again, stronger but more chaotic than before.

Cracks began to appear on his dragon body, and through these cracks, black and red flesh could be seen constantly churning, breaking down, and regenerating beneath his scales.

Feeling the unprecedented power, Sebastian and the others immediately became serious.

However, Charlotte remained calm, her gaze towards the black dragon filled with pity.

As a bloodborne, she was not unfamiliar with his current state.

She had experienced something similar once.

It was shortly after she had become bloodborne, when she had not drunk blood for a long time, leading to a blood frenzy and a rampage of her bloodline.

But unlike the creature before her, Charlotte did not completely lose herself then and was able to recover from the bloodline rampage.

However, the bloodborne named Gikode before her had obviously completely lost himself to the dragon's power.

After dealing with the Blood Demon Cult of Borde and obtaining over thirty pages of the Gospel, Charlotte further completed the Gospel of Blood and gained a deeper understanding of the resonance of the five major bloodlines.

The Wild Path...

It is a bloodline path that resonates with all living things, allowing the user to unleash their nature, borrow and integrate the powers of other creatures, and even transform into other creatures.

For example, Charlotte had acquired the ability of the [Night Bat] from the Wild Path, allowing her to transform into a bat.

And this bloodline resonance is most crucial in that, when using its power, one must always remember their true self, staying aware of who they are.

Losing oneself would lead to a power rampage.

The power of bloodbornes is strong but also dangerous.

Any bloodborne has the potential to rampage.

The strange power grants bloodbornes great strength but is also a curse passed down through their bloodlines. Bloodbornes must continually drink blood to delay the outbreak of a bloodline rampage.

But if there is a problem with the bloodline resonance, even drinking blood... would be useless.

Taking the Wild Path as an example, once the power rampages, the mild result would be becoming completely deranged and turning into the creature one transformed into, losing oneself; the severe result would be an inability to bear the powerful form, leading to self-destruction in madness.

After the rampage, the power is indeed strong.

But the line between strength and collapse is often very thin.

Seeing the cracks spreading on "Black Dragon" Gikode and the flesh buds growing and breaking down beneath them, Charlotte knew that even if she did nothing, this bloodborne, having lost himself and been provoked by them, would self-destruct.

At the moment when his perception completely collapsed, Gikode had no future left.

However, "Black Dragon" Gikode didn't care about his gradually disintegrating body.

Feeling his increasingly powerful strength, his blood-red eyes gleamed with unprecedented madness and triumph. After a long roar, he charged at Charlotte again.

"Lowly mortal, tremble before the great Black Dragon Gikode!"

"No matter who you are, Lord Gikode will devour you!"

"Master! Watch out!"

Sebastian and the others' faces changed slightly.

But Charlotte remained calm.

She did not accept Sebastian's protection but instead stepped forward, directly facing the charging "black dragon."

Crimson light flickered in Charlotte's eyes, her gaze turning cold as an ancient and majestic aura rose from her body.

Charlotte's lips moved slightly, and a crisp, ethereal yet authoritative reprimand echoed through the cave.


In an instant, an invisible, strange wave spread out from Charlotte, sweeping over everyone present.

The first to be affected was the weakest among them, the young werewolf Noah.

When the reprimand, as if resounding in his soul, reached him, he felt as if he had returned to his childhood when his mother scolded him. His whole body trembled, and he almost instinctively fell to his knees.

At that moment, even he didn't realize how or why he had knelt.

Nice, sensing something wrong when Charlotte opened her mouth, had a vague idea of what was coming.

However, having experienced kneeling once in the mansion, he felt somewhat prepared this time and thought he could withstand this power with some characteristics of a spoken command.

He smiled knowingly, ready for the impact, while watching Sebastian, expecting to see his embarrassed reaction under the sudden reprimand.

But when the reprimand fully sounded, Nice realized he was still too naive.

He had been mentally prepared, but Charlotte was no longer the Charlotte of the past...

As the voice reached him, he felt this reprimand was even more terrifying than before, an unquestionable command interwoven with laws, like the majesty of a God.


Under the immense pressure, he involuntarily cursed, a coarse word he had learned from Charlotte, watching helplessly as his limbs fell to the ground, his tail curling up.

As for Sebastian...

Before the power of the reprimand reached him, at the moment when Charlotte uttered the "kne" of "kneel", he had already knelt on one knee.

He knelt elegantly, naturally, and with a clear conscience.

Nice watched in amazement.



As the reprimand echoed through the cave, thousands of undead in the mining area knelt down like wheat being harvested, prostrating before Charlotte as if worshiping their king.

But these were just the aftershocks of the reprimand amplified by the cave's echoes.

The true center of the storm was "Black Dragon" Gikode, charging at Charlotte.

When the reprimand reached him, he felt a deafening thunderclap in his mind, tearing apart the stormy chaos of his spirit world...

For a moment, his maddened eyes cleared, but the next moment, they were filled with fear and dread seemingly from his soul.

His hideous dragon form collapsed instantly, black scales falling off, his massive body rapidly shrinking.

And when he fully realized what had happened, he had already reverted to his human form and... was kneeling.

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He tried to stand up but found he couldn't control his legs.

It wasn't because his body was seized by some power...

Gikode could feel his legs trembling, his body trembling, his very soul trembling...

He was terrified, he was scared, and at this moment, he couldn't muster any thought of resisting her!

The werewolf Luff had also knelt down.

He struggled to lift his head, blankly staring at the petite figure standing alone in the cave. This incredibly powerful and strange force faintly overlapped with a certain legend from his tribe...

Especially when the "black dragon" bloodborne, who had lost all reason and gone berserk, was suddenly awakened and then knelt down directly on the ground.

Luff's eyes widened, and he looked at Charlotte in disbelief, muttering:

"Royal authority... This is the authority of a royal bloodborne!"

"By the True Ancestor! Lady Charlotte... is actually of the royal bloodborne?!"

Luff's expression was a mix of shock, absurdity, and bewilderment, but gradually, he began to understand.

He looked sharply at Sebastian, meeting the eyes of the elegantly kneeling Flame Elf, who responded with a slight smile.

That smile seemed to say:

"See, our master is indeed one of us."

Luff hesitated, then lowered his head again, kneeling with even more reverence.

This time, it wasn't due to the command of the "Majesty Magic."

It was from the heart.

Though he had many questions unanswered, and he didn't understand why the royal bloodborne, which was said to have vanished, had become the "Saintess of the Holy Court," he believed there must be a reason.

The demi-human tribes, led by the werewolves, originated from the blood totem, worshiping the True Ancestor of Blood, loyal to the royal bloodborne...

That was enough.

However, at the center of the storm, the fully awakened bloodborne Gikode knew the truth was far from simple...

The power that awakened him in an instant was not just that of the lost royal bloodborne.

That power was grand and vast, ancient and timeless, as mighty as divine will...

It was an unimaginable power.

It was... an absolute suppression of his very essence!

At this moment, Gikode felt the cursed pages he held trembling, cheering.

They seemed to be calling out, wanting to break free, wanting to return somewhere...

Gikode dumbly raised his head, his now-clear red eyes reflecting Charlotte's silver hair and crimson-gold pupils.

That petite figure suddenly overlapped with certain ancient legends he had heard from the third-generation bloodbornes...

"You... no, you are..."

He widened his eyes, speaking with a mixture of absurdity and terror.

But he couldn't finish his sentence.

A gleam flashed in Charlotte's eyes, and Gikode's mind instantly collapsed. His clear red eyes quickly turned dull and vacant.

[Mental Domination]

One of the renowned spells of the Bloodborne's Mental Path, it was also one of the innate spells Charlotte acquired from the Gospel pages she had taken from the Blood Demon Cult.

Due to its overpowering nature, frequent use of this spell could easily lead to an addiction, causing one to see all beings as ants and oneself as supreme, devoid of regard for others. Thus, although Charlotte had mastered it, she avoided using it whenever possible.

People need different voices around them.

In ancient times, wise emperors often became corrupt as their reigns lengthened. The main reason was that, as they centralized power to an incredible extent, their unparalleled prestige left no room for opposition, leading them to become lost and corrupted by absolute power and flattery, eventually becoming what they once despised.

Mental Domination works similarly.

Frequent use of this innate spell worried Charlotte that she too might become lost.

Moreover, this spell could significantly impact the sanity of its target, sometimes leaving permanent damage, reducing the victim to a state of idiocy.

So, generally, Charlotte refrained from using it.

However, at this moment, facing Gikode, she chose to use it.

No matter what he thought she was, for safety, she couldn't allow him to finish his sentence.

Moreover, for an evil bloodborne who had turned thousands of innocent miners into living corpses, she had no need for mercy.

Charlotte stood before Gikode, looking down at him.

Though she was smaller in stature, at this moment, before the prostrate Gikode, she seemed like a sovereign holding the power of life and death.

"Tell me your origin, and your purpose in the Castell silver mine."

Charlotte's eyes flashed red as she coldly asked.

He slowly raised his head, speaking respectfully.

"Great master, I am Gikode Black Vadallat, from the Coria Kingdom."

"I was tasked with overseeing the mining of mithril in the Castell silver mine, protecting our mithril mining, and ensuring its timely transport..."

"Va... Vadallat?!"

Sebastian, who had been kneeling respectfully, suddenly twitched, almost losing his composure.

Charlotte gave him a curious glance.

The Vadallat clan, one of the six major bloodborne clans, controlled the wild legacy.

The Pure White Witch who once chased Sebastian across half a continent was the head of the Vadallat clan.

"You are a bloodborne of the Vadallat clan? Who is behind you? Is it the Vadallat clan?"

Charlotte asked again.

But this time, Gikode didn't answer, instead starting to tremble slightly.

He looked conflicted, his eyes unfocused, his mental state becoming unstable.

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat.

She recognized this state, a sign that her question had touched upon a soul-bound contract.

"Who is behind you?"

Charlotte asked again, her eyes flashing as she increased the power output.

Gikode's trembling intensified.

He struggled, his eyes rolling back, shaking like an epileptic as he stammered.

"Ne... Nez..."

"The one behind me... is Nez...!"

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