Gospel of Blood

Chapter 191: The Big Three Families

As the most bustling city in the northern region and a renowned port of the Crescent Kingdom, Northport was always lively and busy.

However, today Northport was even busier than usual.

At the port facing the Starlight Strait, one sailing ship after another arrived from the north and south, slowly docking at Northport's deep-water wharf. These ships varied in size, from the common two-masted square-rigged vessels to the recently popular Carrack three-masted ships.

Unlike the usual merchant ships engaged in maritime trade, each of these vessels flew a variety of flags, each displaying increasingly intricate and elaborate crests, many directly imprinted on the sails.

These were noble crests, each representing a noble family.

The only route from the Continent's Peninsula to Northport, the Castell Bridge, was equally busy. Luxurious carriages from all directions converged and headed towards Northport, creating a rare traffic jam.

Like the ships at the port, each of these carriages bore a finely crafted crest on its side, each representing a noble family.

The Northport city guards, dressed in standardized chainmail, were already lined up along both sides of the bridge, maintaining order from one end of the mainland to the city of Northport.

Seeing the rare but well-known crests of the north, the merchant caravans entering and exiting Northport had no choice but to make way for these carriages, which likely carried barons or even viscounts.

Passersby and merchants curiously eyed the noble carriages, engaging in constant discussion and complaints.

“Damn! What’s happening today? It’s not the Festival of Expansion, so why are so many nobles here? We need to get to the port to load goods!”

“Load goods? You might have to wait until tomorrow. Northport is incredibly busy today. I heard the Count is hosting a banquet and summoning all the nobles from his territory.”

“All the nobles?! No wonder! I thought I saw the Griss family carriage earlier! And they had armored knights escorting them!”

“Hey, the Leon-Castell family’s carriage also arrived about a quarter of an hour ago.”

“Leon-Castell? So, two of the three Viscount families are here. What about the Roman-Four family?”

“No idea. They usually don’t attend the Count’s events. But... I heard someone saw a black Carrack ship in the outer port, which looked like theirs.”

“Damn! If I knew the Castell Bridge would be this crowded, we would’ve sailed into the port too!”

“Then you’d be disappointed. The port is even more crowded. Many cargo ships are anchoring outside due to lack of berths. Remember, the Castell nobles never lack ships. Whatever you can think of, they’ve already thought of.”

“Damn it! Couldn’t these nobles have arrived a few days earlier?”

The merchant caravans complained incessantly, but facing the rulers of Castell, they had no choice but to step aside.

Meanwhile, the center of all this congestion, the Castell Count’s estate, was equally bustling.

Carriages and longboats from all directions converged here.

Longboats docked at the estate’s waterway berths, and carriages, guided by stewards in black-and-white uniforms, entered the square beside the mansion.

Elegantly dressed nobles disembarked from their carriages or boats, their eyes scanning each other's family crests, exchanging smiles and greetings.

Some were elegant and reserved, some flattering and fawning, some confrontational, and some smiling with hidden daggers.

Everything depended on the status and previous relations between the families.

Regardless of whether they were the haughty “great nobles” or the cautious new nobles, upon entering the Count’s estate and facing the estate’s stewards, they all put on elegant and appropriate smiles, showing the utmost respect for Castell.

Madoc Oran stood at the estate’s entrance.

The mayor of Northport personally took over the duties of the Count’s steward, donned the Castell butler uniform, and smiled as he directed the mansion’s stewards and maids to guide the arriving nobles.

Suddenly, a luxurious carriage slowly approached, escorted by knights, led by none other than Baron Sharon, who had escorted Charlotte north.

Seeing the cross-cut family crest with a black eagle and silver shield on the carriage side, many minor nobles voluntarily made way, and Madoc’s spirits lifted as he went forward to greet them, smiling even more brightly.

At the same time, a young male noble in elegant attire stepped down from the carriage and then turned to help an elderly noble down.

Seeing the elderly noble, Madoc stepped forward, nodded to the familiar Baron Sharon, and then respectfully greeted the elderly noble.

“Viscount Leon-Castell, welcome to Northport. It must have been a tiring journey.”

Then, he glanced at the young noble beside him and smiled.

“And this must be your eldest grandson, Lord Derek. I hear he is already a Starry Sky Knight at such a young age. Surely, he will be another Silver Moon in the future.”

Hearing Madoc’s words, the young noble clearly enjoyed the compliment, standing a bit straighter.

The elderly noble smiled gently, shaking his head.

“Him? He’s still far from it. Already twenty and still so reckless. It would be enough if he can properly take over our Leon-Castell responsibilities.”

“You are too modest. I heard that Lord Derek became a Starry Sky Knight at eighteen, showing great talent in swordsmanship. He will certainly become a Silver Moon like you.”

Madoc smiled.

The elderly noble smiled and shook his head.

“If we talk about talent, the Countess is truly exceptional. I heard that the Countess became a Starry Sky Knight even before coming of age, and it seems she was a Starry Sky Knight from the moment she awakened. The Countess is the real genius!”

Then, the elderly noble curiously asked.

“Madoc, I heard the cause of the mithril depletion in the mine has been uncovered? Someone was manipulating the workshops? What exactly is going on?”

“You know, our Leon territory is in the south. Although we have shares in the mine, we haven’t been much involved in managing the workshops, only having a marginal steward there.”

The elderly noble’s expression grew serious as he finished.

“Such a significant matter being concealed for so long... this is no simple affair...”

Northport's Mayor Madoc sighed.

“Yes, since the Countess returned from the workshops, her mood hasn't been great. It seems the situation is more complicated than we thought. However, the Countess hasn’t shared the details with me, so I’m not entirely sure.”

Then, he smiled and added.

“But if there’s something you wish to know, you might ask the Countess directly. After all, the Leon-Castell family and the Count’s household are one and the same—family.”

The old noble sighed.

“Speaking of the Countess, I feel deeply ashamed. I should never have returned if I had known the Countess would face so many difficulties at the Castell Manor. I should have stayed by his side.”

The young noble beside him couldn’t help but interject.

“Grandfather, it couldn’t be helped. Who could have foreseen that Lady Elaine would corrupt and become a bloodborne?”

“As for the silver mines… I’m sure the Griss family is involved. Their fief is closest to Silver Mine City. I heard that the Griss family’s steward even argued with the Countess during the recent reorganization of the mining workshops!”

Hearing his grandson’s words, the old noble frowned slightly, seemingly displeased with the interruption.

At that moment, a lazy female voice came from behind them with a light laugh.

“Oh? It seems the Leon-Castell family is quite well-informed! Apparently, they’re not completely ignorant about the mine situation!”

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Hearing this voice, Madoc’s eye twitched. He looked up to see a stunning woman in a burgundy gown elegantly stepping down from a carriage, flanked by armored knights.

A silver badge with a fire dragon emblem adorned her ample bosom.

Recognizing the woman’s identity, Madoc hurriedly bowed again.

“Viscount Laura de Griss, welcome to Northport.”

The woman nodded slightly at Madoc, then glanced at the young noble Derek and addressed Viscount Leon-Castell.

“Lord Emery, you should manage your heir better. I, Laura de Griss, have a clear conscience regarding the Castell silver mines. The honor of the Griss family does not allow such slander!”

“With such an ill-mannered heir, I truly worry for the future of the Leon-Castell family.”

Hearing her words, the old noble frowned slightly, while Derek snorted and said.

“The Griss family is well-known for their military arrogance in Castell. Who knows what role you’ve played in the mining workshops?”

He then looked at the woman with disdain.

“The Griss family, once formidable in the Star-Moon War, now has only a woman in charge. It seems the Griss family is indeed in decline.”

The woman’s expression changed slightly at Derek’s words.

But quickly, she laughed lightly and said to Madoc.

“Sir Madoc, did you hear that? The Leon-Castell family clearly looks down on our Countess. They seem to forget that our Countess is also an excellent woman!”

She then raised her voice to the surrounding nobles.

“Did everyone hear that? The Leon-Castell family despises female nobles!”

Her words caused the passing nobles to exchange strange looks and whisper among themselves.

Derek’s face changed, and he hastily said.

“No, I didn’t mean that! I didn’t!”


The old Viscount Leon-Castell glared at him, then calmly addressed the woman.

“Lady Laura, our family’s affairs do not concern you. You should focus on preparing for the Countess’ wrath.”

He gave her a meaningful look.

“Although Derek was reckless, he wasn’t wrong. In terms of influence, besides the Count family, no one can match the Griss family in the Castell mining workshops.”

The woman’s expression changed again.

But she quickly regained her composure, smiling coldly.

“If that’s the case, I’m also curious. The Leon-Castell family used to lead the mine investigation team. How did you fail to discover that the mithril depletion was fabricated?”

She narrowed her eyes.

“Or could it be… that the Leon-Castell family, who always prides themselves on loyalty, has long harbored treasonous intentions?”

The old noble finally erupted in anger.


The powerful aura of a Silver Moon spread out, causing Madoc to stumble, nearly falling.

However, Laura also let out a cold snort, her own formidable aura clashing with the old Viscount’s.

“Silver Moon?”

Viscount Leon-Castell looked at Laura in surprise, slowly retracting his aura, his expression curious.

“I didn’t expect Lady Laura to have become a Silver Moon without any indication. I’m truly curious how you managed it, especially since… if I recall correctly, you became a Starry Sky Knight only three years ago.”

“Hmph, that’s none of your concern.”

Laura’s eyes flickered slightly, her tone cold.

The two Viscounts glared at each other, tension rising.

Madoc, watching from the side, felt a headache coming on.

Further away, other nobles had already moved aside, entering the Count’s estate through a different route.

The Leon-Castell and Griss families were two of the three most powerful families in Castell County, and no one wanted to provoke them.

These two families, one in the south and one in the north, guarded their respective regions. Their long-standing enmity was well-known in the Count’s territory.

As the two Viscounts confronted each other, another commotion arose at the Count’s estate’s waterway dock.

A longboat arrived, and several black-clad swordsmen escorted an elderly man ashore.

The old man, in a black robe and holding a cane, seemed sleepy but had meticulously groomed gray hair.

Seeing him, the other nobles instinctively made way, and those further away began to whisper.

“It’s the Roman-Four family! They’ve come too!”

“Isn’t the Roman-Four Viscount’s relationship with the Count’s estate strained since the Star-Moon War?”

“Who knows? That was a long time ago. Maybe they’re trying to mend ties with the new Count.”

“Really? But I heard that the Duke of Falling Star Kingdom has been trying to woo them. After all… they’re a branch of the Roman family and related to the Falling Star royalty.”

“Shh, don’t mention that. Be careful the Roman-Four privateers don’t burn your merchant fleet…”

As the nobles whispered, the elderly man approached the Count’s estate.

Seeing his pale face, Madoc felt the pressure mounting. He forced himself to bow respectfully.

“Viscount Roman-Four, welcome to Northport.”

The Viscount Roman-Four nodded slightly without saying anything.

He didn’t spare a glance at the Leon-Castell or Griss families and walked straight into the Count’s mansion.

The Viscounts of Leon-Castell and Griss exchanged a glance, snorted, and also entered the mansion.

Seeing this, the other nobles breathed a sigh of relief and followed them in.

In the years when the Count was absent, the three Viscounts held the most sway in Castell. Any one of them commanded the respect of all present nobles.

Thus, all three Viscounts of Castell County had arrived.

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