Gospel of Blood

Chapter 196: The Bloodborne Count Appears

"Madoc? Is it really you?"

Charlotte looked at the Mayor of Northport, who had silently locked the door, her expression filled with surprise.

No, Charlotte wasn't even sure if the person in front of her could still be called Madoc.

Although it was still Madoc's plump, round face, his expression was completely different from the ingratiating and slick city official she knew. Now, his demeanor was serious and solemn.

"Yes, Countess, it's me."

Madoc calmly took out one magic scroll after another from his chest. The shimmering magic light emanated from his body, and eerie red patterns appeared on his face. Meanwhile, Charlotte noticed that Madoc's aura was rapidly growing!

He was no longer an ordinary person, but instantly possessed powerful magic, becoming an extraordinary!

Madoc... had become a Starry Sky Mage!

He lifted the scrolls, tearing them one by one. Glows spread through the room, creating layers of magical barriers that isolated the space from the outside.

After completing all this, Madoc walked directly to Charlotte and bowed, saying:

"Countess, now... there are finally no annoying flies around."

Charlotte frowned.

She had considered that the traitor could be Leon-CastelL or Roman-Four, but she had never thought that it could be her own direct subordinate, the mayor!

It was indeed hidden right under her nose!

Upon arriving in Castell, Charlotte was warmly welcomed by her direct vassals. She had subconsciously believed that her officials were still loyal to her and that only the enfeoffed nobles were problematic.

But now, she suddenly realized she might have been wrong from the start.

Yes, if the bloodbornes had infiltrated every aspect of Castell, why couldn't they have infiltrated her direct domain?

However, what surprised Charlotte was that Madoc, who had no aptitude for magic, had now become a Starry Sky Mage. How was this achieved?

Was it those strange patterns on his face?

What were they?

Charlotte's curiosity was piqued.

But her questions were soon answered.

"Huh? Forbidden Magic Runes? Even after all these years, someone still uses this stuff?"

The black cat Nice's voice rang out, filled with surprise and even excitement.

Forbidden Magic Runes?

Charlotte's mind was stirred.

At the same time, her long-dormant divine ritual counter ability was suddenly activated again. Familiar scarlet words began to appear in her vision—

[Gospel of Blood detected an ongoing divine ritual—]

[Ritual Name: Nicholas' Forbidden Magic Runes]

[Caster: Humphrey de Lachlan]

[Recipient: Madoc Oran]

[Effect: A blasphemous ritual created by the legendary mage Nicholas, the caster grants the recipient a blessing akin to that of a God. The recipient sacrifices their life potential and soul power to gain immense magical energy and transcendent potential.]

[Interception Probability: 100%]


A blasphemous ritual by the legendary mage Nicholas?

Humphrey de Lachlan?

Wait, is this the Bloodborne Count of the Nez Clan who infiltrated Castel?

Seeing the information appear before her, Charlotte's heart fluttered.

She squinted at Madoc.

"You've allied with the Nez Clan?"

Madoc seemed surprised.

"You know about the Nez Clan?"

Charlotte took a sip of her tea and responded.

"Infiltrating nobles, controlling mining workshops, intending to seize control of my Castell... The disturbance is so big, I'm not blind."

"Honestly, I don't understand why these Nez Clan members don't just stay in the Starfall Kingdom and instead come to my Castell to cause trouble."

Then, Charlotte looked at Madoc again and calmly asked.

"Madoc, Castell has treated you well. Why betray us?"

Madoc sighed slightly and said.

"Forgive me, Countess."

"No matter how hard I tried, as someone without extraordinary potential, I could at most obtain a non-hereditary barony in the territory..."

"I am indeed grateful for everything the Castell family has given me, but my contributions to the territory far outweigh what I've received."

"I am the Mayor of Northport, yet because I'm not a hereditary noble, every hereditary baron or knight looks down on me..."

"Hereditary nobility is reserved for the extraordinary. Since Castell cannot give me what I want, I had to seek it elsewhere."

"Besides... Castel has no future. In the face of greater power, even if you are the Saintess of the Holy Court, you cannot stop Castell from changing hands!"

After speaking, Madoc looked at Charlotte with a sincere expression.

"Lady Charlotte, although I haven’t worked with you for long, I can see that you genuinely want to be an excellent lord."

"But unfortunately, your power is too weak. Without Sir Sebastian, you can't possibly contend with the power of the bloodbornes."

"You have no idea... the extent of our control over Castell!"

"For old times' sake, I sincerely suggest you submit to the Nez Clan."

"If you are willing to pledge your loyalty to the Nez Clan, all the nobles in the territory will swear allegiance to you, and you will become the true master of Castell."

Being drawn in by the extraordinary power and titles of the Nez Clan...

Charlotte pondered.

"Pff... extraordinary? So you think you're an extraordinary being now?"

"Indeed, forbidden magic runes can grant great power, but that power is borrowed, and the corresponding price is even more terrifying. In the end, it's nothing but a derivative of a failed experiment."

"Do you think with such false power, you can control Lady Charlotte?"

The black cat, Nice, shook his head and said.

Madoc glanced at Nice and smiled.

"Sir Nice is right; I know my power is borrowed."

"But... I don't have many years left to live anyway. Creating a bright future for the next generation is enough."

"Moreover, after the mission is complete, I will naturally receive the noble embrace of the Nez Clan. At that time... I will be stronger and more noble than ordinary extraordinary beings, not only possessing power beyond the ordinary but also gaining the ability to live forever!"

"In comparison to the immortality of the future, what do these few years of life and soul power matter?"

Madoc's expression was fervent, filled with longing.

Then he looked at Charlotte again, persuading:

"Countess, this may be the last time I address you as Countess. Accept the recruitment of the Nez Clan."

"I know you've made various preparations in the count’s mansion, but unfortunately... even if you're prepared, you're just a First Tier Starry Sky Mage. Even with Sir Sebastian’s assistance, you can only contend with a Silver Moon tier at best."

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"I can tell you clearly, the being behind me is a Bloodborne Count, a real Third Tier Blazing Sun! And... there’s more than one!"

"You cannot contend with us. If you are willing to accept the offer, I think... the Lords of the Nez Clan would be very happy to accept you, grant you the power of the bloodborne, and make you part of the great Nez Clan!"

After Madoc's words, Nice gave Charlotte a peculiar look.

A lackey of the bloodborne, not even qualified as the lowest blood servant, standing before the great Bloodborne True Ancestor, persuading her to accept recruitment and become a descendant of a bloodborne clan that had gone through countless generations...

This scene, one had to admit, was quite amusing.

Charlotte laughed.

She stroked her chin, as if pondering.

"Immortality? It does sound like a good suggestion..."

Madoc also laughed.

But before he could say anything more, Charlotte's tone changed.

"But what if I refuse?"

Madoc's smile gradually faded.

"It seems you haven't listened to my words."

He sighed and said.

"In that case, we'll have to use force to make you obey..."

With that, he drew a complex serpentine symbol on his chest and exclaimed loudly.

"Oath · Bloodborne's Spirit Descent!"

A dark red light burst from Madoc’s body. Simultaneously, familiar scarlet words appeared in Charlotte’s vision again—

[Gospel of Blood detected an ongoing divine ritual—]

[Ritual Name: Nicholas’ Oath of Spirit Descent]

[Caster: Madoc Oran]

[Summoned Object: Humphrey de Lachlan]

[Effect: A blasphemous ritual created by the legendary mage Nicholas. The caster establishes a connection with the summoned object through an oath, projecting the will of the oath object in a manner akin to divine descent before the caster.]

[Interception Probability: 100%]


Will projection?

Charlotte’s heart stirred.

She did not stop Madoc’s actions, allowing him to continue. The next moment, a powerful aura rose from behind Madoc.

Under Charlotte’s surprised and curious gaze, scarlet light slowly gathered and formed a phantom figure behind Madoc.

The phantom wore a half-mask, obscuring its face, revealing only a pair of scarlet eyes and a majestic silver robe adorned with star and serpent patterns, the insignia of the Nez Clan.

With the appearance of this figure, a faint blood-red mist filled the study, accompanied by an overwhelming pressure...

It was a Spiritual Force Field.

This was a Third Tier Blazing Sun powerhouse!

The phantom looked at Madoc and spoke in a booming voice.

"Madoc, you called too late."

"Apologies, Count. I originally wanted to try persuading Castell to join us, but it seems I have failed."

Madoc respectfully bowed to the phantom and answered.

"Acting on your own! If this happens again, you will never receive the sacred embrace."

The phantom coldly glanced at Madoc.

Hearing this, Madoc's expression grew tense, showing fear.

"It won't happen again! Never again!"

But the phantom no longer paid attention to him, instead turning its gaze to Charlotte.

"Charlotte de Castell?"

The scarlet eyes stared at the girl behind the desk, with a hint of inexplicable emotion.

"Humphrey de Lachlan?"

Charlotte also looked at the figure, with a curious expression.

Being directly named, the phantom seemed slightly surprised.

"You know me?"

"Hmph! The Roman family... truly unreliable!"

The Roman family?

Charlotte’s eyes flickered.

The phantom's gaze then fell on Charlotte's extraordinarily beautiful face.

Scarlet eyes flashed with amazement and nostalgia as the booming voice spoke again.

"How similar... so very similar..."

"The inheritance of humanity is truly marvelous. Seeing this face almost identical to Anne Your Highness' brings back so many memories..."

Hearing the phantom’s words, Charlotte's heart skipped a beat.

"You knew my mother?"

Anne was the name of the mother of the body Charlotte had transmigrated into, and Charlotte knew her mother was a noble from the Starfall Kingdom.

However, no one in Castell ever mentioned her mother's identity, as if it were a deliberately buried piece of history.

As far as Charlotte knew, it was related to the Star-Moon War that lasted eighty years.

But at this moment, hearing the title from the Bloodborne Count, Charlotte's heart raced.

Anne... Your Highness?

Charlotte was very curious about her mother’s identity which warranted such a title.

However, the phantom clearly had no interest in chatting with Charlotte.

It looked down at her, its voice gradually growing excited and trembling, with a hint of gnashing of teeth.

"Such nostalgia... makes one want to destroy it, makes one want to tear it apart, makes one impatient to see you grovel at our feet, begging for mercy!"

Its gaze became more and more unrestrained, its voice increasingly angry.

"Yurst said to try persuasion first, to try recruiting you, saying Castell is ultimately not Roman..."

"I have been against this from the beginning."

"And now, it seems I was right!"

"After all, seeing such a face, no Nez can restrain their inner rage!"

The phantom grew more solid, emitting an even more terrifying pressure. Accompanying this pressure was a mental shockwave like a tsunami.

"Remnants of the Roman family! Suffer the wrath of the Nez Clan, become the eternal slaves of our bloodborne clan!"

A terrifying aura erupted, and the vast will of a Third Tier Blazing Sun transformed into a dark red mental storm, surging towards Charlotte’s soul!

Seeing this, the black cat Nice couldn't help but cover his eyes, sighing in his heart.

Ah... why do these overestimating fools always try to invade this old monster's mental world?

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