Gospel of Blood

Chapter 202: Knocking on the Nobles

The banquet at the Count's estate was fairly successful.

Although there was an assassination attempt in full view of everyone and Charlotte seemingly did nothing about it, she managed to achieve her initial goal of formally meeting her vassals.

Moreover, thanks to these highly adept nobles in internal strife, she ended the banquet with a large amount of leverage over various noble families.

It could only be said that the bloodborne behind the infiltration of Castell was too hasty.

However, Charlotte knew this was only the beginning.

While she now had a preliminary understanding of her vassals within the territory, her authority had not yet been established.

Regardless of how deeply the noble families were infiltrated by the bloodborne or how respectful everyone appeared at the banquet, the fact that the Castell family's power was waning and noble ambitions were growing had not changed.

But it wasn't all bad news.

The Nez clan, which had been operating from the shadows, was now out in the open.

Although she was not sure what their next move would be, Charlotte had a vague idea of their purpose in infiltrating Castell.

As for how to reprimand her vassals, establish her authority, and expel the Nez clan's forces, Charlotte had further plans...

"Master, Sebastian has let you down, allowing the assassin to exploit a magical scroll..."

Sebastian returned earlier than Charlotte expected, arriving early the next morning.

The flame elf rushed to apologize as soon as he returned to the castle, still dripping wet and with some seaweed on his head.

Yet, despite his state, he knelt and bowed elegantly.

Sebastian did not question why Charlotte had not summoned him directly.

Nor did Charlotte bring it up.

There was no point in mentioning that she didn't want to expend additional blood divine power and estimated that the assassin wouldn't pose a significant threat to her, hence she didn't summon him.

As for Sebastian... judging by his apprehensive demeanor, he likely thought Charlotte's lack of summoning was a sign of her displeasure.

Admittedly, it was somewhat embarrassing for a high-level Silver Moon extraordinary being to be outwitted by an assassin who hadn't even reached entry level.

"You have indeed become complacent. From now on, you must be more cautious and never underestimate any enemy."

Charlotte spoke calmly.

Sebastian bowed even lower.

"Great master, I will remember this lesson and never repeat it."

"Alright, no need to dwell on it. Since you're back, you must have heard about Madoc."

Charlotte took a sip of her steaming sweet milk and asked.

"I heard from Nice."

Sebastian replied.

But his expression carried a hint of gritted teeth, especially when he mentioned Nice's name.

Seeing his expression, Charlotte could guess what had happened.

Nice had probably gone to the gate of the Count's estate right after receiving her orders, just to mock Sebastian when he returned.

These two... never missed a chance to kick each other when they were down.

"Since you know, it's straightforward. I've pinpointed the coordinates of that Bloodborne Count. I command you to immediately organize a team to investigate. If necessary, you may summon me to descend!"

Charlotte said sternly.

Sebastian straightened, respectfully bowing his head.

"At your command."

"Alright, you may go. On your way out, call in Viscount Leon-Castell. I've seen him pacing around below for a while."

Charlotte glanced at the small square below and said.

"As you command."

Sebastian bowed and left respectfully.

Not long after, Viscount Leon-Castell entered the study with the help of a maid, trembling slightly.


The old viscount knelt as soon as he entered.

His eyes were red, with large dark circles, indicating he hadn't rested well.

It's understandable. Besides the treason of Madoc, which the nobles were unaware of, the assassin's attack last night happened in full view.

Although the attacker wasn't from the Leon-Castell family, the assassin's accusation against them thrust them into the spotlight...

Some things, said privately and publicly, have completely different effects.

In any case, after last night's incident, the old viscount was bound to come and explain himself to his lord.

"Stand up. I know why you're here. In fact, even if you hadn't come, I planned to summon you."

Charlotte said.

"Countess! I had no knowledge of the assassination! Regarding the bloodborne... I did have dealings with them, but it was to feign compliance and uncover their intentions. My loyalty to Castell is unwavering!"

The old viscount spoke excitedly, his words becoming somewhat incoherent.

Charlotte nodded slightly and said gently.

"I understand. I have never doubted the loyalty of the Leon-Castell family."


The old viscount looked moved.

"However... I have also received some other information, all related to the Leon-Castell family."

Charlotte's tone shifted as she picked up a stack of parchment from her desk and handed it to the maid, Sherry, to pass to the old viscount.

The parchments contained reports from other families accusing the Leon-Castell family.

The old viscount took them with trembling hands and started to read, his eyes widening and his hands shaking as he read further.

"Slander! This is slander! The Leon-Castell family has never done such things!"

"Oh? Really?"

Charlotte lowered her eyelids, her expression turning cold as she used her blood divine power to exert the might of her authority on the Silver Moon viscount.

At that moment, Viscount Leon-Castell felt an overwhelming pressure emanating from Charlotte.

Even though he didn't sense any power surpassing the Starry Sky from the young girl in front of him, an inexplicable fear and anxiety gripped him.

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The old viscount swallowed hard, his scalp tingling.

"Enough, there's no need to explain."

Charlotte interrupted him.

"Viscount Leon-Castell, I trust your loyalty. However... as you said, the bloodborne's influence has infiltrated every aspect of our territory. I believe not everyone in the Leon-Castell family shares your steadfastness."

"Many of the incidents documented here are easily verifiable, and I fear they will not stand up to scrutiny. The noble families of Castell need to be reorganized, and the Leon-Castell family is no exception."

"The information here could be enough for me to strip your family of its title, but I don't intend to do that."

"Because I trust you, Viscount. Among the three viscount families, the Leon-Castell family is the most loyal. I believe that, even if the things recorded here are related to your family, they were not your orders but the machinations of the bloodborne infiltrating your ranks."

"My purpose in showing you this information is simple: I command you to reorganize your family!"

"The past is the past. From now on, I don't want to see such things happening in the territory again!"


The old viscount looked moved again.

Charlotte continued.

"Of course, my trust in you is also because you gave me a heads-up."

"Now that the banquet is over, I can be open with you. In fact, I knew about the assassin's plan before the banquet."

The old viscount was stunned.

"You... you knew?!"

"I have my own intelligence sources."

Charlotte said calmly.

The old viscount hesitated, then couldn't help but ask.

"Then why did you..."

"Why did I still hold the banquet?"

Charlotte glanced at him and said calmly.

"Because I was also looking for an opportunity, a chance to bring out the mastermind!"

She chuckled softly and added.

"In fact, things went quite smoothly. With just the two of us here, I can tell you some things."

"Viscount, the bloodborne of the Starfall Kingdom has been infiltrating the families of Castell for a long time. Last night's assassination... the mastermind was them."

"However, last night's assassin was not their real killer move. In fact, after I left the banquet hall last night, they launched another attack on me."

"You... you were attacked again?"

The old viscount's eyes widened.

"It's fine. The fact that I can stand here and talk to you means everything has been resolved."

Charlotte nodded and said.

She smiled slightly.

"Viscount, do you know why I'm telling you all this?"

The old viscount hesitated and bowed his head respectfully.

"I do not know, my lady."

"Because I have a task for you, or rather, for your Leon-Castell family."

Charlotte's expression turned serious.

Viscount Leon-Castel straightened up.

"Please give your orders. The Leon-Castell family will do everything in its power!"

"I need you to form an inspection team to investigate every noble family in Castell County and root out all the bloodbornes!"

Charlotte said calmly.

"Investigate... investigate all the noble families?!"

The old viscount's eyes widened.

"Is there a problem?"

Charlotte lowered her eyelids.

"Countess, there is indeed a problem... If we inspect all the noble families, it will likely cause dissatisfaction among the vassals and could destabilize the territory..."

"Especially since the bloodborne's power is so brazen and likely stronger than we imagine... They will not sit idly by while we conduct this inspection."

The old viscount spoke with difficulty.

"If you're worried about the bloodborne, rest assured. For the foreseeable future, they will be without a leader and unable to cause trouble."

Charlotte chuckled.

"Without a leader?"

The old viscount was stunned.

Charlotte nodded slightly, taking a sip of her sweet milk, and said calmly.

"The bloodborne infiltrating Castell is the Nez clan, one of the six major bloodborne clans, and the organizer behind the scenes is a bloodborne count named Lachlan."

"Last night's second attack on me was orchestrated by this bloodborne count!"

She smiled and looked at the old viscount.

"And he... is now dead."

"Dead? A bloodborne count... is dead?"

The old viscount was stunned again.

Charlotte did not elaborate further but pointed to the pile of parchment on the desk.

"As for whether other noble families will oppose... if they do, just show them this."

"I've just taken over and honestly don't want to cause too much upheaval. I hope each family will remain loyal to me. But if someone is truly blind..."

Charlotte's expression turned cold.

"I won't hesitate to reappoint new nobles."

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