Gospel of Blood

Chapter 206: I would rather die than submit

Agnes did not understand why the young Countess of Castell hadn't killed her.

She asked herself and felt that she had already been completely drained of all the information she knew. Logically, she should have had no further value to him, and she was ready to face death.

Yet, the Countess of Castell did not kill her.

Not only did he not kill her, but he also provided her with good food and drink. Although she was imprisoned and her powers were sealed, she was fed three meals a day, and the guards did not torment or insult her as she had read in stories.

She didn't know what that seemingly weak but truly insidious and nasty person was thinking.

After the interrogation, she seemed to have completely forgotten her, never visiting again. This indefinite imprisonment drove Agnes nearly crazy.

Being a quick-tempered person, she preferred a swift end, even being burned at the stake, rather than being forgotten in a cell.

This treatment made her feel insignificant, as if her life and death meant nothing to Castell. Her revenge, her hatred, did not matter to Charlotte at all, as she never regarded her seriously.

Realizing this, Agnes felt furious, but as time passed and she gradually calmed down, she became more and more bewildered.

She, Agnes de Veillet, daughter of the former Duke of Violet, heir to the Veillet family, could neither revive her family nor avenge them. Now, she had even become a prisoner of her enemy, unable to control her own fate and future...

She felt like a complete failure, a clown.

"Miss, since they have spared our lives, it means we still hold some value to them..."

"Don't lose heart. As long as we live, there is hope for the Veillet family to rise again, and our revenge remains possible."

"If you give up, the Veillet family... will truly become history. Those slanders, those fabricated stains, will be nailed to the Veillet family forever, unchangeable."

Seeing the increasingly despondent girl, the middle-aged knight Lahel advised her earnestly through the iron window.

Hearing her loyal knight’s words, a glimmer of light appeared in Agnes’ dark pupils.

She lifted her head and saw the familiar resolute face of her knight.

For over a decade, he had never left her side, protecting her even in the most dangerous moments. Now, imprisoned, he continued to encourage her. Unknowingly, Lahel had become the most important person in her life.

Throughout the years, they had faced countless life-and-death crises, but Lahel had never given up. He always supported her, believed in her, and remained loyal to her.

He was always proud to be a knight of the Veillet family.

Seeing the Veillet family crest, the most well-preserved and cleanest part of Lahel’s worn-out armor, Agnes had mixed feelings.

She took a deep breath and sighed.

"Lahel, you are right. As long as we live, there is hope for the future..."

"No matter what that monster of Castell is thinking, as long as I live, I should not give up hope..."

After speaking, she stood up, walked to the cell door, picked up the food she hadn’t touched for two days, and began to eat ravenously.

"Clap, clap, clap..."

Suddenly, clear applause sounded outside the cell, accompanied by a sweet female voice that made her grit her teeth.

"Well said, as long as there is life, there is hope. The dead... have nothing."

Agnes paused in her bread-eating, raising her head sharply, her crimson eyes glaring at Charlotte who had suddenly appeared outside the cell. She said coldly.

"Are you here to mock me?"

Charlotte smiled and glanced at Agnes.

"I heard from the guards that a certain prisoner seemed to be giving up, having not eaten for two days, so I came to check. It seems I was worried for nothing."

Agnes stiffened slightly, her expression unnatural.

She bit her lip and said.

"If you just want to mock me, go ahead. I don't know why you spared us, but if you want us to surrender, you should give up. I, Agnès de Veillet, would rather die than bow to Castel!"

"Oh, really? But I remember someone saying the same thing a few days ago, yet soon after spilled all the information they knew."

Agnes looked up suddenly, her eyes blazing with anger.

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"That was only because you..."

"Because I, this bastard, threatened you with your knight, using what you cared most about to force you, leaving you no choice."

Charlotte finished Agnes’ sentence.

After speaking, she smiled slightly and said.

"Miss Agnes, you know, once someone has been caught with a fatal weakness, it's hard for them to turn the tables. So, if I now threaten your lives against each other, what would you choose?"

Agnes stared in disbelief.

"You... despicable! People like you are the disgrace of nobility!"

"Sorry, Miss Agnes, I never considered myself a true noble."

Charlotte, who had risen halfway, spoke calmly.

Then, she suddenly changed the subject and said.

"The Veillet family, also known as the Violet family, founders of the Violet Duchy, an ancient family that ruled the Violet Forest and its surrounding areas after breaking away from the Crescent Kingdom..."

"Erd de Virlette, the last Duke of the Violet family, one of the seven legends of the Crescent Kingdom, commander of the Second Guard Corps during the Star-Moon War, known for his wise governance of his territory as 'Wise Erd.'"

"However, in the Second Star-Moon War, Erd's greed for merit led him to advance recklessly, resulting in the annihilation of the entire Second Corps during the First Roman Battle, causing a reversal in the war and the loss of the Violet Duchy. Erd himself died on the battlefield..."

"Upon hearing the news, the king was furious and decided to strip the Veillet family of their ducal title, demoting all Veillet nobles to commoners."

As she spoke, Charlotte looked at the increasingly upset Agnes and said.

"Miss Agnes, this is what I found about your family and your father. Am I right?"

Agnes' eyes immediately reddened.

"Slander! This is slander!"

"At that time, it was Castell's betrayal of my father, their ally, that caused the originally victorious battle to fail!"

"The Starfall Kingdom's main attack was never Violet. My father diverted the Starfall Kingdom's army to the border between Violet and Roman to protect Castell's silver mines, only to be betrayed by Castell, who was supposed to support us!"

Charlotte allowed Agnes to vent and curse, and when she had almost finished, she sighed softly and said.

"The Star-Moon War has long ended. Honestly, I don’t know what truly happened back then. I can only see the records circulating within the kingdom."

"After finding information about Duke Veillet, I was surprised. Low taxes, encouragement of arts and culture, using magic research to develop agriculture and industry... Your father was indeed a respected lord."

"Honestly, after reading the official records of the First Roman Battle, I also found many doubts. But as the head of Castell, I consider myself quite knowledgeable about my own family and do not believe it was as bad as you think..."

"What are you trying to say with all this?"

Agnes said coldly, her expression full of vigilance.

Charlotte smiled.

"Miss Agnes, I am tired of the same old threats. I know you have deep-seated hatred for Castell, and that’s fine."

"I want to make a deal with you."

"A deal?"

Agnes looked puzzled, her eyes even more wary.

"Yes, a deal."

Charlotte nodded and said.

"I want you and Sir Lahel to submit to me, continue to pretend to be Count Hol, and assist me in my conflict with the Nez clan. In return, I promise to help rebuild the Veillet family in the future."

Hearing Charlotte’s words, Agnes froze for a moment before becoming furious.

"Dream on! Do you think I would believe your lies?"

"I, Agnes de Veillet, would rather die than bow to you!"

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