Gospel of Blood

Chapter 212: Sooner or later, the time will come

Charlotte thought it was a miracle that Agnes had managed to stay alive until now.

Setting aside whether or not she herself was an "Evil God," it was quite bold to directly call someone a "suspected Evil God" to their face.

Agnes quickly realized the mistake in her words. She immediately covered her mouth and stammered.

“Ah no... I didn't mean to call you an Evil God... I meant to ask you... I... I...”

Agnes' face turned red. She seemed at a loss for words, struggling to find the right terms while clearly very nervous, and didn't know what to say.

Charlotte glanced at her and smiled brightly, saying,

“Miss Agnes, you seem a bit too nervous.”

“I am Charlotte de Castell, Countess of the North, and head of the Castell family.”

“I am now, and will be in the future.”

“As a devout holy believer, I forgive your recent offense. Just don't talk about such nonsense outside, it could cause unnecessary misunderstandings and trouble. And I... don't particularly like trouble.”

Agnes: ...

With that, Charlotte put away the communication crystal.

“Well, thank you both for your cooperation today. You can leave now.”

“The Castell estate doesn't keep idle people. Go find Nice and Sherry, they'll tell you what you need to do around the estate.”


Agnes left the meditation room in a daze.

Only when she could no longer sense Charlotte’s presence and pressure did she fully wake up. She grabbed the sleeve of the middle-aged knight, excitedly saying,

“La... Lahel! Did you see that?! Did you see it? She... those symbols on her were described as a holy symbol by those bloodbornes! Described as a holy symbol!”

“I told you, she definitely isn’t an ordinary bloodborne if she can ignore the Nez family’s bloodline sense and activate the communication crystal!”

“Even that pretentious book spirit was respectful to her!”

“She can create a mental world almost identical to reality! Even my father can't create such a realistic mental world!”

“I've heard stories about resurrected Evil Gods from my father when I was a child. All the traits she shows match those described in our family's books!”

“She is a God... she must be the Evil God the Nez clan mentioned as being resurrected!”

Agnes was thrilled.

However, Lahel’s face was full of worry. The middle-aged knight hesitated and cautiously said.

“Miss... that’s indeed a bold assumption.”

“But, forgive me for saying so, you seem a bit too excited...”

“Excited? Oh, right! Of course, I'm excited! Lahel! This is a mythical existence! A resurrected evil... um, God!”

Agnes said exuberantly.

Lahel glanced at his mistress and sighed.

“Miss, do you... think this is a good thing? Escaping from a bloodborne and escaping from a God are two very different matters.”

Agnes answered without hesitation.

“Of course it’s a good thing! Lahel! Don’t you know? We might be close to myths and legends now!”

“If this is true, perhaps we don't need to think about leaving so soon. Staying by her side might be better! Because she might really have the power to help us revive our family!”

“Moreover, if this is true, do you know what it means? It means the Castell family no longer exists! It no longer exists!”

“She’s an Evil God! The story about Countess Castell escaping a sacrifice surely isn’t true! The truth is probably that she took over the identity of the young Countess Castell! Resurrecting through a human body...”

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“This is a classic move for Evil Gods! It must be like this!”

Listening to the girl, Lahel’s expression became strange.

“Miss, your hatred for the Castell family... is truly deep.”

“Of course, we Veillets and Castells are enemies till death!”

Agnes said without hesitation.

Seeing his lady’s resolute look, Lahel hesitated but resisted the urge to pour more cold water on her.

As a bodyguard for a great noble, he was also of noble birth and had read some mythological tales, many about Gods resurrection.

Gods resurrecting through human bodies could happen in many ways: taking over a corpse, possessing a body, and even more direct reincarnation and awakening.

Considering the Countess of Castell’s repeated emphasis on her identity, he ultimately didn’t propose another possibility.

That is, perhaps she had been a resurrected God from the moment she was born.

However, leaving aside the connection between the Castell and the Evil God, there was one thing he felt he must remind his overly excited lady.

“Miss, do you think... staying near a resurrected Evil God is safe?”

“Have you forgotten all the legends about the resurrection of Evil Gods recorded in history?”

Legends about the resurrection of Evil Gods?

Agnes froze, then stood dazed for a moment.

It was then that she suddenly realized another thing.

The reason Evil Gods were called Evil Gods was naturally because they didn't do good deeds.

In numerous historical records and church accounts, those resurrected Evil Gods were all cruel and malevolent beings, each of whom caused great disasters after their resurrection until they were suppressed or banished.

Thinking of this, Agnes calmed down.

She glanced back at the meditation room and couldn't help but shiver, then whispered.

“It shouldn't... be that bad, right? Seriously, although she has threatened us, I don't think she is that evil...”

“Moreover, she hasn’t forced us to sign any contract. Well... maybe a resurrected God wouldn’t fear our escape, but... at least we are still somewhat free at the soul level.”

Agnes spoke uncertainly, much less confident than before.

Just then, a maid came up to them.

“Miss Agnes, Sir Lahel, Sir Nice and Lady Sherry are waiting for you in the front hall.”

“Oh... okay, we’ll go now.”

Agnes said reflexively.

She and Lahel exchanged a glance and said.

“One step at a time. At least... we are still somewhat free now.”

Lahel hesitated but finally nodded.

The two followed the maid to the front hall, where Nice and Sherry were waiting.

Agnes and Lahel curiously looked around the luxurious hall of the count's estate, finally resting their eyes on a person and a cat.

Seeing the girl and the knight, Nice snickered, a glow flashing in his claws as he produced two scrolls, and said with glee.

“Finally here?”

“Now that you’re here, sign these two deeds of sale contracts!”

Agnes: ...?

Lahel: ...?

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