Gospel of Blood

Chapter 216: The Blood Demon Cult and the Nez Elder Council

"I know about the Nez Clan. This matter relates to decisions made by their upper echelons, and they will likely halt their infiltration of the Northern Lands for the time being."

Charlotte pondered for a moment and then spoke.

Decisions by Nez's upper echelons?

Sebas felt a slight stir in his heart.

Reflecting on the attack on the Count's estate and the usual tactics of the Nez Clan, he began to form some suspicions.

"Sebastian, what about that Blood Demon Cult member just now?"

Charlotte asked.

Sebastian's expression grew solemn.

"Master, I was just about to report on this. After conducting further covert investigations in the nearby cities, we found that those nobles who had allied with the bloodline were not only collaborating with the Nez Clan but also had connections to the Blood Demon Cult!"

"The Blood Demon Cult has also infiltrated the Northern Lands, but I am currently unsure of the extent of their infiltration. However, based on the traces left by the Nez Clan, it appears they are cooperating with the Blood Demon Cult."

"Though, it seems there has been a conflict between the Nez Clan and the Blood Demon Cult, which might be related to the Nez Clan's retreat. We discovered signs of their battles during our investigations, including traces of dragon breath at the scene."

"After discovering the presence of a dragon, I decided to withdraw the team, but during the retreat, we were attacked by that Blood Demon Cultist and the black dragon, forcing us to organize a defense in the old castle..."

Nez Clan's infiltration of Castell involving the Blood Demon Cult?

Charlotte frowned slightly upon hearing Sebastian's report, yet felt a sense of realization.

When investigating Castell’s silver mine, she had noticed that the necromancy used by the bloodborne named Gikode neither matched the Nez Clan’s style nor the documented techniques of the Vadallat Clan. Instead, it bore the distinct characteristics of the Blood Demon Cult.

Combining this with Sebastian’s findings, she now understood the situation—there was an involvement from the Blood Demon Cult.

However, the reason behind the Nez Clan's cooperation with the cult remained unclear. Was it a desperate measure or something else?

From her in-depth exchanges with Nez and the recent investigations into the noble circles within her domain, Charlotte had roughly discerned the Nez Clan’s motives.

After the Lilac War, the Nez Clan faced severe survival challenges in the Starfall Kingdom. They were likely preparing to counter-attack the current ruling family supported by the Holy Court, aiming to regain their influence.

In other words, the Nez bloodborne might be secretly preparing for a second Lilac War.

As for the role the Blood Demon Cult played in this, Charlotte was unsure. Considering the cult's usual objectives, it likely involved summoning the Bloodborne Archduke or destabilizing the Crescent Kingdom's regime.

The Blood Demon Cult... always eager to create chaos and disrupt order, it was the biggest dark force and source of disorder on the Crescent Peninsula.

Charlotte thought for a moment and then asked.

"Which city were you investigating, and who is the lord there?"

Sebastian respectfully answered.

"Master, it was Nord City, and the lord is Devon de Griss."

"Griss family?"

Charlotte's gaze flickered.


Sebas nodded.

"Griss, huh..."

Charlotte lightly drummed her fingers on the armrest of the Blood Throne, her mind conjuring up the image of that Lady Viscountess Laura from the Griss family.

"Master, have you thought of something?"

Sebastian asked, noticing Charlotte’s thoughtful expression.

Charlotte gently shook her head.

"Not much, just pondering a question. When that Lady Viscountess of the Griss family sought an audience with me, she claimed she was framed by the Leon-Castell family and attacked by the bloodbornes. At the time, I thought it was a tactic by the Nez Clan to balance the power among Castell's noble families. But now, it seems... it might not be the case."

Sebastian's heart skipped a beat.

"Are you suspecting the involvement of the Blood Demon Cult?"

"We cannot rule out that possibility."

Charlotte considered.

"Should we investigate the Griss family?"

Sebastian inquired.

"No rush. We are already in the process of scrutinizing the entire domain. Viscount Leon-Castell has started his investigations, and the Griss family is a crucial part of this. Before concluding investigations on other noble families, we shouldn't pressure them too early. Besides, we don’t fully understand the Lady Viscountess' true stance."

"However, with the Nez Clan's retreat, the Griss family might also react accordingly."

"Let’s observe their next moves for now."

Charlotte advised.

Among the three major forces in Castell's domain—the once prestigious Leon-Castell, the mostly sea-focused Roman-Four, and the militarily powerful Griss family—the Griss family was undoubtedly the strongest.

Charlotte had always planned to deal with the Griss family last.

She assessed that if the domain’s nobles united to resist her, the flag bearer would likely be Griss, as no other family had such prestige and power.

Charlotte's inspection actions were bound to face opposition from the nobles, especially the major ones.

Pressuring the Griss family too much could escalate the situation and even lead to war.

Charlotte wasn't aiming to exterminate the nobles, just to ensure their loyalty and reclaim the powers they had seized during the Castell family’s absence.

War, being an extension of politics and the last resort, would inevitably damage the livelihood of Castell's people and should be avoided if possible.

However, if the Blood Demon Cult was truly involved with the Griss family...

It might present a different scenario altogether.

With this in mind, Charlotte commanded.

"Sebastian, withdraw the guards to the Silver Mine City, then monitor the Griss family covertly. Report any issues to me immediately."

"At your command."

Sebastian bowed respectfully.

"And remember, don't be too reckless. Safety first."

Charlotte reminded.

"Sebastian... understood!"

Sebastian adopted an even more respectful and submissive posture.

"Alright then, that's about it for now. Call on me when there is more news."

Charlotte said with a smile.

With that, she waved her hand, and crimson mist began to spread throughout the dark night castle. Sebastian sensed a familiar force repelling him from all directions.

His consciousness blurred as if traversing time and space. When the mist cleared, he had returned to the real world.

Taking a deep breath, Sebastian stood up and exited the inner hall of the old castle. He then instructed the Castell guards who had accompanied him.

"Relay the order: Rest for half an hour, then we head to Silver Mine City."


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In a black temple.

The temple was circular, surrounded by a ring of tall stone pillars. Each pillar was engraved with ancient and mysterious carvings depicting constellations and fate, and beyond the pillars lay an endless, starry sky.

At the very back of the temple floated an ancient, dilapidated stone door emitting a ghostly blue light. In front of the door stood a large conference table.

A tall shadow stood in front of the conference table.

His crimson gaze was fixed on the closed stone door, deep and far-reaching. After a long sigh, he turned around, sweeping his eyes over the three other shadows standing around the table.

Seeing only the three shadows, he frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Only you three came?"

His gaze lingered on one particularly tall shadow.

"Alec, where are the other elders from Luna Island?"

The tall shadow smiled casually and said.

"Grand Elder, the two old folks on the island are not interested in this kind of meeting, so I had to come alone as their representative."

The Grand Elder's frown deepened.

He glanced at Alec and said lightly.

"Tell them to stop tinkering with their plants. They are elves, but they are also part of the Nez. The Starfall and Luna Island lineages are one. When the Day of Divinity's Descent comes, the Moon Goddess won't be able to protect them. Only the grace of Lord Casey can shield us."

Then, the Grand Elder looked at another shadow, who appeared quite old and stooped.

Before he could speak, the old shadow spoke first.

"Grand Elder, the other three elders have not yet awakened..."

The Grand Elder sighed deeply.

"Let them continue to sleep then. They did suffer greatly in the Lilac War."

Turning his attention to the last of the three shadows, he said.

"Yorok, tell us, did something happen in the Roman Duchy or Castell?"

"Grand Elder, indeed as you said, there have been some changes on my end..."

Duke Yorok gave a slight bow and recounted everything that had transpired in Castell and his divination results.

"Thorny roses? A holy symbol? Yorok, are you joking? This Coria pattern is everywhere. If it were truly a holy symbol of some God, why has no one discovered it for hundreds of years, only for you to find it now?"

Among the three, the old stooped shadow frowned and said.

Duke Yorok glanced at him and said.

"Maxim, if you don't believe it, you can divinate it yourself."

"However, without the sacred artifact bestowed by Lord Casey, I can't guarantee what will happen."

Maxim's shadow gave him a deep look, then turned to the Grand Elder.

"Grand Elder, whether or not there is a resurrected God, I believe we cannot give up Castell."

"Castell's power is indispensable to the Returning Star Plan. Controlling Castell will severely damage the Starfall royal family's trade with the continent. We can control the Star-Moon Strait, preventing even the Holy Court's fleet from landing on the Starfall Island!"

Duke Yorok frowned and said.

"Maxim, I have already reported my divination results. It is not a newly resurrected God but likely a god who has slumbered for hundreds of years. My divination has warned me that opposing it could bring disaster to our Nez."

Maxim shook his head.

"Yorok, divination results can be interpreted in many ways. Yours is not necessarily correct. Moreover, affected divinations might be erroneous, as time and again has been proven."

"I do not find your reasons sufficient, or are you suggesting we abandon the Starfall Kingdom to avoid conflict with the Holy Court and move to the Eastern Yunette Blacklands?"

Hearing Maxim's words, Duke Yorok's expression darkened.

"Maxim, are you accusing me of finding excuses to retreat?"

"Isn't that the case?"

Maxim glanced at him.

Duke Yorok snorted coldly.

"Having committed to the Returning Star Plan, I will not abandon it halfway. I merely wish to avoid adding another foreign God to our enemies, making an already precarious situation even worse!"

Maxim shook his head.

"An affected divination result is not necessarily from a God. Our success in the Returning Star Plan has been smooth. If this were a God who has been dormant for hundreds of years, why were our prior calculations so successful?"

"Or are you suggesting we convene the Elder Council again for another joint divination?"

"Yorok, given your relationship with Eugenia, are you trying to use this to plead for that traitor?"

Duke Yorok's expression changed instantly.

He coldly glared at Maxim and said.

"Maxim, watch your words! She is the Holy Maiden of our Nez!"

Maxim snorted coldly.

He was about to retort but fell silent at the Grand Elder's calm command.


"Grand Elder, this concerns Nez's future. Please decide!"

Yorok bowed to the Grand Elder.

The Grand Elder did not immediately reply.

He closed his eyes lightly, faint starlight flickering around him as if divining something.

The bloodborne elders watched him in silence, their hearts stirred.

The Nez Clan excelled in divination.

Aside from the traitorous former Holy Maiden Eugenia, the Grand Elder was the highest diviner in the clan.

After a moment, the starlight around the Grand Elder faded. He opened his eyes, his crimson gaze deep and distant.

"Grand Elder, what is the result?"

Maxim asked curiously.

The Grand Elder's gaze swept around the circle, and after a moment of silence, he said.

"Notify everyone to dispose of all items with thorn and rose patterns."

Maxim's eyes widened, and Duke Yorok visibly relaxed, letting out a sigh of relief.

However, as he started to relax, the Grand Elder stopped him.

"Yorok, Castell is crucial to the Returning Star Plan and cannot be abandoned. Since you are in charge of Castell's affairs, you must bear this responsibility..."

He looked at Yorok.

"I trust you understand my meaning?"


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