Gospel of Blood

Chapter 233: Overeaten

"An... an avatar?"

Yurst was stunned.

The holy and ethereal voice sighed slightly.

"It’s normal that you couldn’t tell. After all... you’re just a mere Blazing Sun."

Hearing this, Yurst broke into a cold sweat.

No need for further hints, he instantly understood why the True Ancestor said he had caused trouble.

The mysterious Thorny Rose had existed for centuries, indicating that the resurrected ancestor had no intention of stepping into the spotlight yet.

By bringing a Legendary's avatar here, he might have exposed the True Ancestor’s identity.

Especially to a Legendary Bloodborne!

At this thought, Yurst broke into a cold sweat.

"True... True Ancestor, I’m very sorry, I... I only wanted to help you regain your strength faster..."

He stammered.

"Oh, is that so?"

Charlotte chuckled softly.

The Blood Throne reappeared, and the now-adult Charlotte sat gracefully upon it.

This time, Yurst's vision was unobstructed by mist.

Seeing the mysterious, majestic, and beautiful figure enhanced by the crimson divine power, even the two-thousand-year-old Yurst was momentarily stunned.

Ancient memories slowly resurfaced...

Although the passage of time had blurred his recollection of the ancestor’s true appearance, who frequently changed identities, seeing her relaxed posture now made him feel that this was indeed the ancestor's true form.

No, it was definitely the missing True Ancestor!

As his memory sharpened, the image of the ancestor before him merged with the godly figure from the Gods' War.

Quickly, Yurst remembered everything.

It was the True Ancestor!

This appearance... truly was the returned True Ancestor!

Yes, he remembered now, this was indeed how the True Ancestor looked!

Recalling the terrifying stories about the ancestor, Yurst’s reverence grew, and he hurriedly retracted his gaze, explaining nervously.

"True... True Ancestor... I..."

"Doesn't matter, I don’t actually care about your motives. I just want to tell you that as my servant, your every move must be under my watch..."

Charlotte interrupted Yurst, waving her hand dismissively.

She smiled softly and said.

"Do you understand?"

Despite Charlotte’s bright smile, Yurst felt a chill down his spine.

Though Charlotte said the entity he faced was just an avatar of Elder Maxim, Yurst knew firsthand that even as an avatar, it possessed power far beyond any Blazing Sun's.

At least... much stronger than him!

Yet, in front of the True Ancestor, it couldn't hold out even for a moment before being obliterated...

Although the True Ancestor had no plans to step into the limelight, her power had clearly recovered significantly!

Realizing this, Yurst's reverence for the ancestor's power grew, and he became increasingly fearful of his rash actions.

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Swallowing hard, he said.

"I... I understand, True Ancestor. From now on, before taking any significant action, I will pray to you in my heart and proceed only with your permission."

"I... I will remember this!"

Charlotte nodded slightly, chuckling.

"Good that you understand."

She waved her hand lazily.

"Alright, since the Legendary avatar that imprisoned you is gone, you may leave now."

"There are no other strong guards outside, your crisis is over."

"Oh, and make sure to do what I’ve instructed you to do. If needed, I will summon you..."

With that, Charlotte waved her hand, and crimson mist spread again, bringing a familiar sense of expulsion.

Taking a deep breath, Yurst quickly bowed again.

"Farewell, True Ancestor..."

The crimson mist thickened, engulfing everything.

Yurst felt a familiar dizziness, soon returning to reality.

Opening his eyes, he saw that Elder Maxim, who had been so overbearing moments ago, was now a withered corpse, as if drained of all life.

Seeing the corpse, which looked different from the Elder Maxim he remembered, Yurst couldn’t help but mutter.

"It really was an avatar! And... it seemed to be a corpse avatar of the Dark Path!"

"So, Elder Maxim must have already aligned himself with the Blood Demon Cult."

Jumping over the corpse, Yurst flexed his arms, feeling the power that had been unsealed with the avatar’s death, deep in thought.

Reflecting on his uncertain future, he sighed, opened the door, and walked out.


"Phew... That was close. I almost blew it. That Legendary Elder didn’t discover my identity, did he?"

Alone in the mental world of the Dark Night Castle, Charlotte sighed with relief, collapsing on the throne.

The Blood Summoning of the Gospel of Blood allowed her to see all the bloodborne's stars. When Elder Maxim was pulled into the Dark Night Castle, she knew it was just an avatar.

Thankfully, it was only an avatar. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to use the blood divine power and bloodline suppression to kill it instantly.

However, she wasn’t sure if the death of the avatar left any memories with the real body.

Despite her calm facade, only Charlotte knew how much effort that one lethal strike had cost her...

Her current strength after the True Ancestor's Liberation was at the Saint level, comparable to a Legendary.

The bit of blood divine power accumulated over the past six months was almost entirely used up.

Now, she had only a third of her divine power left, enough to maintain a full True Ancestor state for less than fifteen seconds.

Of course, there were considerable gains.

Killing Elder Maxim’s avatar, Charlotte had used the "bloodsucking" power to absorb almost all of the avatar’s energy, most of which went into the Gospel.

This time, the absorbed energy was much stronger than when she slashed the Flame Demon Valaroka.

Although not fully digested yet, she believed that once fully converted, the blood divine power in the Gospel of Blood would be almost completely restored.

Additionally, a small portion of the energy was transferred to Charlotte's body, making her feel as if she had taken a powerful tonic, with overflowing energy filling every cell of her being.

She felt overeaten.

Moreover, directly absorbing the avatar of a Legendary Bloodborne had seemingly caused another change in her bloodborne power.

She seemed... ready to advance.

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