Gospel of Blood

Chapter 235: Emergency Recall

At the Entrance to the Castell Bridge connecting Northport and the Mainland

A long line of various carriages formed, orderly accepting the guards' inspections. Some carried goods from various regions, while others transported travelers and friends, all gradually crossing the bridge into Northport.

Suddenly, urgent hoofbeats echoed from a distance on the emergency official road by the bridge. A luxurious carriage adorned with a black eagle emblem sped from the north of the continent.

The carriage halted at the checkpoint. The guards hurriedly and respectfully approached, revealing a handsome, elegant red-haired elf who nodded slightly at them.

"It's a carriage from the Castell family!"

"Red hair… an elf… could it be that renowned flame elf named Sebastian, favored by the Countess?"

"I heard he made quite a name for himself in Eastern Yunette and is a powerful extraordinary being!"

Merchants and passersby curiously watched as the guards respectfully ushered the luxurious carriage in, engaging in lively discussions. Meanwhile, Sebastian settled back into the carriage, driving it swiftly towards the city.

The Castell family emblem granted unhindered passage. Amidst respectful salutes from patrolling city guards and the deference of passersby, the carriage raced to the Count's mansion, halting at the entrance. Sebastian gracefully leaped from the carriage and quickly headed inside.

"Master Sebastian..."

Seeing the approaching elf steward, the maids and servants respectfully greeted him.

Sebas nodded and asked.

"Where is the Countess?"

"The Countess is in the study, discussing matters with Viscount Leon-Castell."

The servant respectfully replied.

"Viscount Leon-Castell? Does that mean the review of the southern nobles is over? That guy is back too?"

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, musing to himself. Handing the carriage reins to a servant, he hurried towards the Count's study. Entering the mansion's hall, he saw a familiar black cat lounging lazily by the door, basking in the sun and nibbling on small fish prepared by the maids.

"Hey! Sebastian, your speed on the road is lacking. I've been back for two days already, and you’re just now leisurely arriving."

The black cat greeted him smugly, belching.

Sebas glanced at him and said,

"The northern roads are less smooth than the southern ones and farther. It's normal to be a bit late. Competing with me over such trivial matters, you’re becoming more and more like a real cat."

"Meow! What’s wrong with cats? Carefree and doing whatever I want, eating well, sleeping well, worry-free—much happier than humans."

Nice lazily scratched himself and replied.

Sebastian agreed.

"Indeed, that’s how pets are."

Nice: …

About to retort, Nice held back, grumbling.

"Fine, fine. For the sake of the upcoming months of cooperation, I’ll overlook it today. Hurry and see the master. Lady Charlotte said if you, her good dog, returned, you should go see her immediately."

Sebastian: …

Thinking of the master's urgent summons, Sebastian ignored further banter with the black cat and hurried to the second-floor study. Inside, Charlotte was receiving Viscount Leon-Castell. Sebastian prepared to wait outside, but Charlotte gestured him in, continuing her conversation with the old viscount of the Leon family.

"Viscount, I’ve witnessed your loyalty. However, the southern nobles are just a part of Castell. The western and northern regions are more significant. Please continue your efforts."

Viscount Leon-Castell hurriedly bowed.

"Countess, rest assured, the Leon-Castell family will spare no effort in assisting you with the territory's review!"

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Charlotte nodded.

"I believe you can do it well. Continue to strive."

She yawned and added.

"The review work remains heavy and challenging. Not all nobles in the territory are willing to comply. External threats from neighboring lords and even unrest in the north persist… In the coming days, Sebastian will be fully responsible for the subsequent review work. You will coordinate directly with him."

Viscount Leon-Castell glanced at the flame elf, hesitated briefly, then respectfully bowed to Charlotte.

"As you command, Countess."

"Alright, Viscount, the review plan is a significant and arduous task requiring unified effort. Once everything settles, I will not forget the contributions of the Leon-Castell family. Those with merit will be duly rewarded. For now, I have more matters to discuss with Sebastian. If there’s nothing else, please take your leave and rest."

Charlotte sipped her caffeinated milk and said.

"Yes, Countess."

The old viscount bowed again and respectfully left. Only Charlotte and Sebastian remained in the study. Charlotte signaled the chief maid, Sherry, to close the door.

Seeing Charlotte yawning repeatedly, Sebastian felt concerned.

"Master, are you…"

"Sebas, I will likely enter a period of slumber soon."

Charlotte got straight to the point.

"Slumber? Master, is it the kind of slumber I think?"

Sebastian's heart skipped a beat, asking.

Charlotte nodded.

"Yes, the slumber you’re thinking of. I urgently summoned you for this reason. During my slumber, Castell needs someone I trust to oversee it. The nobles in the territory can't be fully trusted. You are the most suitable person."

Confirming her words, Sebastian felt a mix of joy and worry.

"Master, how long will you sleep? Recently, I've discovered numerous Blood Demon Cultists in the north, including suspected Nez clan bloodbornes. They might be plotting something..."

Charlotte shook her head.

"I’m unsure of the exact duration, possibly one to two months, maybe three to four."

"I’ve informed Nice about this. During my sleep, he will use illusion magic to disguise as myself in the mansion. But it can only manage the disguise. You are the one who needs to handle the real responsibilities."

"I’m aware of the Blood Demon Cult's activities. It's complex and possibly tied to an internal conflict within the Nez clan. I have agents in the Nez clan. Before I sleep, I’ll tell you how to contact them."

Charlotte meticulously instructed Sebastian on post-slumber territory management. Sebastian solemnly noted everything.

After addressing territorial affairs, she remembered something.

"Oh, one more thing. Ensure my slumber is secure. I will sleep in the mansion's secret chamber. During my slumber, ensure no disturbances and absolute safety."

"Slumber security?"

Sebas was momentarily confused. Suddenly, an idea struck him, and he nodded.

"I understand. I know an excellent magic craftsman who can urgently customize something to your satisfaction."


Charlotte was puzzled. Seeing Sebas’s confident demeanor and feeling increasingly drowsy, she refrained from further questioning, nodding.

"I trust you. Go ahead and prepare."

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