Gospel of Blood

Chapter 250: Contact Attempt


Hearing the children call out, Charlotte quickly stopped them.

“I must have told you many times, don’t call me that.”

She couldn’t bear being called “teacher” by these kids.

For ordinary people, it might not be a big deal, but she knew these two could very well become Gods in the future.

Having been in this other world for so long, she hadn’t heard any myths or legends mentioning these Gods having a so-called teacher. She wasn’t sure if her actions would affect history or if they were already part of history. While it was fine to go along with the flow and get to know them, getting too deeply involved with these two carried too much risk.

“But you taught us so many things! In our tribe, everyone calls the person who teaches hunting skills ‘teacher’!”

Lilith said matter-of-factly.

Harald, who wasn’t much of a talker, nodded vigorously.

Charlotte rubbed her forehead.

“I didn’t teach you hunting skills, and besides… some of these things you would have learned eventually. I just told you how to do them a bit earlier.”

Lilith and Harald didn’t buy Charlotte’s explanation.

“But you saved us! Without you, Harald and I might have died long ago!”

“Not to mention the things you taught us, no one in the tribe knows them! You are definitely our teacher! Not just a teacher, but our savior!”

“I don’t care, you are our teacher! Teacher! Teacher! Teacher!”

Lilith chattered, dragging Harald along.

Seeing the two kids looking up at her with admiration, Charlotte was at a loss.

Although she had reminded herself to be cautious in dealing with these two, it was challenging to find the right balance.

Especially when trying to establish a good relationship…

Seeing their stubborn little faces, she could only sigh.

“Fine, call me whatever you want.”

With her consent, the two children beamed with joy until Charlotte’s gentle voice came.

“But since you’re here, let me see how you’ve improved in using your power.”

Hearing Charlotte’s words, their eyes lit up.

“I’ll go first! I’ll go first!”

Lilith, who had a lively personality, jumped forward.

She focused, drew her small wooden sword, and took a fighting stance. With a delicate shout, she struck a nearby stone.

A faint extraordinary aura spread from Lilith, and the wooden sword glowed slightly, leaving a shallow mark on the stone.


Almost at the point of condensing the Source Seed?

Charlotte’s eye twitched.

As an “experienced” extraordinary being, Charlotte was familiar with the power Lilith displayed. It was the Source power.

Lilith’s grasp of Source power was naturally linked to Charlotte. Although Charlotte couldn’t become an extraordinary knight due to her bloodborne bloodline, she knew several knight meditation techniques.

She had chosen one to teach the two, helping them awaken their extraordinary powers.

It was the most appropriate method.

In fact, Charlotte taught them not only knight meditation techniques but also mage meditation techniques. However, Lilith seemed more attuned to the knight’s method.

Using source power to enhance a weapon was a power that only extraordinary knights stepping into the Starry Sky tier could master. This growth speed amazed Charlotte.

Heavens, it had only been half a month, and she had already mastered this power, nearing the threshold of stepping into the Starry Sky tier!

“Teacher! Teacher! Look! I’ve been practicing the meditation technique you taught me every day without missing a single day!”

Lilith said excitedly, her cute face beaming with pride, clearly expecting praise.

Charlotte chuckled and nodded.

“Very talented.”

“Of course! I will become the strongest Storm Hunter in the world! I’ll defeat all the wild beasts and Evil Gods and become a legendary hero! I’ll build a grand palace like the Tower of Sanctuary!”

Lilith declared proudly.

Watching the innocent girl and recalling the legends of the True Ancestor of Blood and the grand Dark Night Castle, Charlotte’s expression turned peculiar.

“You will.”

Then she turned to Harald.

“What about you, Harald?”

Hearing his name, Harald stepped forward shyly. He glanced at Charlotte, then gently extended his hand, chanting softly.

As he chanted, a faint magical aura gathered around him, and a golden light bloomed in his palm. The golden light lasted a long time before slowly fading.

An apprentice-level spell, illumination.

That’s right, Harald had become a mage.

Compared to his sister, who was more sensitive to the knight’s meditation technique, the introverted Harald seemed more suited for the path of a mage. He not only had a greater interest in magic but also awakened his extraordinary powers faster than Lilith.

Seeing the illumination spell in his hand, Charlotte was almost numb with surprise.

Although it was just an apprentice-level spell, Harald’s Illumination was noticeably brighter and lasted longer than what her pre-slumber self could cast.

No doubt, another genius!

But Charlotte was already prepared for this.

It was no surprise to her that these two, who could be targeted by the Moon Goddess Church and potentially become Gods in the future, were geniuses.

Seeing Harald’s anxious and hopeful expression, Charlotte nodded.

“Yes, very good.”

Receiving the praise, Harald’s tense expression relaxed, his face flushing slightly with joy almost written all over it.

Charlotte smiled and continued.

“Alright, now that I know your current level, let me teach you some more practical knight techniques and magic applications…”

Even though she couldn’t become an extraordinary knight or a conventional mage due to her bloodline, the extraordinary nature of bloodbornes had some similarities with extraordinary knights, and bloodbornes also possessed innate magic. Combining her own experience with observations of her personal knight and mage guards’ training and the books she had read, she had more than enough to guide these two little ones.

At least for now, it was more than enough.

Hearing that Charlotte was going to instruct them, the two kids became serious immediately, quickly gathering to listen attentively.

Time flew by.

Before they knew it, two hours had passed.

“Alright, that’s it for today’s instruction. The rest will depend on your own exploration and understanding.”

Charlotte said.

The two kids nodded, still wanting more.

They exchanged a glance, then quickly stood up and bowed to Charlotte again.

“Thank you, Teacher!”

Charlotte hesitated to speak.

Seeing their respectful and excited faces, she sighed inwardly and gave up on correcting their address.

“Also… until you become strong enough, do not expose your powers to others, especially not in front of… the Prophets and the Blessed Ones. Do you understand?”

Charlotte’s expression became serious, and she spoke sternly.

The two looked puzzled.

“Teacher, why? Aren’t you also a Blessed One?”

Lilith asked.

Charlotte paused and then said,

“Because your powers might not be permitted in this era. If exposed before you are strong enough, it would not only endanger you but also those around you.”

“Then… when will we be considered strong enough?”

Harald asked.

Charlotte glanced at the Tower of Sanctuary on the hill and said,

“When you can topple that tower, then… you will be.”

“Topple the Tower of Sanctuary?!”

The two kids were startled, but looking at the tall spire, they seemed eager to try.

“And Teacher, aren’t you also a Blessed One?”

Harald asked timidly.

“Me? I’m different.”

Charlotte smiled.

She didn’t elaborate further but instead dismissed them.

“Alright, it’s getting late. I need to meditate alone for a while. You go and practice by yourselves.”

“Thank you, Teacher!”

The two kids bowed to Charlotte again and then left, hopping away.

Watching their disappearing figures, Charlotte exhaled slowly and fell into thought.

To be honest, she didn’t know if teaching them extraordinary knowledge was the right thing to do. She felt that her interactions with them were deepening.

However, considering their future achievements, even if she hadn’t done so, they would probably awaken their extraordinary powers through other means eventually. Maybe they would have been taken to the Central Tower of the elves and awakened there.

Now that she had removed the “curse” ritual from them, and they were no longer marked by the Moon Goddess Church, they likely wouldn’t be taken to the tower.

From this perspective, her teaching could be seen as an alternative supplement.

Of course, when she started teaching them extraordinary knowledge, she didn’t think that much. She was just trying to build a good relationship and test their extraordinary powers to indirectly confirm their identities.

The results were surprising.

Lilith was suited for the knight’s path, while Harald was suited for the mage’s path. Their extraordinary bloodline powers had nothing to do with Bloodborne or the Holy Court.

Lilith’s power was unrelated to the Bloodborne, and Harald had no potential linked to holy power.

This made Charlotte doubtful.

With little information, she couldn’t delve deeper, so she chose not to worry about it further. Building a good relationship and teaching them extraordinary knowledge was a small matter, her main goal was to accumulate power and find a way back to the future.

With the restoration of her magic and replenishment of blood divine power, Charlotte had some vague guesses.

Of course, these were just guesses that needed further verification and thorough preparation.

Now, Charlotte intended to attempt to use divine blood power to see if she could communicate with her followers in another era!

With this in mind, she stood up, muttered a spell, turned into a shadow, and flew away.

She stopped about six or seven kilometers outside the Northern Mountain tribe, at a hidden cave entrance she had discovered while “hunting” recently. It was a natural cave that had been the lair of some wild beasts, which she had killed. She had then concealed it with several blood magic spells.

This was her secret base.

While the Northern Mountain Tribe was nice, it was crowded. Meditating deeply here would be safer.

Reaching the deepest part of the cave, she stopped before a roughly built “stone coffin.”

It was actually a large stone she had hollowed out and covered with a lid, inscribed with some magical runes she had learned from Nice for warning and defense. This was her real hiding place.

She prepared this as a precaution since breaking through in this era might cause her to fall asleep again, making a safe environment crucial.

This was also the safest place to use blood divine power without alerting the Moon Goddess Church.

Lying down in the “coffin”, Charlotte sank into her consciousness, communicating with the Gospel of Blood.

Blood divine power surged, and she decisively activated 『True Ancestor’s Liberation』, then forcibly activated the dimmed 『Blood Summoning』 on the Gospel pages.

Crimson divine power erupted, and the Gospel of Blood shone brightly.

The next moment, Charlotte returned to the mental world of the Dark Night Castle. In the dim starry sea, two long-lost crimson stars slowly lit up!

They represented her familiar, Sebastian and Yurst!

Beyond these two stars was another dim silver star, faintly connected to Charlotte’s soul.

It was Nice, who had a soul contract “Servant’s Final Oath” with her.

Seeing the three stars reappear, charlotte’s spirit lifted.

Without hesitation, she focused her consciousness and, using the Gospel’s power, directed her gaze to the star with Sebastian’s aura…

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