Gospel of Blood

Chapter 254: Charlotte's Judgement

“Master, have you discovered something?”

Sebastian asked curiously, observing Charlotte deep in thought.

Charlotte furrowed her brows, nodding slightly but then shaking her head.

“No… I’m just puzzled about the rebels camping by the Dorn River. Castell County is known for its maritime trade and numerous waterways. Almost every noble family with access to the sea or rivers has ships…”

“The Lagrisse family is one of the three viscount families. It’s impossible they don’t have a fleet. The Dorn River is the largest river in Western Yunette and a major trade route between the Northern and Eastern Yunette. Currently, the upper reaches of the Dorn River are under the Lagrisse family’s control.”

“The upper Dorn River can directly reach the Eastern Yunette Blacklands, which is a mercenary haven. I know merchant ships often travel between Eastern Yunette and Castell via the Dorn River…”

“Does the Lagrisse family really have no means of crossing the river?”

Viscount Leon-Castell explained.

“Master, the Dorn River is too wide, and the rebel numbers are too great. The only bridge is near Northport, which is heavily defended. Even if the rebels organize a fleet, crossing the river would be difficult, especially since we have our own fleet patrolling the coastline and river mouth.”

Charlotte pondered for a moment before asking.

“What about extraordinary means? As far as I know, some powerful mages can freeze rivers temporarily, especially in winter when the weather aids frost magic. Could the Lagrisse family be planning to hire high-level mages to freeze the river for a crossing?”

Sebastian considered this and said,

“Master, while it’s possible, it’s unlikely. Extraordinary powers are common in war, but to cast a spell that allows thousands to cross the Dorn River would require a high-ranking mage, at least at the level of a Blazing Sun…”

“And maintaining such a large-scale spell is much harder than directly destroying a town. Even a Blazing Sun mage would be heavily drained. If another Blazing Sun opponent interrupts the spell, the losses would be substantial.”

Viscount Leon-Castell nodded in agreement.

“Sir Sebastian is right. Unless in a desperate situation, no Blazing Sun mage would use such a large-scale spell due to the immense energy drain and vulnerability.”

“Moreover.” he continued, “the Mage Guild opposes high-ranking mages participating in mundane wars, especially among noble territories under the kingdom. Even if they participate, it’s typically mage against mage.”

“The Lagrisse family doesn’t have a Blazing Sun extraordinary. Hiring high-level mages to freeze the river would be difficult unless it’s a larger national conflict or the lord himself is a Blazing Sun mage. In inter-territorial noble wars, it’s almost impossible.”

Charlotte frowned.

“Then it’s even more puzzling. If that’s the case, unless they’re heading directly for Northport, the Lagrisse family has no way to reach this side of the Dorn River. What are they doing camping upstream? Or what are they waiting for?”

“From any angle, attacking Northport directly seems the best choice. Even if they’re camping, they should be downstream to avoid us flanking them. Aren’t they worried we’ll surround them from downstream?”

Baron Angus sighed.

“Master, we can’t flank them.”

“Oh? Why not?”

Charlotte was surprised.

Baron Angus explained.

“We’re separated by the Tulip County, a Borde enclave. The Tulip County cuts off Northport Viscounty from the Lagrisse Viscounty. To flank them, we’d have to pass through the Tulip County.”

“The Duchess of Borde has declared neutrality in this rebellion and refuses entry to both armies.”

Charlotte: …

Damn it, she had almost forgotten about the annoying Borde enclave!

The Third Prince is definitely up to no good!

“The Borde family chose their enclave well… This piece of land practically cuts off Castell’s territory at the waist.”

Staring at the map, Sebastian couldn’t help but comment.

Baron Angus nodded.

“Indeed, that’s why every Lord of Castell has tried to reclaim the Tulip County from the Duke, even offering rich southern lands in exchange. But the Borde Dukes have always refused, despite the Tulip County being smaller than Northport Viscounty.”

Viscount Leon-Castell sighed.

“It’s understandable. The Borde Dukes use Tulip County to check Castell. It’s their northern military stronghold.”

“For years, neighboring lords have been deterred from attacking Castell because the Borde family keeps a stand-by army in Tulip County. As long as Castell remains a Borde vassal, they’ll never let go.”

Hearing this, Charlotte had a realization.

“Wait… did you say the Borde family has a stand-by army in Tulip County?”

The old viscount nodded.

“Yes, Master.”

“How many troops? Are they all extraordinary? What’s their equipment like?”

The old viscount thought for a moment and replied.

“If I recall correctly, around three thousand troops, maybe more. I’m not sure about the proportion of extraordinary troops, but it should be significant. As for their equipment, the former Borde Duke served as the kingdom’s military commander, acquiring plenty of standard kingdom armor.”

Hearing this, Charlotte frowned deeper, studying the map of Castell. The Borde enclave in the middle was an eyesore.

What should be a perfect isosceles obtuse triangle of Castell’s territory was marred by this Borde enclave, driving anyone with OCD mad.

“Sebastian, any other news from the south?”

Charlotte asked after some thought.

“You mean from the Borde Duchy? Besides declaring neutrality in Castell’s rebellion and refusing entry to both armies, there’s no other news from Borde.”

Sebastian replied.

“What about the other ducal nobles? Have they sworn allegiance to the new Duke?”

“That… I’m not sure. But most of the ducal nobles attended the new Duke’s inauguration, except for us.”

Listening to Sebastian, Charlotte nodded slightly.

The Third Prince was a popular contender for the Crescent Throne. It made sense for ambitious nobles to cozy up to him.

Studying the map a while longer, Charlotte said,

“The main allied force shouldn’t rush north. Let them train here. Northport has abundant supplies, and the logistics pressure is minimal.”

“If three thousand can hold the front, send three thousand to guard the Dorn River. No, to be safe, send five thousand. Viscount, recommends capable commanders for this task. Baron Angus will stay here in Northport.”

“The main force stays in Northport?”

Viscount Leon-Castell was surprised and hesitatingly said,

“Countess, are you sure? This rebellion shouldn’t drag on too long…”

“Though Tulip County blocks our northern route, it also blocks the rebels from advancing south along the coast. Northport, though close to the front, is the safest. There’s no need to station so many troops here.”

“Safe? Ha, that’s not necessarily true.”

Charlotte scoffed, shaking her head.

Seeing Charlotte’s suggestive expression, the Old Viscount’s eye twitched.

As if realizing something, his expression changed.

“Countess, do you suspect… the Duke might attack us?”

The other nobles in the hall changed expressions upon hearing this.

“The Duke? The Borde Duke?”

“A liege intervening in a vassal’s civil war?”

“That… can’t be possible, right?”

Even Sebastian was surprised.

“Master, that… shouldn’t be likely, right? Even if the Third Prince wants Castell, he needs a just cause… otherwise, who would support his claim to the throne?”

Charlotte sighed.

“If you want an excuse, you can always find one. We must guard against that ambitious guy.”

Hearing Charlotte, Sebastian fell into thought, and after a moment, Viscount Leon-Castell nodded.

“Countess, I understand. In that case, I recommend Baron Sharon to guard the Dorn River.”

Charlotte turned to Baron Angus, who also nodded.

“Master, Baron Sharon is an excellent commander. I believe he can handle the task.”

“Then it’s settled. Though this rebellion shouldn’t drag on, we must train our allied forces and guard against our neighbors.”

Charlotte said.

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