Gospel of Blood

Chapter 257: The Black Cat and the Black Dragon

Nice shook his head blankly, looking completely innocent.

The girl glanced at him and said calmly.

“To be honest, I’m not concerned about your origins or your lineage.”

“I’ve heard that the mages from Nicholas School delved deeply into forbidden magic, even mastering spells capable of resurrecting the dead…”

As she spoke, her gaze fixed on Nice, her crimson pupils filled with curiosity.

“Am I right?”

Under the pressure of the girl’s intense gaze, Nice couldn’t help but swallow nervously. He instinctively shrank back, then forced himself to respond.

“Uh… Lady Eudoxia, if you’re seeking knowledge about necromancy, you might be asking the wrong cat. I only know a bit from books…”

“I think, rather than asking me, you should consult your contracted partner. After all, no one understands necromancy better than the senior priests of the Blood Demon Cult.”

Nice appeared sincere and honest.

However, upon hearing his words, the girl’s expression darkened. A terrifying aura exploded from her, pouring out like a tsunami.

Under its overwhelming pressure, the mages and alchemists in the workshop almost unanimously fell to their knees, bowing down en masse.

The girl instantly flashed before Nice, lifting him like a kitten.

Feeling the murderous intent emanating from the girl, nice screamed in terror.

“You, you, you…! You can’t kill me! I’m the captive designated to be kept alive by your leader!”

“I… I also have a contract partner! If you kill me, my contract master won’t forgive you! My master will… cough cough…”

The feeble threat did nothing to diminish the girl’s killing intent. On the contrary, it seemed to intensify after hearing Nice’s words.

An unprecedented sense of danger surged within Nice. He quickly changed his tone and shouted.

“Stop! Stop! I… I know the spell to resurrect the dead! Just stop! Stop! Cough cough…”

As soon as he spoke, the tidal wave of murderous intent rapidly subsided.

The girl slowly lowered Nice back down, her crimson pupils fixed on his eyes, now slightly constricted from the intense choking. Her already cold voice grew even colder.

“If I hear the term ‘contract partner’ again, I will kill you without hesitation.”

Feeling the sincerity in her words, Nice shuddered. He swallowed hard, glanced at the expressionless girl, and cautiously asked.

“Um… Lady Eudoxia, have I offended you in some way?”

“Could it be that I misunderstood, and you didn’t actually sign a contract with the priests of the Blood Demon Cult?”

Hearing Nice’s words, the girl gave him a light glance, raising her hand once more.

Seeing the flash of killing intent in her crimson pupils, Nice quickly shouted.

“Stop! Stop—! I won’t ask anymore! Really, I won’t! Don’t… don’t be impulsive!”

The girl slowly withdrew her gaze, calmly watching him.

After a long silence, she finally said,

“Tell me about the spell that can revive the dead.”

Nice sighed and said,

“The only one that fits that description is 『Necromantic Revival』. I do know how to cast it…”

“But I genuinely suggest you seek help from your… uh, leader, the one who attacked me with you…”

“My understanding in this area isn’t deep, and in Myria, no one delves deeper into necromancy than the bloodbornes of Shedite.”

The girl fell silent after hearing Nice’s words. After a moment, she continued.

“I don’t need the necromantic revival spell.”

“Ah? You don’t need the necromantic revival spell?”

Nice was stunned.

The girl remained expressionless.

“I need a spell that can revive the dead.”

Nice was taken aback again, and then suddenly his eyes widened.

“A spell to revive the dead? Not necromantic revival?”

“Wait… do you mean reviving those whose souls have completely vanished from the world?!”

The girl continued to look at him silently, not denying his words.

Nice swallowed hard, then said with difficulty.

“Lady Eudoxia, to be honest… the soul is the essence of life. If the soul has dissipated, then there’s nothing that can be done.”

“But I’ve heard that you Nicholas mages possess even more miraculous resurrection techniques…”

The girl said calmly.

She gave Nice a deep look.

“Don’t try to deny your identity. Even as a cat, I can smell the distinct human scent on you…”

Nice: …

After hesitating for a moment, he sighed and said,

“Lady Eudoxia, I think… you might have misunderstood something.”

“Indeed, I do know some special resurrection techniques. However, what you don’t know is that these miraculous resurrection techniques don’t revive those whose souls are completely gone. Instead… hehe, they cleverly summon back souls from the divine realm without alerting the Gods!”

Seeming to touch on a point of pride, Nice’s expression became smug.

But for the first time, the girl named Eudoxia showed an odd expression.

“Summoning souls from the divine realm?”

“No wonder mages from the Nicholas School are often targets of church hunts. You’re all madmen.”

Nice grew even prouder.

“Hey! That’s called skill! So what if they hunt us? As long as I want, they can’t find me! Not just that, I can even… cough cough…”

Realizing he almost let something slip, he coughed a few times to change the topic.

However, the girl didn’t seem interested in his other revelations.

After sneaking a glance and seeing she didn’t pursue the topic, Nice relaxed. He cleared his throat and continued.

“Anyway… a soul is necessary for resurrection. If the soul is gone, not even the Gods can help.”

After hearing Nice’s words, the girl remained silent.

Finally, she continued.

“Is it really… impossible?”

Nice shook his head.

“Really impossible. Even if you asked the Gods, they’d give the same answer.”

The girl clenched her fists slightly, saying nothing.

After a while, she stopped asking questions and turned to leave.

“Hey! Lady Eudoxia! Is the person you want to revive a werewolf miner from the Castell Silver Mine?”

Seeing the girl’s retreating figure, Nice hurriedly asked.

The girl’s steps paused, but she neither turned around nor responded.

It wasn’t until she completely disappeared that Nice sighed in relief and muttered.

“So… she really was the black dragon from the Castell Mine.”

“Strange, she doesn’t seem controlled by the Blood Demon Cult but rather chose to join them willingly?”

“I have to escape as soon as possible. Staying locked up isn’t a solution. That hot-tempered little dragon probably guessed my identity…”

“The alchemists of the Lagrisse family treat me well, but they’re just after my knowledge. The real problem is the Blood Demon Cult. If those lunatics find out who I am, I’m done for!”

“Nice, why did you have to be so arrogant? Once you get arrogant, you get reckless, and then you screw up!”

“You shouldn’t have helped those struggling alchemists in the first place!”

“Oh, no… I had to help, otherwise, I wouldn’t get good food and drink… but I shouldn’t have used techniques that were so easily recognizable!”

“No choice… I have to escape! I must escape!”

Talking to himself, Nice quickly made up his mind and started looking for the dagger he had just dropped.

However, after scanning the area, he realized that all the tools he could reach that might help cut his collar’s chain had been taken by Eudoxia.

Nice: …

“Damn it! She did that on purpose!”

Nice cursed.

Slumping onto the chair with a dejected expression, he lamented.

“Nice, what were you thinking, leaving Northport?”

“Great! Now you’re completely stuck, and your secrets are almost exposed!”

“Sigh… Great Lady Charlotte, when will you wake up? If you don’t wake up soon, your territory will be completely taken over, and your poor contracted servant will go from a fat cat to a dead cat!”

Nice was utterly dejected and full of regret.

At that moment, a pleasant voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

“Good point. I’m curious too, why did you leave Northport when I told you to stay put, and even used my name to inspect Silver Mine City?”

Hearing this familiar voice, Nice’s body trembled, his despair turning to joy in an instant.

“Lady Charlotte! No, Master! Is it your voice?”

“Have you… woken up?!”

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