Gospel of Blood

Chapter 275: You're Not Worthy

“Remove the gloves from their mouths.”

Charlotte commanded Sebastian.

Sebastian responded respectfully, taking out the white gloves from the mouths of Count Gaston and his son.

Charlotte put down the parchment she was holding and looked down at the two of them, her eyes gleaming with a subtle light as she actively released her majestic aura.

In the eyes of Count Gaston and his son, the Evil God who had descended using a mortal shell seemed to become majestic and mysterious in an instant. Even her melodious voice seemed to carry a more solemn and awe-inspiring tone.

“Gaston, Otis, as punishment for your conspiracy and offense, you both should face death.”

“However, you still have great use to me, and I will not let you die…”

“At least… not now.”

Upon hearing Charlotte’s words, Count Gaston’s expression flickered. He took a deep breath, suppressing his fear, and said,

“You… Do you want us to submit to you?”

“Though I don’t know which Lord of the Bloodborne you are, it seems you have forgotten one thing—”

“We, the Crescent-folk have been eternal enemies of the bloodbornes. As a devout noble of the Crescent Kingdom, even in death, we will never bow to you!”

Count Gaston’s voice was loud. Though he still trembled and was clearly afraid, he proudly raised his head.

“Evil… Evil God! The holy light is with us!”

Otis also mustered his courage to shout, though his voice trembled, clearly terrified of Charlotte’s “Evil God” identity.

However, as a noble who had mingled in the Crescent circles for more than a year, Charlotte could discern another, more subtle meaning behind Gaston’s seemingly righteous tone…

If the conditions were acceptable, he might be willing to yield.

Charlotte, however, did not respond to Count Gaston’s words. Instead, she looked at Sebastian and ordered.

“Sebastian, bring me some extraordinary blood.”

Sebastian hesitated for a moment but then respectfully complied. He took out a glass bottle from the void, filled with the extraordinary blood Charlotte usually drank.

“Master, this is the blood of the ground dragon from the northern forest, your favorite fire-attributed extraordinary blood. Please drink.”

“Ground dragon? No, get something milder, and make sure it’s not above the Second Tier Silver Moon. If there’s nothing else, your blood will do.”

Sebastian: …?

Though puzzled by Charlotte’s request, Sebastian obediently fetched another bottle of extraordinary blood. To cater to Charlotte’s preferences, his storage space contained various types of extraordinary blood to meet almost any need.

“Master, this is the blood of the Northern Ice Wolf, First Tier Starry Sky, with much milder properties.”

“That’ll do. Hand it over.”

Charlotte said.

Sebastian handed the blood bottle over with both hands, then couldn’t help but ask.

“Master, aren’t you going to drink it?”

“Drink it? No, it’s just to be used as a ‘solvent’ for dilution.”

As she spoke, Charlotte took the blood bottle. She then picked up a small knife, cut her fingertip, and used her magic to activate her bloodline power, dropping a single drop of her essence blood into the bottle.

With the drop of her blood, the bottle immediately emitted a faint crimson glow. The glow flashed and then disappeared, leaving the blood looking ordinary again.

However, Sebastian could clearly sense the change in the blood.

Sebastian’s eyes widened almost instantly.

“This… this is the aura of bloodline blood. This whole bottle of extraordinary blood has become bloodline blood?!”

Bloodline blood is the essence blood bloodbornes use to create new bloodbornes. Obviously, by adding her blood to the Northern Ice Wolf’s blood, Charlotte had caused the entire bottle to transform.

In other words, anyone who drank this bottle of blood would be turned into a bloodborne!

【Blood Spread】

This is a derivative ability of Blood Embrace, evolved through the Dark Path, and an advanced talent Charlotte awakened upon ascending to Silver Moon.

With this ability, a bloodborne can dilute their essence blood into other extraordinary blood, thereby creating more bloodline blood and potentially more bloodbornes.

However, bloodbornes created in this way are more distant in blood relation to the True Ancestor, inherit less power, and are often not regarded as true descendants by their creators.

Moreover, bloodbornes created this way have another characteristic.

They are difficult for the Holy Court’s Judgment Knights to trace back to their creator through bloodline power.

“Sebastian, make them drink it.”

Charlotte commanded.

Count Gaston was stunned for a moment. As a well-informed noble, he instantly realized what Charlotte intended to do and began to struggle frantically.

“Y-you… you want to turn us into bloodbornes?! No—! You can’t do this! No…!”

Bloodbornes are reviled in the Crescent Kingdom, while long standing noble families are highly respected everywhere they go.

Although bloodbornes possess great power and immortality, in this era, the disadvantages of becoming one far outweigh the benefits.

For example, becoming targets for Holy Court persecution; becoming photophobic beings who cannot walk in sunlight; constantly being at risk of insanity; and becoming “prisoners” under the control of higher-ranking elders…

Unless they are nobles facing their life’s end and greatly fearing death, most nobles would never choose this path.

Of course, Count Gaston’s struggles were futile under the anti-magic chains, and his resistance went completely unheeded.

Under Charlotte’s orders, Sebastian did not hesitate. He walked straight to the two human nobles, pinched their noses, and poured the blood down their throats.

As the blood entered, Gaston and Otis’ expressions instantly became pained, and their auras began to become chaotic.

As extraordinaries, their own powers naturally resisted the external invasion. Of course, this resistance was meaningless against the more invasive and pervasive power of the bloodbornes.

As time passed, their skin grew paler, their pupils simultaneously turned crimson, fangs emerged in their mouths, and their nails became sharp…

Charlotte coldly watched their transformation, her voice devoid of emotion.

“Turn into bloodbornes? Don’t overestimate yourselves.”

“You are not worthy to become my blood descendants yet.”

Blood Spread indeed allows for the convenient creation of new bloodbornes. But more often, this ability is used by mid-to-high-rank bloodbornes to create blood thralls without any “human rights.”

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