Gospel of Blood

Chapter 288: The Furious Third Prince

Linte City, the capital of the Violet Duchy.

Within the lord’s castle in the city center, Third Prince Philip sat on a noble chair, having arrived through a long-distance pinpoint teleportation spell from the Mage Tower.

His brows were furrowed as he listened to the report from his personal guard.

“What did you say? The main force of the Castell rebels has been completely annihilated?”

“Yes, completely annihilated… It’s said that they lasted only half a day by the Dorn River before being wiped out by Castell’s coalition forces.”

The guard replied, his head bowed.

Hearing this, Prince Philip’s expression changed. He stood up instinctively, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Half a day? No… that’s impossible!”

“The northern rebels gathered at least over ten thousand people! And if you add the hired northern cavalry, their numbers could be close to twenty thousand!”

“Castell’s mage corps was disbanded long ago, they couldn’t possibly muster a force capable of defeating such a large army.”

“Even if it were twenty thousand pigs, Castell’s troops wouldn’t be able to catch them all in three days. And now you’re telling me they were defeated in just half a day?”

“What about the northern cavalry? Count Gaston’s troops? Didn’t the Tulip County troops defect during the battle?”

Prince Philip pressed harshly.

The guard swallowed hard, steeling himself to respond.

“Your Highness, the Tulip troops did defect, but… they defected to Castell…”

Hearing this, the Prince’s face changed completely. He grabbed the guard by the chainmail collar, his expression darker than ever.

“What did you say? The Tulip troops defected to Castell? Do you know what you’re saying? Those were my Borde elite army!”

“Yes, Your Highness, the news from the north says it was the Tulip County troops who defected and joined Castell’s coalition forces…”

“And it was their defection that led to the rebel defeat. Many of the northern cavalry were also captured.”

As he spoke, the guard carefully handed over a parchment scroll.

Prince Philip snatched it up and quickly scanned it, his face growing darker and angrier with each passing moment.

“Traitors! Madmen! That old bastard Anatole dared to betray me! Doesn’t he fear I’ll strip him of his title and lands?”

He tore the parchment to shreds and threw it on the ground, his handsome features twisted with rage.

Anatole was the name of Count Gaston, formally Anatole de Gaston, who held the County in southern Borde, known as Elroth County. He was often called Count Gaston due to the prominence of the Gaston family name.

Count Gaston’s betrayal plunged the Prince into a fury. The elite armies capable of forming magic formations were few in Borde, and Gaston had taken nearly a third of them!

“I knew it! I should never have trusted his oaths of loyalty! These Borde nobles… they’re all bastards!”

The Prince roared, his teeth clenched in anger, frightening even Eleanor, who was massaging his feet.

His anger flared when he saw her, and he kicked her aside, shouting,

“Useless! You’re all useless! Even the Borde family is useless! Your own armies defected along with the other nobles!”

As Count Linte entered the room, he saw the Prince’s outburst.

The middle-aged noble, heir to the Violet Duchy, frowned slightly and said in a stern voice.

“Your Highness, mind your status. She is your wife and the Duchess of Borde.”


Seeing the middle-aged nobleman, the Prince retracted his foot.

“Why are you still standing there? Take Lady Eleanor away.”

Count Linte ordered the guards.

The guards trembled, too afraid to move.

Count Linte glanced at the Prince again.

“Your Highness…”

Meeting the Count’s gaze, Prince Philip took a deep breath, calming his anger.

Looking at Eleanor, who was curled up and shivering, a look of disgust flashed in his eyes before he impatiently waved her away, saying,

“Fine, take her away.”

With the order, the guards led Eleanor away, leaving only the Prince and Count Linte in the room.

Count Linte sighed and said,

“Your Highness, you can have maids do the serving. Eleanor is, after all, the Duchess of Borde…”

“I know she’s the Duchess, but I also know she’s a Borde. My dear uncle, you should know how the old Duke of Borde treated me back then, right?”

The Prince asked, narrowing his eyes.

Count Linte sighed.

“What’s the past is the past. Now you are the Duke of Borde and a strong contender for the throne. You should focus on the future. The nobles are watching your every move…”

“Enough, dear uncle. If you’re here to lecture me, save it. I’m in no mood to listen right now.”

The Prince waved his hand dismissively.

Count Linte hesitated.

“Is it about the defeat of Castell’s rebels?”

The Prince glanced at him.

“Has the news already reached my grandfather?”

“Yes, it has spread. It’s said that Tulip’s regular cavalry crushed the rebels…”

Count Linte sighed.

The Prince remained silent, and seeing his brooding look, the Count asked.

“Your Highness, what do you plan to do about the Gaston family?”

The prince narrowed his eyes.

“Dear uncle, I know what you’re thinking. Count Gaston is part of the Gaston family, and you worry that if I move against him, it will anger Duke Gaston.”

“But, dear uncle, have you wondered why he betrayed me?”

“Hmph, if he didn’t have backing, how could a mere count, whose fief is under my control, dare to betray and plot against me?”

“Stealing my troops to help Castell quell the rebellion… this is to prevent me from gaining control over Castell and increasing my power!”

Count Linte’s eyes widened.

“You mean Count Gaston was secretly supported by Duke Gaston? Has the Duke sided with the Second Prince?”

“It’s possible.”

The Prince replied coldly.

Count Linte hesitated.

“Then you…”

“Don’t worry, I know what’s important. The main issue now is Castell. As for Gaston… we’ll deal with him after we settle Castell.”

The prince said, narrowing his eyes.

“It seems I’ve underestimated that young countess.”

“To make Count Gaston betray me, she must have gained the support of the Second Prince.”

“Dear uncle, things have changed. We need to head north immediately and declare war on Castell.”

Count Linte nodded.

“Father thinks the same. The Violet army is ready to move as soon as war is declared.”

The Prince nodded in satisfaction.

Losing the Tulip troops angered him, but it wasn’t enough to change the overall situation.

Castell, lacking channels for extraordinary resources, could not withstand the combined forces of Violet and Borde!

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