Gospel of Blood

Chapter 298: Divine Radiance

Northport Mage Tower

Inside the massive control cube, the President of the Mercenary Association’s Northport branch trembled, his face pale under his mage robes.

Surrounding him, six auxiliary Starry Sky mages had bloodshot eyes and pained expressions, suffering from mana overload. In the outer circle, forming a hexagram, 32 mage apprentices struggled, over a quarter foaming at the mouth, unconscious and convulsing on the ground.

Azure magical energy tides swirled around the cube, radiating from President Layton at the center.

The magic energy control network connecting all the mages was on the verge of collapse. Each distant cannon shot made the spell shield covering Northport tremble violently, becoming more ephemeral.

The control cube flickered, threatening to cease functioning altogether.

Suddenly, another barrage hit, and the shield suffered heavy blows. The weakest of the six auxiliary mages finally couldn’t hold on, vomiting blood before collapsing.

The remaining mages felt the pressure surge.

“Master Layton, we can’t hold on any longer…”

One Starry Sky mage spoke with difficulty.

“Master Layton, we should… shrink the shield’s range. It’s at its limit…”

Another auxiliary mage, barely maintaining his composure, added.

The other mages, though not unconscious, were too exhausted to speak, barely maintaining the flow of magical energy through sheer instinct.

“No! Hold on a bit longer! The shield must not break!”

Layton gritted his teeth, speaking with difficulty.

As the control core, he bore far more pressure than the other mages. He could feel the full intensity of the duchy coalition’s bombardment, which had reached a frenzied level.

He knew that if the shield were shrunk now, even if the city defenses could be protected, Northport itself would suffer immense damage.

The Third Prince didn’t care about Northport’s fate; he only wanted to conquer the Castell territory quickly. As the core of the defense system, Layton understood this well.

Northport had become his second home after living there for over thirty years. Maintaining the defensive magic was not just a mercenary’s duty but a personal commitment.

“Master Layton! Please… look around you!”

The Starry Sky mage behind him repeated with difficulty.

Layton glanced around, seeing the mages’ overextended states. Two more Starry Sky mages collapsed, and nearly half the apprentices were unconscious.

Though reluctant to admit it, he had to face reality: Northport could no longer sustain the city-wide defensive magic.

“Alright, shrink the shield and cease protecting the entire city… If the Countess asks, tell her it was my decision.”

Layton sighed.

There simply weren’t enough mid-to-high-level mages in Castell. Maintaining such a large-scale defense should have been the work of a Blazing Sun. As a Silver Moon, it was too much for him.

If there were other senior Silver Moon mages to alternate the maintenance, perhaps the defense could last longer. But now, this was the limit. He could only prevent the worst-case scenario by sacrificing the city’s protection.

It was not a happy choice, but Layton had no other.

Just as he ordered the adjustment of the defense system, a familiar voice came from behind.

“No, the shield must not be shrunk. Maintain its operation over all of Northport.”

Layton turned, seeing the young Countess of the North, Charlotte de Castell, entering the control room.


Layton tried to speak but was stopped by Charlotte.

She approached him and said,

“Sir Layton, thank you for your hard work. Now, let me maintain the shield.”

“You… maintain it?”

Layton was stunned.

“Countess, I appreciate your intent, but please leave immediately. The control cube’s operation is not something anyone can handle. Although you are a Silver Moon, it’s still too early…”

“The shield is on the brink of collapse, and the magical energy is close to going berserk. What you’re attempting is dangerous!”

Layton urged Charlotte to leave, but she stepped forward, standing under the central magic vortex of the control core.

Facing Layton, she smiled slightly.

“Sir Layton, you’re right. Maintaining the entire Northport defense system is difficult… But how will we know if we don’t try?”


Layton was taken aback. He watched as Charlotte knelt under the control cube, closing her eyes, hands clasped, her expression devout and solemn.

“Merciful Gods, evil forces engulf the North, corrupting your followers… Grant me strength to protect the people from disaster. Bestow your divine radiance and blessing upon your subjects!”

Layton was stunned again.

As the president of the North’s Mercenary Association, he had heard rumors about Charlotte de Castell, especially her supposed identity as a Saintess of the Holy Court. He had never seen the Gods respond to prayers or intervene in human affairs.

But then, his expression froze.

At the end of Charlotte’s prayer, a brilliant light erupted from her, a divine radiance rising to the sky, enveloping the entire control hub!

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