Guardian Of The End

Chapter 191 Two Vancouvers And A Syrward [Part 1]

[ Host, wake up… ]

The next morning, the system had to wake up Jason itself. It hadn't realized how much time had passed by until it actually checked the time.

'What time is it?' Jason mentally asked, his eyes slowly fluttering open.

[ Ten in the morning… ]

'The fk!'

Jason tried sitting up but froze when he realized that something was pinning him down. Amber's arm was sprawled over his chest and she was sleeping peacefully.

Jason took a deep breath before trying to pry himself free from her grip. He gently lifted her hand off his body before sitting up.

'That was a new experience for me.' Jason thought before standing up.

The surprising thing was that despite the time, no one had bothered to wake him up.

Jason suddenly froze when a thought entered his mind. If Risa or Issac had come to wake him up and seen him in that condition…

[ Don't. Just don't. ] The system cut off his train of thoughts.

It was a good thing that it did that or who knows how far Jason would have gone.

Walking down the stairs, Jason noticed that a strange silence was present over the entire manor. Usually Risa and Issac would be talking in the kitchen or his aunt and uncle would be discussing things in their room.

Though he wasn't able to completely understand what they were saying, Jason was used to hearing some kind of noise.

'Don't tell me something weird happened again.' That was the first thought that entered  his mind after observing the silence.

But the moment he stepped down the last stair, he understood why the entire place was silent.

The prime minister of the kingdom, Zilan Vancouver was currently bowing in front of Issac and Risa.

A blond-haired girl around Jason's age stood by his side, her hands tightly balled into fists at her side.

"Zilan, there is no need to do this. I already told you that you can stay here for the time being." Issac sighed. "However, I won't be able to help you in your case. You have to break the case yourself and escape your brother's grip."

"Issac, I know that your grandson can break the curse. Please just ask him to help me and I will tell you things that you wouldn't get to know from any other person. Trust me when I say that you want to know these things…" Zilan begged.

,m Before Issac could reply, Jason faked a cough and stepped forward. All eyes turned towards him, making him remember that he still had a bed-head look.

[ You still look good in your bed-head look. ] Hestia complimented.

'Uh, thank you I guess?' Jason replied as he felt unsure as to what he should say back.

"You must have a sixth sense or something. I was sure that you were going to sleep peacefully for some more time." Risa commented after looking at Jason's appearance.

Now that he had confirmation that Risa had definitely seen him, Jason masked him emotions.

"Morning," he greeted. "How are you, mister Zilan?"

Zilan's eyes stared directly into Jason's eyes before he started moving forward. The girl remained stationary at his side, her eyes staring at the floor.

"Jason, can you do a favor for me? I swear that if you do it for me, I will forever be in your debt." Zilan said in a shaky voice. "Please just listen to what I have to say once."

"I guess I can do that," Jason replied. "But can you give me a few minutes to fix my appearance?"

Zilan nodded enthusiastically before sitting on one of the couches. The girl sat beside him, her eyes finally taking a look at Jason.

"She's my daughter, Aysel." Zilan added from the side. "I will make the proper introductions once you are done fixing your appearance."

Jason nodded and went up the stairs. The moment he entered his room, he shut the door behind him before taking a deep breath.

Amber had finally woken up from all the commotion but was still lying on the bed.

"You seem like someone just told you that you are getting married," she commented in an amused tone.

"Well, a princess is sitting downstairs so I might as well make her my bride." Jason smiled when he saw the surprise settling on Amber's face.

"Woah, what is happening?" Amber asked while sitting up.

Jason summarized what happened below before heading towards the bathroom. "If grandma or grandpa comes, tell them I am in the shower. Also, they might tease a bit so deal with that."

"As you say, chief."

Jason entered the shower with a sigh. Things got complicated for him real quick. But then, that was how life worked.

'What curse do you think Zilan was talking about?' Jason questioned the two voices in his head.

[ Its probably something related to the royal family. ]

[ Julian probably has the entire royal family under a curse to make sure that none of them can betray him. ]

[ That is a good way to actively used his divinity and keep things under control. I won't be surprised if Zilan is under a similar curse like you grandparents. ]

[ This keeps Julian's divinity active too. If only he didn't have that brain, he probably would have been defeated easily. ]

Jason wholeheartedly agreed with both the system and Hestia. Julian was a formidable person, not counting the tactics he used.

'I guess I will have to get my divinity usage on a similar level if I want to completely oppose the effects of his divinity…'

Truth be told, Jason had no idea about the limitations of his divinity. All he knew was that it could help him break bad contracts as well as sign binding ones.

[ Hmm, I think Sancus will pay you a visit in your dreams. Gods usually do that once their follower has activated their divinity. ]

'I guess that would be good.' Jason replied, stepping out of the shower.

He quickly dried himself before changing into a new pair of clothes.

'But for the time being, let's clear this mess. We can worry about divine energy and beings later on…'

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