Guardian Of The End

Chapter 215 Azure Dragon [Part 2]

A tornado touching the top of the ceiling was steadily advancing outside the door. Amon and Diana exchanged a glance before rushing towards the tornado.

Jason noticed Amon slipping off his silver ring before pointing his right hand towards the tornado.

'It isn't a normal tornado, is it?'

[ That obvious but I don't sense any weird thing about it. Its made from mana only. ] The system replied in a confused tone.

'Let's go see for ourselves. May, hold on tightly and if you feel you are in danger, don't stop yourself from using your powers.'

Jason stepped inside the room and immediately noticed that the blue dragon wrapped around Wade.

He felt as though he had stepped into a Chinese novel since more and more tornadoes were emerging from Wade's body.

They seemed normal at first yet all three sins present inside the room had serious expressions on their face.

Amon released two sickles made from the light element from his palm. The sickles cut the tornado in half, making it vanish in a few seconds.

They continued to target more tornadoes while Diana and Koro were looking at Wade who was hovering in the air.

'A trance. I can bet a decade of my life that this has something to do with that mirror.'

[ Why are you betting your life so casually? You should be a bit more worried about your life. ]

'Because I am that sure about this.'

Jason stood at the sidelines and made no motion of attacking either the tornadoes or finding out what was happening with Wade.

He simply left both the jobs to the sins and just observed things.

"Diana, can you charm him right now?" Amon questioned on the other side of the room.

"No, I can't. He isn't consciousness right now, probably due to the fact that the mirror is showing him some kind of vision." Diana shook her head. "The only thing I can do is restrict the waves sent out by his body."

"I am already preventing that dragon from going on a rampage so I can't do anything else. You will have to think of a way to defeat him." Koro added.

Amon started brainstorming while keeping the tornado in check. His eyes suddenly landed on Jason as a plan formed inside his mind.

"I don't if this will work but its worth a shot. If it doesn't work, Diana, you can use your divinity's powers to pull him back to reality and charm him a bit."

Amon immediately dashed towards Jason while throwing out more sickles.

The latter understood that Amon wanted his help and placed May down. The demi-god didn't like the feeling of the floor and started hovering in the air.

[ I can take care of myself. Go forward and don't worry about me. ] May said.

Jason nodded and activated his thunder, catching up to Amon in the blink of an eye.

"What do I have to do?"

"You have to go touch his forehead and shock him," Amon explained. "Don't let the dragon come in contact with your skin or you will be blown away at a neck breaking speed."

Jason nodded and looked at Wade's body. The dragon's grip was slowly tightening on itself and it was inches away from making contact with Wade's body.

"The dragon is trying to touch his body but its being repelled by Wade's mana. If it comes in contact with his body, he will be able to take control over Wade's body and do whatever he wants.

Its extremely hard for anyone to regain control if that happens. That's why I recommend that you don't let the dragon touch you too." Amon explained. "I will protect you from the tornadoes and other attacks in the meantime."

Jason stretched his arms once before launching himself towards Wade. His body felt as light as a feather whilst his movement was a blur of white thunder.

Compared to the past, Jason definitely felt like he would outrun the horses used by the Syrward family to pull their carriage towards the capital city.

[ Don't lose control. Thunder can be pretty hard to control if you lose focus. ] Hestia warned.

Jason kept her words in mind and tried flicking Wade's forehead with his right index finger. However, a column of compressed air made it extremely difficult for him to move forward.

Simultaneously, the dragon's eyes stared at him before it struck him like a snake. Come to think of it, Chinese dragons were like overgrown snakes or lizards.

'No wonder Flamey can appear in a dragon form.' Jason noticed while moving back.

The dragon continued to stare at him as he made his treat. Its blue eyes, which matched its scales, were glowing brightly.

It didn't take an expert to figure out that the dragon was about to launch a major attack soon.

"Amon, there is something obstructing me from reaching him. Its most likely a force field or compressed air considering that dragon is continuously using air based attacks." Jason explained.

Amon's expression turned grimmer as a sigh escaped his lips. He took one look towards Diana and nodded.

The latter nodded back before vanishing from her location. Jason, who was well accustomed to teleportation magic, noticed something weird.

'Wait, did she just use all types of mana at once?'

Jason could see left behind mana particles from the teleportation at the spot Diana was standing in. He could also see similar mana particles at her new position, which was right beside the dragon and Wade.

[ I think your vision just got enhanced. Also, I think thats the way teleportation magic works. You use all types of mana in a meager amount and then pull on the natural mana around you.

This in turn creates a portal of sorts for you which connects you to another place and teleports you. That's why most mages can only teleport to places they have visited before. They are familiar with that place's natural mana. ]

Jason nodded in agreement before focusing on Diana. The sin of lust was a few inches away from the dragon yet it didn't seem like anything was obstructing her path.

"Jason, please close your eyes." Amon suddenly said. "This place is about to explode with brilliant light."

Jason was confused yet he didn't question Amon's demand. He simply closed his eyes and it was fortunate that he did.

The moment his eyes were closed, a pink explosion illuminated the entire room, sending a powerful shock wave of divine energy throughout the room.

When Jason opened his eyes again, he saw Wade lying on the floor and the mirror lying beside him.

As for the dragon, it had simply vanished from sight…

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