Guardian Of The End

Chapter 218 House Of Lust

"This is the most important section and you are telling me I can only read two of them?" Jason asked.

[ I can't seem to be able to translate more than two prophecies. There around twelve prophecies in total and I managed to translate the first and the seventh prophecy. I can't do anything about the rest of them. ]

'I guess I will just see the ones that are readable.'


When the winds blow east to west, the king of humans will be possessed.

It will be the survival of the fittest.

A god will take his revenge.


'Was that a… haiku?' Jason asked with a blank expression.

[ Dunno. This book is quite old so there's a chance that most of these prophecies have already been fulfilled. I mean, this prophecy could be referring to Julian for all we know. ]

'I guess you are right about that.'


In the mirror of greed the spirit must see

The temptation it must flee.

Storms and screams will echo

When the bird dies.


'I wonder if the prophet saying these prophecies was drunk. Even I can write better prophecies than these…' Jason commented.

[ You can't really control real prophecies. You just act like a medium to let them through and pray that they aren't bad for you. That's all. ]

Jason sighed and laid down on his back. May, who was looking at him read the book, wondered what made him so disappointed.

The demi-god then decided that it was probably best for her to enjoy her time in her new surroundings.

She soon started playing with strands of her hair by infusing them with mana and creating new shapes.

Jason on the other hand read the remaining few sections of the book that described some important information about half breeds.


Though half-breeds can easily exist, they usually take on the bloodline of one side of parents. It depends on which side of the family has the more dominant and powerful bloodline.

However, in cases where both the bloodlines are strengthened, a strong half breed may be born. Such figures can have access to the specialties of both the races and are dangerous.

They have more potential than those of either one of their races. It is always best to keep such people close and not make enemies of them.


Jason felt like fake coughing after reading the passage. Both he and Nora ended up in this category since both of them were half-breeds.

They had access to both sides powers and had strong bloodlines. It made him question whether the sins had brought him there specifically due to that reason.

[ I guess its kind of keeping your enemies closer by making them your friends. You can be a pretty terrifying enemy to have in a few years once you have mastered all of your powers. ]

'I guess thats true and I am also the only person to have met Aiden in the current age.'

[ Nah, young noble and royal demons meet him as well but they don't make contact with him for more than a minute. They also don't meet him again. ] Hestia cleared.

Once Jason had read the book completely, a sigh escaped his lips. For the remainder of day, which meant only a few hours, he didn't have anything to do.

He spent the next few hours improving his light mana control and talking to May about divine energy control.

The demi-god was much more accustomed to using divine energy than he was. Surprisingly, she even gave him a few tips that turned out to be useful.

Like that, night arrived and Jason fell asleep. Nothing else happened.


The next day, Jason and Amber were the only leaving the house of Greed. Wade was still passed out and was being taken care of by Koro himself.

"For today, you are only going to spend the day with both of us," Diana explained. "We will be visiting my house anyways so not like there is anything else you would need."

"Are you both ready to go?" Amon asked.

Jason and Amber both nodded as the quartet soon teleported away.

'Is it me or do things feel a bit awkward?'

[ They do. ]

[ They are. ]

'All right.'

Once the quartet landed at their next destination which, as predicted by Jason, was another hallway, Diana looked around with a serious gaze.

"Either of you are sixteen or above?" She questioned.

Both Jason and Amber shook their heads.

"Then make sure to not think about using the lust feature of my house. You will end up summoning someone to satisfy your lust which I don't think is something that you should do currently. We don't want to be marked as pedophiles."

[ Not to mention that some gods will likely strike down at this place. You have a way of pulling attention towards you. ]

"Anyways, Amber, go with Amon to face your trial here while Jason will come with me."

Both of them split up and went with their respective sin. Jason looked at Amber once and saw her averting her gaze.

He sighed mentally before following Diana towards their next location.

"Facing any love problems?" Diana asked casually.

"How do you know?" Jason asked even though he already knew the answer to that.

"There is not that much difference between lust and love. I can identify both and can even give some good advice on it." Diana smiled.

"I guess you are right. I am probably in love right now, something I didn't expect to experience." Jason sighed. "Being in love is painful."

"Love is always painful and that is another reason people go for prostitution or sugar mommy and daddy business but that's not important. The real way to know whether you really love someone is simple.

Imagine whether you can spend an year or so without seeing or even hearing from them. You have no idea how they are doing and don't even know whether they are alive. Can you do that?"

"I…" Jason's voice trailed off as he fell into deep thought.

He wasn't prepared to answer such a question that easily and simply kept on thinking about it again and again.

"You can answer me later on," Diana reassured. "But for now, its time for you to face 'death by lust'. I hope things don't get too physical in it…

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