Guardian Of The End

Chapter 228 I Will Be Waiting For My Future Pawns

Once the special mages had been dealt with, the group started their advance towards the capital.

Half the time, May was wondering why all of them were helping her. She could figure out at least some reason for Jason, Risa and Amber yet Amon and Zeke didn't make sense.

Zeke didn't even know that she was a demi-god and was visiting the temple so that she wouldn't explode with the release of divine energy.

'Ugh, this is frustrating. Why am I even thinking about this?!'

Despite thinking that, May knew that she was feeling guilty. Everyone seemed to be helping her while there was nothing she could do.

Even if she tried to help them using her divine energy, it would only warn Julian about their presence, leading to more troubles for the group.

The only thing she could do was close her eyes and bury her head in Jason's chest. After all, that was the only comfort she could reach out for the time being.

'I think something is worrying her.' Jason observed.

[ She must be tired from constantly keeping her divine energy under control. If she lets even a small amount of it slip away from her control, it will immediately send out a signal and reveal our location. ] The system explained.

'Hmm, lemme take some burden of her shoulders.'

Jason reached out for the connection between him and May before sensing the divine energy inside her body.

Just like the system had said, May was trying hard to keep the divine energy locked in a fixed spot. She was trying her best to make sure none of it leaked out from her body.

'You don't have to worry too much. Even if you out a small amount of divine energy in the form of an aura, I will be able to suppress it on my own.'

[ But… Wouldn't that add another burden on your shoulder? ] May asked in a low voice.

'Nah, I am used to handling your divine energy. Though I can't directly consume it, I can still control and spread it evenly throughout our bodies.' Jason replied.

[ I… ]

'You are feeling about putting us through so much trouble?' Jason asked with a smile.

May's breathing turned a bit uneven as she shifted in Jason's grip. [ Yes. I feel like I only keep increasing your problems without providing you with any solution. ]

'Truth be told, none of us would be here if we didn't have a reason for helping you. Zeke doesn't even know the truth about you, yet he is still interested in helping. He knows you are close to us and thus wants to help.

You might not realize it but to Amber and Risa, you have become the replacement for the people that were once close to them. Amon is here because he knows you are experiencing difficulties.'

[ What about you? ]

'Hmm, you are my responsibility to say the least. At first, I took you in because I was fascinated by your powers. Remember that I told you that in exchange for helping you, I want you to use your powers to help me?'

[ I do remember that. You thought of me as a tool of sorts. ]

'Indeed but I have changed now. Somewhere along the line you became important for me. I guess I will be taking care of you for some time now.'

[ Thank you! ] May replied sincerely.

Jason simply nodded and smiled. Their journey continued upwards the hill without much happening.

Most of the beasts vanished at the sight of Amon and Risa. Even the stronger beasts that ruled over various regions of the hill ran away to the apex beast of the area.

[ You are telling me that a group of humans are traveling towards the capital and two of them are even stronger than me? ]

The apex beast of the area was a black tiger twice the size of a fully grow elephant. His fur was lined with golden scars and his eyes radiated the glow of lightning.

[ Yes, my lord. All of us are telling the truth. ] The rest of the beasts agreed.

The apex beast stood up from his spot and glanced in the direction of the group. He spread out his senses and immediately sensed that the group's power far outclassed his own.

[ My lord, the human king told you to warn him if anyone like that appears in our area.  I think we should do that. ] One of the beasts advised.

The black tiger started roaming around a bit before coming to a decision.

[ None of you should bother them. If even one of you does that, I am sure that they will try to eradicate most of us to ensure an easy travel ahead. Its best if we maintain our distance and hide. ]

One the apex beast had given his orders, the other beasts dispersed and spread the news in their respective regions.

The tiger on the other hand closed his eyes and thought of the human king's name.

"Someone finally appeared in the forest?" Julian's voice suddenly entered the apex beast's ears.

A projection of the human king was present in front of him. Julian had a pleased expression on his face as though he had just received some good news.

[ Yes, there are a group of six people, one is just a child, traveling towards your city. They are at a much higher level than me so I thought it would be best to let you know about them. ]

"You did the best thing. But is there any way for you to show me how they look?"

[ I can give you a small glimpse. ]

Julian nodded for the beast to proceed. The tiger released his aura once again as his vision traveled all the way to the place where the group was traveling.

Julian's projection was also able to see this since he had the beast under a specific contract.

Once he had confirmed who the members of the group were, a smile appeared on his face.

"You did good. I will reward you for this later on." Julian said as his projection vanished.

He woke up inside the palace and got up from his bed. A dangerous smile was present on his face.

"I will be waiting for you my future pawns. Hurry up and come here quickly."

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