Chapter 363

The shell is of Qingcheng, but the core is not ours. Something else. Nevertheless, in terms of strength, it maintains our sects honor. Haha you truly are something.


Go. Go and never step foot in Qingcheng again. What you did today no, because you will be buried in my heart, and that is good for both of us.


The master turned away as he sat down, feeling the old mans stubbornness, never wanting to see him again.

Seol-Hwi was flustered, but he knew the master was not one to change his mind. He probably felt betrayed because the person he had taken in as a disciple over the past 20 years was actually a much greater warrior than him or the sect leader.

In fact, if one reached that realm without understanding the core of a sect, they had already established a state far higher than any of Qingchengs members.

There was no mistake in what the master had said.

So he could not say anything now. No matter what he said, it would be all lies.

And some of it was true, and Seol-Hwi realized it, so he sadly turned around.

The sky was clear.

Regardless of his feelings, if it had been a cloudy day, his face would have been gloomy.

It wasnt that

Seol-Hwi felt truly broken.

It was more painful than the cold treatment from his father-like master or the criticism that he had not learned Qingchengs martial arts properly.

He realized that he had been fooling his own master all this time. Actually, he did not intend to deceive him from the start. But how could he tell someone about the system and the lives he had?

Even if he had told him, it would have sounded like nonsense; he would have been lucky not to be called insane. So it wasnt wrong to keep silent.

But still.

I just stayed silent without doing anything

Chung Heo, who believed in and supported him, received no words of explanation from him, someone who was like a father. One might use the complexity of the situation as an excuse, but did he truly do all he could?

Reflecting on it now, he had not even given his best effort. Even in this moment, a few things came to mind, did they not?

It was ambiguous

That dream, the one about not knowing whether he had dreamed of a butterfly or whether the butterfly had dreamed of him.

Was Qingcheng not a Taoist sect? There, many discussions revolved around existence and destiny, and followers were often encouraged to break free from the constraints of conventional thinking.

So, for example.

-Master, its just something Ive been thinking

Had he shared stories from his past, had he spoken of some odd dream, perhaps his master would not have felt so betrayed, and he would not be plagued by guilt.

I made no effort. I

Seol-Hwi had ignored everything.

His actions had been anything but transparent, contrary to the genuine care his master had shown him. His silence had only made things worse.

How could this be resolved, especially when he was already struggling?

You are Taoist Seok-Hwi?

He looked up to find a familiar young Taoist greeting him with a smile that hid a frightening agility.

Welcome back. The sect leader is waiting.

Ah? Ah, yes.

Suddenly, he was being ushered to the sect leaders room. In a brief span of time, Seol-Hwi had to cast aside his sorrowful emotions.

Oh, youve arrived, Taoist Seok-Hwi.

As soon as he sat down, the sect leader met him with a radiant expression.

I greet the sect leader.

Right. I had much to discuss with you after the demonstration I didnt approach you as you were returning to your masters side.

Thank you for your understanding.

Of course. You seem a bit worn out. Would you like some tea?


The sect leader called a Taoist to serve them tea. It was an expensive one.

While savoring the warm and fragrant tea, the sect leader asked many questions. Most of the stories were about the people Seol-Hwi had met, and he was honest about all of it.

It is like that, and they had a cup of tea.

Right. In your opinion, what do you think the future of our sect will be?

The sect leader asked a very normal question.

I only practice martial arts and have limited knowledge, so I am not sure about the future. Rather, I have a concern and would like to ask the sect leader

Ahh. Are you worried about the next martial arts? Just speak, and I will let you know everything.

Seeing the sect leader smile brightly, Seol-Hwi hesitated. Is it fine to ask? But if not now, when would he get another chance?


Seol-Hwi calmed his shaking heart.

The master, who always trusted him endlessly for his own sake. And his life was lived accordingly. At least the time he had lived for Qingcheng in this life itself was not a lie. So

Sect leader, do you know what Clear Wind Sword is?

Clear Wind?

Yes. The core of it, what is it?

Hmm. Clear Wind Clear Wind, huh

The sect leader reflected on what he had been asked and took a moment to ponder. It was as if he was not to answer the obvious question. What is this?

And his answer came,

Qingcheng well. The martial arts of Qingcheng.

Seol-Hwi frowned. He did not immediately understand it. But then the sect leader nodded his head.

Haha. I dont know what is being asked, but I guess I have a rough idea. Since you are already looking at the sky, you want to define everything, right?

Well, its worth it. I sometimes ask myself that question. It is a good one, good. It seems like our Taoist is now stuck in front of a big wall please think about it more. You will be able to grow as much as you worry about it.


Seol-Hwi responded vaguely to the sect leaders cheerful laughter.

He could not tell him that he had not understood because he had taken it for granted.

Taoist Seok-Hwi! Where are you going?


After leaving, he walked aimlessly in the garden.


The Taoist monk, who was chatting with a few disciples, spoke up. Seok-un, who had accompanied him on the Kangho trip, called out to him.

No, why are you so absent-minded? I waved at you a couple of times earlier, but you did not even notice me?

Ah, you did?

Seol-Hwi led an awkward life. He was so lost in thought that he had not noticed.

And suddenly.

Ah, seriously, Seok-un ah. Let me ask you something.

Yes, sahyung?

Do you know what Clear Wind means?

He asked, not expecting an answer.

Clear Wind youre asking?

Seok-un could not understand for a moment. He had a strange look, then scratched his head with an awkward smile.

Well, isnt Clear Wind our martial arts?

Qingchengs martial arts?

Yes. Martial arts ha, Im not really sure. Ive never really thought about it deeply before

This response was more lackadaisical than the sect leaders, and Seol-Hwi felt disappointed, though he did not show it.

Right I think I asked something out of the blue.

No. I had shallow thoughts. Because I dont usually think deeply Clear Wind sorry.

After a couple of exchanges, they parted ways. Seol-Hwi sighed softly, walking with mixed feelings.

There was no specific destination; he just walked wherever his feet took him.

Standing tall.

Seol-Hwi, who had been walking for a while, stopped and reflected on why his master had scolded him.

Has he been watching me?

For some reason, he had that suspicion.

The sect leader did not know, and neither did Seok-un. It seemed like that was the reason he had asked Seol-Hwi to leave.

But at the same time, it did not feel like that was the case.

His master, whom he had served for 20 years, was not one to speak without meaning. Thus, the questions answer was more important than mere shouting.

Clear Wind meaning something I have to look back on and know if I hit Supreme Master


As his worries deepened without end, Seol-Hwi shook his head.

He knew these things could not be figured out at once. Enlightenment happened with time and must be approached with great care.

Isnt this the path to ascending in the first place? If there are doubts and worries in mind, one will fall into delusion and struggle endlessly, sinking into that.

In that case, to understand what his master said, he would have to be careful

Hahahah! Kyahahah!


He was walking when he heard this childs laughter. Engrossed in his concerns, he had stepped into the basic martial arts training hall of the sect.

Ha! Ha!

Red-faced boys were sweating profusely. Even though the days work was done, many kids were gathered, devoting themselves to training. Seol-Hwi naturally moved toward the sounds source.

The Great Qingcheng Swordsman!

Hes watching us! For real!

Seol-Hwi, who was sitting down to watch, was surrounded by the kids. Had he let his guard down, thinking the kids would not notice?

Right? You are him, right?

It is him. You secretly watched my training today! Its him!

Speak, master!

The children clamored, and Seol-Hwi raised his hands in response to the question.

Right. I am the Great Qingcheng Swordsman.

Woah! Its the person!

I should brag then.

So amazing! He looks even better in person.

He was completely out of his mind. Each child looked happy, and Seol-Hwi worried it was wrong for him to be among innocent kids like this.

It was about time that the chatter subsided.

But, what are you doing here?

This big-eyed child, who was about eight years old, asked, along with the others.

I guess you just came here to rest!

Right. Its so difficult to deal with people!

Right. It takes a day or two to get used to this, and we have no high-ranking people.

Each person spoke their own profound words; they all sounded like mature answers.

How amazing is the sacred time for Taoists? It is important to have alone time. So let us get up now.


Seol-Hwis face brightened at the thoughtfulness of the kids.

Completely clear, with no worries or concerns. It seemed pointless to worry.

Was it because of that? He asked the kids.

Actually, I have a problem who will listen?


You have?

I will!


Speak it.


The kids all came up, and Seol-Hwi shared what was on his mind.

What kind of martial arts is the core of Qingcheng?

As soon as he said it, the kids replied.

Clear Wind Sword Technique!

Clear Wind Sword Technique.

Clear Wind!

Seol-Hwi nodded and then posed another question.

What is Clear Wind now?

Clear Wind?

Clear Wind is

One kid tilted their head, and another looked concerned.

Seol-Hwi shook his head.

What am I doing?

He was speaking of such things to kids who could not even hold a sword properly.

What would he gain from posing such questions to the children? If an elder saw this, they might think Seol-Hwi was pestering the kids.

Just as he was about to give up

Clear Wind is Qingcheng.


The child with wide eyes spoke up.

Right, Clear Wind is Qingcheng. Its here.

He did not understand what that meant. As he pondered, another child said,

The martial arts that represent the sect.

The fundamental martial arts.

Clear Wind is Qingcheng.

Such an obvious answer, delivered with confidence.


This was the answer of children who did not overthink. But then, Seol-Hwi had an epiphany.

Clear Wind is Qingcheng.

If one was a disciple of this sect, they must live by this: the peak of all martial arts was Clear Wind.

It was said that if one followed it properly, they will reach the peak of martial arts.

Seol-Hwi, who memorized those words, entered the sect but never truly believed them.

He was blind to start with because his thoughts were narrow from the outset.

There were already other paths in Wudang, Mount Hua, and the Demonic Sect.

Knowing the various ways to climb the mountain, it was natural for him to believe that the claim of Qingcheng being the best was incorrect.

But if he thought about it, what kind of sect was Qingcheng to start with?

A narrow and blind place, yet it continued to hold its beliefs. A place where you practice all your life, considering the lone nature, and sharpen your sword.

He did not accept it because it felt like living as a frog in a well. But what were these kids saying?

Clear Wind, Clear Wind

His master had asked him this question, and he could not answer the best in Qingcheng because he knew it was not the best.

But maybe that was not what Seol-Hwi lacked until now?

If a mountain blocked the path, it was sensible to go around. That was wisdom. It would be foolish to cut through it simply because one insisted on their own way.

Yet foolish people do cut down mountains and build bridges over rivers.

Clear Wind is Qingcheng

A Taoist of Qingcheng would say it right away. He had to come out of the narrow view of martial arts he had learned as being the best in the world.

Why Seol-Hwi did not think like that was

Because for him, Qingcheng was not everything; more precisely, it was a place for him to learn. And it was because he thought it was a place he could leave at any time.

And his master saw that and shouted.


Seol-Hwi covered his face, feeling embarrassed. He could not even look at them.

Right, you kids are right.

The sect leader and the memories of Taoist Seok-un all came to his mind, and he felt ashamed.

By focusing on just one thing

He had never thought that Qingcheng was the best.

A well dug too shallow to know the wider world. He looked around and realized that he had done nothing to commit to it.

Without thoughts. I never tried it with a pure heart like these children did.

It was not until 20 years later that he realized what all the other people of the Qingcheng Sect knew.

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