'What is going on?'

Xiao's mind was getting jumbled from the things that were taking place, seeing the mischief in Valencia's eyes Xiao understood that this was some kind of revenge from Valencia but that's what was worrying him because she wasn't to be like this!

Not at this stage, right now she should be a cold-hearted woman, who only reacts with calculations and games, someone that doesn't care about playing around or anything of such, its only later down the line when she meets her second master does she truly begin to change, that's where the terrifying Valencia is born.

One that knows perfectly how to play with people's feelings, one that would wear a thousand faces to control the fate of the ones she deemed 'useful', a terrifying woman that knows how to use her advantages to her own use, a woman that is not a complete robot, a Valencia that has more life, this her was born only after the relentless effort of her second master, so what the hell is Xiao seeing now?


Li Lun asked with a sharpened voice, a hint of killing intent could even be felt, Xiao quickly got out of his thoughts as he exclaimed,

"She's just joking!"

"Oh~ darling how can you be so cruel? throwing me away just after you promised to marry me?"

Valencia replied with a heartbroken voice as she wiped away her imaginary tears in her eyes, Xiao almost felt a voice pop in his head as he gazed at Valencia but before he could reply Li Lun did,

"Can you please stop joking miss Valencia? I don't think it appropriate to say such words in front of an already engaged person"

"Oh? you think I am lying?"

Valencia asked back with a frown now narrowing her face, her attitude changed completely to her original one when she talked to Li Lun, who just nodded her head,

"Indeed, I know my fiancee well and I am sure that he isn't one to behave as you have"

While Li Lun spoke she stressed the word fiancee, Li Lun's eyes narrowed as a small pressure started to leave her body but unluckily that's useless, to the current Valencia it felt like a breeze,

"It looks like I overstepped"

Saying so Valencia walked out of the room, leaving Xiao and Li Lun behind,

"Why was she here?"

Li Lun finally asked curious, as she knows that Xiao won't just go talking to any girl,

"It's complicated, her mother became a sworn sister to my mother and now we have to be friendly.....sigh.....she just a pain"

"I see"

That's all Li Lun said as she seemed to be in deep thought but Xiao didn't let it last long as he spoke,

"Wanna go for a stroll?"


Li Lun replied with a smile, as Xiao came behind her and started pushing her wheelchair, normally Li Lun hates to have someone's help and she usually moves her wheelchair with Qi but she always makes an exception for Xiao as it makes her feel that she's special to him,

"So how's your cultivation going?"

​ Xiao asked as he pushed Li Lun through the courtyard enjoying the moonlight that fell upon them, the cool breeze letting both Xiao and Li Lun relax,

"It's fine, I feel like I am close to a breakthrough"

"Really? that's great"

Xiao exclaimed in happiness, while once again silence filled, soon they reached the spot where they normally spend their time, keeping her close to the water fountain Xiao sat on one of the edges, a calming silence remained between them but it didn't last for long as Li Lun spoke,

"Xiao, I am starting to have weird dreams"

"What dreams?"

Xiao asked with doubt while a hint of understanding flashed through his eyes, Li Lun's face was filled with confusion as she spoke,

"I can't tell clearly, several images kept flashing in my dreams while at the end a door would remain, seeing it something within me would always scream to enter the room but till now I have controlled myself"

"That's bizarre"

Xiao spoke with 'confusion', while he knew what was happening,

'It seemed to be happening'

The beginning of Li Lun's legacy but it's just the beginning of her road, she still has a lot to learn and understand and the path for her is also arduous, getting to the last point of her legacy will require tough will and a bit of luck,

"Did you see a doctor?"

Xiao asked,

"I did but he says that nothing is wrong with me, other than my current ones"

Saying so Li Lun turned silent,

"Maybe it's nothing much, it might go away later, if not we can see into it, okay?"

Telling so Xiao caught Li Lun's hand, while she smiled and held his,

'Li Lun, I hope this time you get the happiness you deserve'

Xiao wished with all his heart.


'Valencia what's wrong?'

Adria asked as Valencia lay on her bed, her eyes looking a bit lost,

'I don't know'

Valencia replied with a frown filling her face, till now the veil covered her face, not even giving a peek to anyone, it was a useful treasure that got her around, well it might be easier for her if she hid her face but the problem was that her bloodline refused to do so! it was born to make others fall under her and her change in her appearance wasn't helping.

She might be able to control it, if when she awakens more control over her powers but for now, she had to suffice with the veil like treasure hiding her face,

'What is happening?'

Ever since her meeting with Xiao, things have been weird for Valencia, from their battle at the beginning to the choice she made now, she couldn't understand what's happening, never in her life as her temper or her emotions fluctuated in such a manner, her emotions were even calm when she was freed from her eternal prison.

She has always had absolute control over her emotions but things always seemed to go out of control since she met Xiao, it's for the first time that she's going through such a wide variety of emotions she never experienced before and it was driving her crazy as she couldn't understand why,

'What's happening to me?'

Valencia wondered with a frown.

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