'When did you get a big sister?!'

A higher pitch startled voice of Yurou filled Xiao's mind, making him flinch, he shook his head at her words,

'Well, it's different than you think....'

Saying so Xiao started to give titbits about Valencia, he didn't have many things to hide from Yurou, they were connected by a connection very high, while she doesn't know about his different lives, she does know the fact that he has All-Seer and she also does know the true power of his, it's not like she didn't know about the increase in power.

Though Xiao did hide some things from her, the reason being the same...karmic fates, the moment she knows something she shouldn't she will be dragged into the fate that was set for him, this is something which he wouldn't accept, though he tries his best to be truthful to her, long-distance relationship ain't easy....

'So she's very talented?'

Yurou's question filled his voice and he could feel a hint of threat in her voice,

'Indeed, very, her talents are too dangerous'

Xiao replied but he didn't get the question he hoped,

'Is she more beautiful than me?'

'Of course, you are the one most beautiful to me'

Xiao replied in a heartbeat, while he might not be any great playboy, his master was a self-proclaimed one and during his teaching, his master did imprint on him several different strategies to keep a girl happy.

<Okay now listen to me, if a girl is in a relationship with you and compares herself with another girl, always say that your girl is the best, don't even think, the answer should be smooth and fast>

<Is she's the possessive type, you must always take the lead in that case, otherwise, they will control you, its a lesson I learned from my old friend victor>

<Also if another girl likes you and you also develop feelings for her while in a relationship don't keep feeling guilty, man up and take responsibility, you see you can.....>

Flashes of his master's teaching passed through Xiao's mind, Xiao had always kept all his master's teaching in his heart, even if it wasn't useful in combat and thankfully they were coming of use now,

'Humph.....that's good'

A delighted yet shy voice of Yurou filled his mind, making Xiao chuckle at her reactions,

'Though I would be careful with her, if she has such talent and is hiding it then she must have her own agenda'

Yurou warned, causing Xiao to smile,

'Don't worry, I will be fine'

'I know, stay safe, I love you'

'I love you too'

Saying so the connection was cut, Xiao could tell that she seems to have something to do, thus stretching his body Xiao went to the washroom, cleaning himself up, it's right now the next day after his night talk with Li Lun, in her case, the development of her inheritance seems to be going in a better road.

Xiao could tell that she will soon be going through several of her tests, normally it would have only taken place when she was 16 and the prerequisite for that was that Li Lun should have gotten over her depression, in the original timeline, it was only at the time she came to accept who she is and started to actively fight against fate.

The true challenge of her inheritance was to fight against the cruelness of fate, to keep trying and charge ahead even when it seems that the world is against her and right now Li Lun is at that stage, Xiao has to keep an eye on her, he couldn't tell how her awakening now would affect her fate, will she achieve what she did in the past? will she fail? or will she reach a height unseen?

'The future will be very fun'

Musing to his thoughts Xiao walked out of the room, heading to the dining hall, reaching it the servants waiting gave him a bow as they started to prepare his meal, just as they were doing the door opened as Valencia walked in, soon their eyes met but for some reason just as Valencia's eyes met his she froze up.

Her eyes widened for a second, Xiao couldn't tell her expression through her veil but he could tell that something seems to be off about her, the natural presence around her seemed more relaxed. he didn't think much into it as he started to focus on his food.

Meanwhile, on the other side Valencia could feel her heart beating faster and faster for some reason, last night she had a dream that she couldn't quite catch, everything was blurry but for some reason, she felt as if she had overwent a large collection of feelings, she was sure that Xiao was in her dreams and ever since she woke up her mind was only filled with him.

Something within her was screaming at her to go meet him to be with Xiao and it was confusing her, somehow she was feeling unwell, Valencia even suspected that Xiao might be doing something to her but from her master's check-up, she was fine, which was making her more confused.

Unable to get heads or tales of what was happening to her, Valencia just headed for breakfast and ended up meeting the one person she didn't want to meet at all, and just as she gazed into his eyes her heart started beating at a rate she never knew it could go, a deep unnatural obsession on the borderline of madness started to engulf her,

She wants to hug him.

She wants to make him look at her.

She wants to hold his body tight and let him never get hurt.

She wants to lock him up where only she could gaze at him.

She wants the rest of the world to disappear so that only they exist.

She wants to give him her love, body, and soul, everything she has.

And she wants to kill anybody else that tries to get to him.

Unnatural killing intent started to fill Valencia's mind but soon just like an illusion they all left, leaving Valencia for some reason feeling empty and lost,

'What is happening to me?'

She questioned, everything was going wrong ever since she met the boy in front of her and she who hates dealing with variables normally takes them out of the picture but for some reason, the thought of even hurting him was causing her heart to crush,

'I need to deal with this quick'

Valencia reasoned, that she needs to find the cause of this and the best way to do so is to find out more about the person in front of her, her interest now reaching its peak, unknown to her just within a day of meeting the importance of the boy in front of her had reached a height never seen before, her bloodline with its hidden quality shook for a moment before they withdrew, it wasn't enough...

Unknown to anyone the stone floating deep within Valencia's soul started to shimmer, seemingly having achieved a certain purpose.

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