"Can't she sit on her own chair?"

Valencia asked, her eyes turned towards Xuanyin who had taken up a seat within Xiao's lap, right now all of them, Xiao, Li Lun, Valencia, and Xuanyin were sitting in the VIP-provided area of the auction house, gazing down at the items that would soon be provided.

They were in a huge well-decorated room, with a glass in front of them, three comfortable chairs existed as the four people gazed towards the stage, the fourth one taking place naturally at Xiao's lap, Xiao when leaving the house had met with Xuanyin who knowing he was leaving tagged along with him.

And Xiao being the doting brother, easily allowed Xuanyin to come with him, thus resulting in the situation, actually, if they asked for it, the same such chair would be provided but Xuanyin refused it, taking her rightful place, where she felt warm and happy, an emotion she only feels when she's with her brother,

"I don't think it's a problem"

Xiao said as he patted Xuanyin's head, who happily took it, becoming more comfortable on Xiao's lap, making Valencia who was looking at her shake her head, her attention soon focused back on the stage, meanwhile, Li Lun who was looking at the stage would sometimes 'gaze' enviously at Xuanyin,

"Xiao, isn't this your mother's auction house?"

Li Lun asked,

"Indeed, I heard that there might be some good things today"

Xiao replied as he enjoyed the soft silky hair of his sister,

"I heard that the Golden Merchant World had asked if your mother Yun Lan might join them?"

​ Li Lun asked, her voice containing a hint of admiration for Xiao's mother,

"Indeed they did but my mother turned it down, she wants her own business"

Xiao replied,

"I see..."

Li Lun nodded her head, not asking any deeper questions, soon the auction began as a beautiful woman stepped onto the stage with a smile, her sweet voice then filled the place,

"I welcome all our esteemed guests for our this year's annual auction!"

With that she began the auction by providing and displaying different treasures, some of the rare and some of the common yet difficult to attain, Xiao along with his company just looked at the auction, not much interest in any of them, the reason Xiao even came here was to just get a fresh air,

'If my calculations are correct then, the rift would soon open between the Rexion and Zelkiax Empire, it will have some useful things for me'

The Zelkiax Empire is the one bordering the Empire Xiao lives in, they belong to the other human Empire, the lower realm is a humongous place with hundreds of different species, there are about 7 continents in the lower realm, plus the species that live in the sea.

The continent that Xiao lives in has 7 Empires, in which 2 of which are human while the others belong to the Beastians, Ferox, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs. The other continents contain several other species too, the Giants, the Ghostkins, the Burrovies, and many more, all of them having their own unique touch of cultivation and customs.

Just the lower world is huge beyond compare, thousands of years could be spent to just cover them, in the continent Xiao lives in, right now peace reigns between the different Empires, all of them stick to their Empires and they won't try to hit into the others, all are well for now...

'Should I go to the academy?'

Xiao seriously pondered, while going there might help him make more connections he doesn't feel all that attached to the idea, he just doesn't want to deal with all those troubles that will befall the academy, it will just be a pain.....

'Well, I don't have to think about it for now'

Getting his focus back Xiao pondered,

"Hey let's go"

Soon Xiao was brought out of his thoughts by Li Lun who gently nudged his shoulder, it was only then did Xiao understood that the auction was over,

"Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts"

Xiao apologized,

"Xuanyin lets go"

Xiao said to his sister, who looked into his eyes,

Xuanyin: "....."

"Xuanyin, don't be spoiled"

Xiao spoke, to which Xuanyin replied,

Xuanyin: "....."

"I know but we have all the time, don't we?"

Xiao asked with a smile, while the other two girls just gazed at it, Li Lun who was used to this just gazed at it with neutral eyes, while Valencia with all her intelligence was trying to find out what the hell was taking place.

Soon under Xiao's nudging, Xuanyin got out of his lap and just as she did, she caught Xiao's hands as she stood close to him,

"Your sister is really attached to you"

Valencia spoke,

"Indeed, she is"

Xiao replied with a proud smirk, making Valencia snort, soon they opened the door walking out coming upon another group of people that were just leaving their room too,


One of the people seemed to recognize him as he called out, Xiao looked towards the one who called him,

'Great, here it comes'

Xiao mentally face palmed at the situation, he knew what would soon unfold. Soon a group 6 people came closer, their ages ranging from 14 to 18, all of them had proud faces and decent looks, all of them carrying the mark of the Yun family, they were in a way Xiao's cousins,

"So you too came to the auction?"

The boy of 16 leading the group came up to Xiao, a smug look on his face, his eyes traveling to the girls beside Xiao, the boy Yun Zian's eyes lit up when it graced upon Valencia, even at her young age her charm was more than enough to steal the focus of all,

"Yes, we just came for a look"

Xiao spoke, taking to put the focus on him but it didn't last for long, Yun Zian's eyes were now locked onto Valencia,

"Young miss, it's nice to meet you, do you want to go with us to look around the place?"

Yun Zian asked, his eyes pointing to his group compromising of both boys and girls, seeing this Xiao just shook his head and he just snapped his fingers, producing an invisible wave spreading to the group, and within seconds every one of them fell asleep,

"How did you do it?"

Valencia asked, her eyes trying to find out the secrets of the boy beside her,

"That's a secret"

Xiao spoke as he used his Qi to rearrange the people before him, who won't remember anything when they woke up, it's a fun little trick he learned to use, combing his soul gift and mental control, and after a lot of trials it's one good use he had developed, it's just the tip of what he could really do, the power over soul is something extremely rare, across the entire cosmos, ones with such talent are needed everywhere,

'Sigh...I miss the good old times'

Xiao inwardly chuckled as he remembered his first life, where he in a similar manner had chased after Valencia or any good-looking girl, his arrogance sky high, nowadays he would look at those memories with a found smile.

Hence the group of four easily moved past the group, not paying any attention to the idiots that lay asleep on the ground, none of them cared about their fate,

"How about we have some snacks?"

Xiao suggested since they were out, its best to enjoy the stay, from now onwards Xiao's life is only going to get busier and busier, the waves that will affect the whole of the cosmos will soon start and Xiao wants to be in each of them, to milk as much as profit as possible,

'I better quickly start the company, my mother would be the best to handle it'

Xiao's mind churned, all his plans were set, from now onwards the lower realms would be facing a lot of problems but with problems would come great opportunity, something which Xiao is looking forward to.

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