"Yo, bro do you know where I am?"

Xiao asked as he looked at the huge being in front of him, his looks reminding him of the grim reaper that takes the life of the dead. A minute of silence sustained after Xiao's question before which the being's head turned downwards, all Xiao could see was darkness inside the cloak, yet for some reason once again he felt no fear,

"A Gravewalker?"

A surprised voice that was heard from every direction filled Xiao's mind, the voice was hard yet soft, a combination of contradiction,

"Yup, that's me alright, the names Xiao"

Xiao replied, looking directly at the being, its height causing him to raise his head, not a hint of fear filling him, death had long lost its power upon him,

"So what's your name?"

Xiao asked, trying to bring up a conversation in a land of darkness,

"My name?"

The being spoke in confusion, he had forgotten the last time his name was spoken about, for he had no true name, for he was Death itself,

"You don't have a name?"

Xiao asked to which he could see the being in front of him shaking its head,

"I do not have a destined name but you can call me what you like"

The voice spoke again, sounding neither man nor woman. Xiao held his chin as he started to think but after a few seconds he spoke,

"How about Reaper? can I call you that for now?"

"Reaper? fine..."

The being, no Reaper agreed, seeing it Xiao nodded his head as he 'sat' on the ground in front of Reaper, his eyes filled with several questions, while the thrill of finding something new resonated with him,

"So, Reaper where am I?"

"You are in the plane between life and death"

Reaper replied still standing tall, its hand holding the scythe, no feelings could be felt from it,

"So who are you?"

Xiao asked again,

"I am The Guardian Of This Plane"

"Oh!, who am I?"

Xiao asked, this time his voice a bit more serious,

"That's a long story"

Saying so Reaper to moved its body as it 'sat' on the ground, right next to Xiao, it looked like a giant sitting next to a small ant,

"The bloodline you bore is the result of people's desires to take hold of the power of Death..."

Saying so Reaper began a small talk about Xiao's bloodline. It was born from the very Origin of The First being that embraced death, a power that was given to a person that had gained the recognition of Death itself, a power that had the capacity to change the very structure of life and death,

"You are lucky that you seemed to have some sort of power that neglects detection"

Reaper spoke, making Xiao surprised for a moment,


He asked,

"The bearers of this bloodline has allies but it also has its own enemies for its the only power that grants access to death without being bounded by the laws that abide the cosmos"

Reaper spoke, taking a break for a moment,

"If it wasn't for this, the moment you arrived here, they would have pulled you to them but since you seemed to be undetectable you ended up here"

"Where exactly is here?"

Xiao asked, to which Reaper turned his head towards Xiao its voice now containing a power that willed everything and everyone to be under it,

"You are here at the heart of Death"

Just as it had finished speaking the darkness in the world wailed, Xiao could feel it, he could tell it, his bloodline trembled and he knew....the darkness that surrounded him belonged to the person beside him.

Xiao's eyes gazed beside him as Reaper raised his scythe from his shoulder and did a small wave down, the darkness that surrounded Reaper obeyed it without a hint of doubt, everything started to shake and for the first time Xiao saw what lay behind the veil and it took his breath away...


He could see innumerable souls moving around, right now Xiao stood above the world as below him a society of death moved, each creature looking bizarre and each of them with the power to end him, the souls Xiao saw stretched far and wide and all of them were now moving in a straight line forward, marching towards their next life.

Guarding them were these bizarre creatures. Xiao's eyes couldn't even see the end, no it would be more appropriate to say that the current Xiao was not capable of grasping the truth of what he was seeing, seas of souls that moved, each one with their distinct end, Xiao then raised his head, up above him floating twinkling stars, some of them calling to him,

"Those are the remaining gaps of the Grave"

Reaper's voice was heard beside Xiao and for the first time he reached on to see who the person beside him truly was,


Name: Death

Title: The First One Who Embraced Death, Guardian Of The Graves, One whose Above All...etc

Alignment: Neutral

Cultivation: Origin Law Of Death


Seeing the status in front of him Xiao's eyes reduced in size,

"Why are you talking to me?"

Xiao asked, sure that even All-Seer wouldn't be allowed to see through the person in front of him if the person itself doesn't grant him access,


Reaper replied, his scythe moving again as the darkness soon embraced them,

"You are the beginner of my bloodline?"

Xiao asked,

"Indeed, I granted this power to a person when I lost a bet, the power to walk between the plane of death while being alive, it's being long before someone visited"

Reaper replied,


Xiao asked, his question bordered on the blur,

"Just because"

The reply Xiao heard made him silent, causing him to brood in his thought, with all that Xiao understood and knows, he got the idea of the being beside him, in simple terms it is Death, the very person to build The realm of Death, where horrors beyond one's dream lay, he was a person capable of changing the law of Death itself.

The Realm of Death was divided into 21 splits, where each Hell is ruled by the Supremes of Death, they look over and control the Realm, their powers even above the God Of Death himself but even all of them would have to kneel to the person beside Xiao, for he was the creator of Death, the very person that brought about the idea of Embracing death,

"So you just stand here all the time?"

Xiao asked, coming out of his surprise,

"You do not fear death"


Xiao agreed to what was said,

"The power of your bloodline will let you enter and gasp the power of beings who have failed to pass on what they hold dear"


Xiao agreed once again, not so excited,

"Tell me, what do you think is the most beautiful about death?"


Xiao's answer was instantaneous, marking a silence in the darkness,


Reaper spoke and this time Xiao felt that its voice was much more relaxed, he didn't answer directly, just like Reaper he kept gazing at the darkness for a moment before which he spoke,

"What makes life worth living is death, be it a mother that works her best to let her child live or a man that murders his own brother is such that they can live, in the end, all the drive to live, the drive of greed, lust, pride all exist since everyone knows that Death is behind them"

Xiao stopped for a moment, taking in all that he had seen and felt in life, he had taken more lives than he can count and all of them he tried to kill fought for their life, since they all feared death, they knew what was coming,

"Death is impartial, it will come to all, be it the Emperor that rules the skies or the beggar that roams the land but at the same time Death would take the life of a poor child, while letting a killer live"

Saying till here Xiao's eyes flashed with a hint of a certain past,

"But.....it is this contradiction that makes Death beautiful, even the all-powerful end is not perfect"

He ended his words with a hint of melancholy. A bone-chilling silence now remained, none of them spoke, one whose life was insignificant to the world, while another whose life held the very concept of death itself, in actuality none should have met yet fate was had willed another, a power that made him a forgotten brought him to the one forgotten in the river of time.

A being that had long since forgotten the feel of any, a being that had lost interest in any, Death that only sought end had found something fun.

The death that stood beside the giant of the world, someone that the other guardians dare not disrespect, someone that even time felt scared of had finally decided on a choice, it had finally chosen to come out of its sleep.

What that would entail has yet to be seen...

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