While Xiao went through a rebirth of the sort, on the outside the quacking from his inner world had stopped spreading, and the blood that was flowing from him had stopped, by now Xiao was completely drenched in blood but even in all this, his expression remained calm which started to twist, quickly turning into a relaxed smile.

Around him a subtle hum started to be heard from, a white beautiful light starting to spread from his body, the light spread around him as it started to wrap Xiao in a protective embrace, behind Xiao projections began to form, the projections took the shape of people of different ages, ranging from a baby to what looked like an adult but none of their features could be seen.

As such 58 such protections were formed, and none of their face or distinct images could be seen, only blurry white cloud-like images now floating around Xiao, they projected above him, seemingly looking like another protective covering, all the images had different emotions ripping from them.

One projection that seemed to be of a child felt happy, one that belonged to a baby felt pure, one that belonged to a teenager was of pure arrogance, one that belonged to an older-looking man projected emotions of inferiority and one belonging to that of another teenager displayed an inhuman level of sadness from them.

Each hidden projection had its own emotions, one had a killing intent that filled the world, another one had anger that burned the skies, one had a love that felt pure than any, one had a desire that wanted the world, one had the emotion of despair that wanted an end.....

It was an accumulation of feelings projected outward now protecting Xiao, the white smoke being a lesson that was itching deep into Xiao and it was a reward, a reward very few in life had the opportunity of receiving,

"What the fuck is this?!"

Teresa's unbelieving voice leaking out of her mouth, her three eyes bulging out while her mouth opened wide, she looked like she had lost all her sense of the world,

'How can a kid of eleven reach supreme understanding of self? that buddha guy might go crazy to have him!'

Teresa felt as if all her common sense and everything she earned up to now were nonsense, she had even begun to doubt her life! she a supreme genius of the void realm, a genius seen before, even she such a genius had never reached the level of having a supreme understanding of oneself! and a child barely into the world of cultivation did it!

Yeah! she ain't buying that shit!

To reach, such a level one needs to know everything and face everything that a person is, a person has to accept all of himself and has to go through the birth of himself and the world, the greed, the pride, the hidden desires, the broken dreams, the limits of one, the dirty side of one, the limit of theirs, everything, the person in question as to accept everything to even start to move towards a supreme understanding of oneself.

If one were to take an example, even the holiest of men will have agreed and desire, even when they do something good won't they feel a sense of relief? doesn't that mean they feel a sense of greed from a good thing? but would these people who do the good thing even knowing about this inner satisfaction of their accepts this side?

No! they won't, they will suppress this feeling and deny it, trying to mask it under their veil, the amount of people that had succeeded in getting supreme understanding, even across the all-expanding cosmos is minuscule that its laughable.

And now Teresa was seeing an eleven-year-old boy achieve the same, no matter how much she rubbed her eyes, and no matter how much she used her domain understanding the sight in front of her didn't change at all, the boy was indeed going through what she was denying,

'Just what is he?'

Even if Teresa were to take in the impossible chance of reincarnation which is blocked off, she knew that the person in front of her wasn't a thousand-year-old person that reincarnated, she knew the eyes of people that lived lives far longer than others and it's impossible to hide such emotions, movements, and experience from her, hence she was sure that the person in front of her is just a child,

'The whole of the cosmos will be shaken soon'

Teresa's eyes narrowed as she thought, with just this, the boys future would be limitless, there's also the unknown background that she's unable to peer through, all in all, the boy shined with a bright future, and Teresa became sure that the boy's name would resound through the whole of the cosmos,

'It won't be bad to give him something....'

Thinking so Teresa's eyes flashed after which she pointed her hand towards Xiao, a deep grey light started to wrap around her finger before which it blasted out and got absorbed into Xiao's body without a problem, just after doing so, the figure of Teresa became much more illusionary,

'This will level the karmic ties between us'

As a being that had reached her level, Teresa has a much better understanding of the lines of karma and fate, she knows how a small shift in fate might change the destiny that's being chaining her down, and her eyes became much softer as she looked at Xiao, she trailed her eyes over her successor and Xiao, a deep-seated play taking place within her,

'I had only hoped for the long-term use of my successor, even with her my chance of succeeding is 5%, maybe the boy could change that'

A pondering smile soon left her face as her eyes lit in mischief, several useful plans kept flashing through her mind, as a person of her experience, she had more than enough to deal with two budding kids, soon her mind fixed on a plan of action as she started to make it greater.

But here there was one thing that Teresa was missing to see, there were 58 different projections floating around Xiao but she was unable to gasp them, even though she with all her knowledge and power was blind to see the different images that were blazing around him or was it that she had seen them but was made to forget without her knowledge?

Teresa with her experiences should have known that something felt much fishier about Xiao but as if some kind of spell, she seemed to accept the reality and her questions were quenched.

The most fearful part was that she even with just a projection didn't feel anything wrong or different, one can only imagine what was taking place. and what higher secrets does Xiao hold?

While the answer to these questions brewed three days passed within the domain Xiao was brought to, during all this time he went through different emotions and issues, seeing himself for who he really was, is and would be, to Xiao he felt as if a long time had passed yet no time had passed at all and on the beginning of the fourth day Xiao opened his eyes.

What Xiao had become had yet to be seen....

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