
The ragged breath of Li Lun was heard as her shoulders kept moving up and down from the weakness she felt down to her bones, sweat filled her body, and her eyes looked hazy, while she kept breathing in and out.

In the battle that ensued, she did come out of it victorious protecting Xiao from all those that wished him harm but she didn't win unharmed, there were several scratch marks on her body with dried blood, and several patches of her skin were burned off, and overall her situation wasn't all that good and just as she was about of fall back a warm embrace held her from back,

"Good job"

Xiao spoke, his tone praising, Li Lun helplessly leaned against his body, her breath short, while she took in the warmth and scent she was far too familiar with, her body lost its strength as her entire weight was on Xiao, who held her with care and love, slowly he took her up in princess styled carry, her head leaning onto his shoulder as she went into a deep slumber.

Looking at the enchanting smiling face of Li Lun, Xiao smiled dotingly, while he did agree with the fact that she had to grow through hardness, it didn't mean that he didn't feel anything when he saw Li Lun being hurt, at several moments he wanted to help but he knew that it would only be bad for her, will he be there any other time when she's in danger?

Xiao wasn't arrogant enough to believe that he would always be there, he wanted to and he desires to reach such a level where he would be able to help the ones he loves no matter how far they lay, and his path to reach there is just beginning...

'Isn't the first level over?'

[[Yes master]]

And just as Mia spoke the announcement came,

"The first trial has been completed...."

"Scanning the fight to distribute the reward..."

"Scanning completed..."

"Achievement completion rate, Li Lun:95%, and Xiao:5%"

"Rewards shall be distributed based on contributions..."

Just as the voice was over, a bright light flashed as it entered inside Li Lu and Xiao, the light that entered Li Lun was humongous while the one with Xiao was pitiful, to say the least, but he didn't mind it, this was his choice and he didn't regret it,

"What now?"

Xiao asked out loud, he knew everything that lay ahead, thanks to the reminder that Mira gave him but to appease the stalker of a woman he needs to keep up the act, just because they seemed close doesn't mean that Xiao will start to talk to Teresa about his secrets,

"Make a choice....."

"Continue or leave....."

Hearing this Xiao turned silent for a moment before which he asked,

"Do I have to choose now? can't we get some rest?"

To his question, the emotionless voice spoke again,

"Choose or leave..."

Xiao's eyes narrowed upon the reply, he looked at Li Lun before which he let out a sigh, if he wanted he could breeze through the trail with the help of Mia but this trial wasn't for him, it was for Li Lun to grow, him taking advantage of it would just be a loss for her and he could not do it, not after everything she just did for him,

"We will leave....."

Xiao declared and just as he did he was back outside the portal with Li Lun sleeping happily in his arms, by now most of her injuries were already healed, her natural regeneration was more than enough to deal with such skin-level injuries.

The moment the two of the appeared outside several eyes focused on the two of them, Xiao didn't pay any mind to it as he lovingly carried Li Lun with him, his eyes soon focused on the two unique-looking towers like a tattoo on their arms, it was the connection between them and the tower, it had several functions.

Upon thinking so a panel appeared in front of Xiao, it was different than that of All-Seer but a little similar, everything regarding him was there but he didn't focus on it as he ordered Mia,

'Get us a resting and healing room'

[[As you desire]]

Just as Mia finished speaking the body of Li Lun and Xiao started to disintegrate and disappear in front of everyone, none of them were surprised by it as it was the norm.

Soon both Xiao and Li Lun appeared in a rather compact-looking cultivation room, just as they entered inside Xiao started to feel relaxed, the tension in his nerves soothing up, looking down Xiao could see that Li Lun also looked much more relaxed.

Xiao's eyes trailed around the room, there wasn't anything interesting about it, just a regular room that felt very pleasing, there was no door, window, or anything, just a four-walled room, Xiao relaxed himself as he took a seat, placing Li Lun on him such that she wasn't disturbed in any way.

Just as he did so by instincts Li Lun wrapped her arms around him as she leaned in forward, her head rubbing happily in his chest,

'How does this look like a woman undergoing understanding?'

Xiao questioned, due to the battle earlier Li Lun had gained several new understandings of her power, thus just as she had fainted she had fallen into a state of understanding, a state that several yearn for yet Li Lun fell into it from just one battle, this just shows how talented she is.....

'Mia, how many points did we earn?'


'Um...that's low'

[[Well the two of you just won through the first trial, this much is actually high]]

Xiao's expression turned thoughtful as he heard her words, this tower was much more than just a plane to fight, if one were to win through their challenges the winner would earn 'points' belonging to the tower, with this one would be able to access several useful rooms belonging to the tower, some with abilities that are just broken.

Xiao willed it and the tattoo that was on his body faded away, the more he learned about this tower the more peculiar it was looking in his eyes, everything about it seemed to go against the natural order that Xiao knew about.

Other than the trials themselves there lay other challenges that one could take place, increasing the power that one could wield and understand, adequate reward that could make people salivate was given out on proper completion, breaking records of the past granting one recognition and power.

There's also another frightening part about this tower, the part that both Li Lun and Xiao are in is just the tip of the truth, right now they could only be in a place to be said as a tutorial, and above this whole place lay another 99 levels of worlds!

When Xiao came into the large hall, all he saw were young people or teens, this meant that they just like Li Lun had begun climbing the tower, they had been chosen by constellation grows here but there was another climbing for them here, when they reach an adequate level in their climb, these chosen ones would then be given a chance to climb the real tower to the top.

A world of hidden power and growth, the one that reached the top will have power and authority like no other and the constellation of the one that reached the top too would have their own rewards, it was a secret ongoing ritual of power between the behemoths that reached the top.

But here the chosen ones aren't just the ones eyeing for power, the inhabitants of the tower will be a challenge that the successor will have to face, for the inhabitants to have a chance to gain the power.

Plus there's another dangerous fact, the inhabitant that kills a successor will be able to get the inheritance of that constellation and get a chance to get out of the tower!

'Whoever made this is ruthless...'

Xiao's eyes chilled when he thought of this.

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