The spatial lights once again gathered as the duo appeared back at the guest hall, where several other successors moving about, their arrival just got the attention of some. Having come back Xiao looked at his hand, the tattoo of the tower appearing on his arms as he commanded for him to leave the place,

"Let's leave"

He said and Li Lun did the same as the tattoo appeared in her hand as she commanded her to leave the tower, soon once again they were split by a heavy spatial cut as they appeared back at the place they came from, the lonely grey broken world in which stood Teresa looking at them with a small smile on her face,

"Welcome back, how was it?"

She asked,

"Why ask when you know?"

Xiao spoke this didn't damper Teresa as she kept her smile,

"I just wanted to hear about it from you"

She said as she walked forward, coming before Li Lun who was looking at Teresa with complicated eyes. Teresa raised her hand as she slowly patted Li Lun's head, who didn't push it back, she just kept looking at Teresa,

"Good work, I am proud of you"

Teresa said, to this Li Lun didn't say anything as she held Xiao's hand, applying some pressure while he did the same, seeing this Teresa still kept her smile, she knew that some things took time and she had ample of them for now,

"So what now?"

Xiao asked,

"What do you want to do?"

Teresa asked back with a stifling chuckle to this he wasn't entertained, Xiao's face turned serious as he looked straight into Teresa, it being a bit awkward due to the height difference,

"I meant what about Li Lun, are you going to tell her about her lineage?"

This question quickly took away the smile from Teresa's face,

"So you knew....."

She said,

"OF course I knew, even you with your powers won't be able to change someone's species completely to another, you will only be able to build a change on something that already exists"

Xiao said, his words quaking Li Lun as her eyes widened, with her current knowledge she quickly mapped together the topic being talked about, realization being drawn on her,


She quickly shouted out at Teresa, who gave Xiao a stink eye for the unneeded words, Teresa rubbed her forehead as she spoke,

"Fine, I at least wanted to keep you in the dark for some more time"

Saying till here she looked at Li Lun,

"It's just as the boy said you aren't human"

"But my father is human!"

Li Lun screamed out,

"You were adopted"

These words quickly shut Li Lun up as she looked incredulously at Teresa,


She screamed but Teresa shook her head to it,

"I didn't lie child, you will be able to find out the truth anyway"

Hearing so, Li Lun's shouts turned to silence, feeling as if her whole life was once again being flipped off, it was then she felt Xiao's tight grasp on her hand, as he hugged her. Li Lun lay in his embrace as he slowly patted her back, his warmth making her feel more calm,

"Calm down Li Lun, this doesn't change anything, even with this news, will you stop seeing your current father as your father?"

Xiao asked and this quickly got Li Lun thinking, receiving her answer, she shook her head in his chest,


She lightly said,

"Then don't worry about it, in fact, be happy that you will have another family"

Xiao spoke as he chuckled, making Li Lun feel a bit more relaxed, her calmness setting in as she stayed in his embrace for some time, though it was quickly ruined by a salty-looking beauty,

"Tsk, such control over my successor, I am debating again if I should kill you"

"You can try"

Xiao replied to Teresa who just clicked her tongue in annoyance, a few more seconds later Li Lun raised her head and looked back at Teresa,

"Tell me everything"

Teresa didn't play anymore seeing the intense light in Li Lun's eyes,

"Your real father is the current ruler of the void realm and your mother is lets just someone special"

Teresa said, watching Li Lun's reactions closely,

"Why was I thrown away?"

Li Lun asked in a heavy voice,

"You weren't thrown away, the relationship between your father and mother isn't something that should have happened, much less a child being born from it, when they had you, they needed to hide you"

Reaching this point Teresa looked at Li Lun debating it but in the end, she finally spoke,

"Your father had his difficulties while your mother's family would have killed you if they found out about you, so your mother used a move to entrap you in the frozen humanoid form while sending you here"

"That doesn't make sense what difficulties did the ruler of the whole void realm have? even taking the cosmos as a whole few dare to make him their enemy"

Xiao asked, knowing full well the reason, the question he asked caused Teresa to hesitate again but looking into the desired eyes of Li Lun she finally spoke,

"This was during the time Li Lun's father was fighting for the throne"

"That's impossible, the current ruler has been sitting on the throne for at least a millennium"

Xiao replied in a hasty tone, clear suspicion filling her voice, this brought a helpless smile to Teresa,

"That's what Li Lun's mother did, she froze Li Lun in a human husk and threw her into a safe timeline into the future"



Extreme reactions came from both Li Lun and Xiao, well Li Lun's reaction was genuine while Xiao was just playing along, he knew all this long ago,

"Tha-Thats possible?"

Li Lun spoke with a stutter, clearly having disbelief written all over her but this time Teresa was being 100% true to her words,

"I can swear it on any existence and even the havens"

Teresa said, liking the shocked looks of both the kids, it was nice to see Xiao's expression crack after all the confidence he shows,

"The amount of power and resources needed to do this is mind-numbing"

Xiao said, rubbing his head a bit, acting like all the information was a bit too much for him, while Li Lun herself seemed to be out of it, in fact, if Xiao hadn't held her she would have surely fallen down from her shock, a testimony to how her mind was rattled, else it's not easy for a person of her cultivation to fall like that,

"So let me guess, something must have happened, such that Li Lun's parents lost contact with her position and timeline"

Xiao said,

"Right on the mark"

And Teresa agreed,

"Playing with such powers isn't something applicable, even Li Lun coming here was sheer luck, she should have actually been shredded by the space-time continuum or the guardians of time should have killed her, yet against all odds, she arrived here"

Teresa said, her eyes shining as she looked at Li Lun, seemingly seeing something great within her,

"Sigh, take some rest"

Xiao spoke, hugging Li Lun, while he slowly used a certain world control to calm Li Lun's mind while slowly putting her to sleep, since she had no defense against him she quickly fell asleep, while her mind succumbed to the sleep her shocked mind needs,

"Quite the move there"

Teresa said,

"She needs her rest"

Xiao said, looking up at Teresa,

"I can presume that you have some sort of way to contact and inform Li Lun's father"

Xiao said to which Teresa nodded her head, Xiao seemed to contemplate for a moment after which he spoke,

"Then send her there"

Xiao said pointing at LI Lun,

"She won't like that"

Teresa said,

"I know"

And Xiao agreed, but his eyes said it all,

"You should know its better for her, she needs such resources, and its the best environment for her to grow but don't forget to deal with her current father"

Speaking so he slowly handed over Li Lun to her,

"Don't worry I have it all covered"

Teresa said with a confident smirk.

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