'I sure do have things cut out for me'

Azrail mused as he saw through the endless possibilities he can come to be, for now, he wasn't going to push it, if everything has to work out well, then for that, he has to make sure that each piece of the puzzle fell perfectly in place, such that he would be able to gain the best gains possible.

While his mind ran through several possibilities, he felt tremors from the body laying upon him, his eyes focusing on Valencia who seems to be awakening from her slumber, the resonance was also felt by Adria who quickly appeared outside, her gentle eyes focusing on the beauty waking up from her sleep.

Slowly the flutters grew within Valencia's eyes as they opened, bringing those beautiful gem-like pink eyes to the world. ones that Azrail wouldn't mind being lost in forever, he saw an expression of confusion filling Valencia but that didn't last for long as a longing smile of comfort and joy took her face, a simple that even took Azrail's breath for a moment,


He called out to which she blinked her eyes at him, just peering into him, itching his face deep into her mind,


Adria called out in concern while focusing all her abilities, trying to see if the person in front of her is truly her disciple. Every confirmation came out positive making her sigh out and relax her soul.

Valencia raised her right hand, placing it slowly within Azrail's chin, her pink gem pupils lighting up, while light pink gas left her body, her hand moved from his chin to his cheeks until she lightly ruffled his hair, through all this Azrail stayed silent, he could feel the deep feelings that were brewing within Valencia, ones capable of moving the world.

"What happened?"

He asked in a light tone, he didn't have to, for every word or desire he wants can be transmitted to her, the scary part is that he has the main control, he can peak into her mind, talk into her thought yet she can't do the same if Azrail desire he could create the greatest block between the two of them yet even then Valencia won't be able to leave him nor could she stop loving him.

The connection that was made between them is to never be looked down upon, all the greatest talent that one could dream of was placed on her, yet how dangerous would it be that her great strength of charm could be under the complete control of one single man? that is the reason for her physique that would grant her the coldest and most calculative of minds.

Yet all that has been put down the drain.

"I woke up...."

Valencia muttered out in a light voice, just those simple sentences containing several complex meanings to which Azrail smiled, his left hand placing above her right as he spoke,

"What did you see?"

This brought a brooding look to Valencia, even though she herself did not understand all the underlying meaning within what had transpired but she knew one thing, she knew what she wanted.

"I can't remember, I feel like I found a part of myself as if all the pieces of myself fell in the right place and I understood where I want to be"

Valencia's words were very vague and Azrail nodded his head at it, whatever it was, it didn't grant her any insight into the future nor did it give her anything special, all it did was to make her fall for him hard.....

Valencia didn't even need to put it into words, for Azrail could see into her, even into the place locked deeply within herself and by the time she woke up he had already gotten all the answers he needed, the 'she' within Valencia had already given him all the information he needs.

"Do you need to rest more?"

Azrail gently asked to which Valencia nodded her head, she didn't want to leave this embrace, not when this was the first time she felt so warm and fuzzy....

While the two of them were lost within each other's world, the old spinster Adria looked on with mixed feelings, happy at her disciple yet feeling a little bitter about being completely left out. Shaking her head she went back into Valencia, she saw what she needed to see, as long as Valencia was alive, everything was well and good.

Azrail watched with gentle eyes as Valencia went back to sleep, he could see several patterns running deep within Valencia, all of them doing works he has entry into, he could tell what was going on, it was as if Valencia's soul trusted him more than her own body or its the fact that 'she' loved him.

'I am really playing with dangerous women'

Azrail chuckled at that thought, he didn't find it repulsive, he, in fact, found it fun, what's a loved life if it isn't a bit spicy? especially when your woman is capable of the world-ending power and is crazy to possess you?

'The cosmos is definitely a mystery'

He planted a light kiss on Valencia's forehead which immediately brought a smile to the sleeping girl, Azrail sighed seeing that as he too started to get some sleep, slowly he went into a satisfying dream world with a beauty in his arms.


"We will be heading out in 2 days?"

Azrail asked his mother who was lightly playing with his hair, it's been a few hours since the incident, and 2 hours after he slept Raena, appeared in the room and took away Valencia while giving him a strange smile, he didn't say anything and let her. After which he came to meet his mother as he found his little sister asleep.

Just as he entered inside his mother started to pamper him, which ended up with him laying on the sofa with his head on his mother's lap.

"Yes, I will soon settle all things here and we will move to the capital in 2 days"

Lan spoke, making Azrail silent,

"Mother, this is what happened with me and Li Lun....."

Hence Azrail started to explain, while his mother listened to it with focus, Azrail made to switch some information but overall he stuck to most of the truth, throughout the explanation Lan listened to it all without disturbing him, and when he finished she just kept patting his head, looking calm but Azrail knew she was far from calm.

The little trembling in her hands, the sweat piling up and the dilation of her eyes was more than enough to tell Azrail that his mother was completely afraid for him all throughout the story.

"Sigh...just how does such ill logical situation happen around you?"

His mother finally asked, making Azrail give her a bitter smile, seeing so she let out another sigh as she started to speak.

"I am afraid for you my son, you seemed to be blessed with a great talent and future, someone meant for things beyond what I can dream of and it makes me proud and extremely scared"

Reaching till here she looked down at him, her eyes twinkling with worry.

"I know how brutal this world is, the more you climb up the more dangerous it is without a backing and it pains me that I can't give you the backing you need"

A blast of extreme cold left Lan's body, her eyes flashing with a cold glint while speaking of her weakness, this prompted Azrail to rise his head from her lap his small hand holding his mother's larger one, his eyes looking at her directly,

"Mother, you should know better than anyone that you aren't holding me back, no you push me to grow stronger, you are my idol, someone I look up to, and no matter what you are my strength, after all, aren't you my mother?"

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