Azrail's eyes took in the entire beautiful royal city that spread till eyes could not see, one huge enough to match the size of a country. With that, Azrail took out his chariot, the very one he used to travel to the desert before, entering inside it as he started to maneuver it to the entrance of the city.

The city itself has its own protection that makes it such that one cannot simply enter inside it. But if Azrail really wanted to, he was capable of doing it. But for now, he needs the publicity and the information of his entering inside to spread. Thus, with beautiful grace, Azrail's chariot started to descend down towards the entrance gate.

One huge enough to cover and touch the skies, different entrances matching for different standings of people, and the guards themselves standing at the gate being at the cultivation of Core Forming Realm, their presence powerful yet silent, spreading all around the center of the gate. The arrival of Azrail at such a beautiful yet extremely expensively powerful chariot only brought a sense of chaos to the gathering.

With the gates themselves being filled with a number of people entering and leaving, the complete attention focused on Azrail's arrival. Thus, with royal-like attention, Azrail's chariot arrived in front of the gate, floating itself above the ground to the entrance towards the Radiant Quarter section of the Xianthar city.

The powerful guards at the front started to move towards the chariot yet no hesitancy was displayed from them. They were smart enough to understand the fact that anyone arriving like Azrail is, they are one not to be messed around with. Thus, with respect, one of the guards knocked on the window, letting Azrail open it up.

The presence of the stunningly beautiful child, one that looks divine enough to make the gods look at him once more, appeared to the eyes of the cultivator. For a moment, his eyes went into a daze, the ability of constant beauty presence around him, a part that Azrail inherited from his connection with Valencia already making the man his slave in mind.

'This is quite good.'

Azrail mused. In fact, he has his own way of fully brainwashing or mind manipulation using his mind realm. But this ability around Azrail is one that anyone without hard will or of lesser cultivation than him would either go into a daze or will fall helplessly for him just at a gaze at him, though this does not mean he can control his mind.

'A fucking useless thing of making others addicted.'

"Azrail, son of Yun, wishes to enter the royal city."

Azrail spoke, while giving an identification badge to the man who quickly broke out of his daze when Azrail completely reeled in the aura of beauty that was leaving him, keeping it completely suppressed. Normally, he does it, but had let it out in the days when he spent back in the Realm Scrapper.


The soldier replied, his mind no doubt still shocked looking at the divine boy whose looks are enough to put the whole world to shame. Thus, the guard walked to the identification marker, placing the badge itself, and the information that was displayed quickly made the man's eyes wide. He quickly started to sweat in his position as he ran back to the chariot of Azrails, bowing like a loyal servant as he spoke.

"You may enter!"

His voice too turned an unnaturally high pitch, filling the entire gate area as the people gawked at the sight of the royal guards treating the entry as if he was the Emperor himself. Thus, hushed whispers and talks kept going around as the door to the Radiant Quarter started to open up, and Azrail easily entered the city, leaving behind a confused group.

While the guard itself jumped to inform all the ones related, especially the center connection at the Royal family, that the kid that had now created waves not just in this Empire but across the continent had now entered inside the royal city of Xianthar.

'This might do the trick.'

Already anticipating the chaos that was now spreading around Azrail, with calm eyes kept gazing outward at the beautiful streets as his chariot kept moving forth, even in the posh area, the sight of his thing gaining many eyes from the rich, they discreetly focusing on him as he moved through the huge areas and villas till his chariot reached an extremely large mansion spread about.

One significantly larger than the other ones with beautiful gardens, areas, and more. The moment Azrail reached the entrance of the gate, the guards spoke.


Their call was responded with Azrail throwing the badge forward, it falling on the hand of the guard who spoke, whose face lost all colors as he gazed at the badge.

"Open the gates!"

He screamed like a man on drugs as the guards started to open the door, the badge itself flowing back into Azrail's hand as he entered inside, his chariot moving through the beautiful frontal garden with a fountain in the center as he arrived in front of the mansion. Stepping out, he was met with an entourage of servants which quickly opened up to Valencia, Raena, Xuanyin, and his mother Yun awaiting him.

"Looks like someone ruined the surprise for me."

Azrail spoke with a smile as he got out, the chariot itself getting smaller and soon flying into his hands and disappearing as he walked forward. First Azrail being embraced by his mother, which brought a pout to his sister.

"Valencia told me you were coming, and I just wanted to see if you are fine."

His mother spoke as she placed a light kiss on his cheeks while scanning him up and down. It was only after knowing that he was fully fine did she leave the hug, which was soon followed by Xuanyin who jumped into his embrace, to which he patted her head. Soon, she left the hug, to which Valencia took on, quickly leaving him while Raena just patted his head.

"Good to see you are back, chump."

She spoke.

"And you all are acting like I just came back from a 2-year war."

The light response of Azrail brought chuckles to the rest as his mother spoke.

"Come, I have prepared your favorites."


Azrail replied as he started to walk inside with all his family, a fond smile gracing his face at the prospect of all these people awaiting his arrival and fearing for his life.


"Mother, did you get any summons?"

Azrail asked after the feast, all of them together in a room for a family meeting and Azrail asked for it, he sat on a sofa, his sides being taken by Xuanyin and Valencia, both sticking close to him, while his mother and Raena sat in front of him, Raena eyed Valencia happily leaning onto him while his mother responded to his question.

"How can it not when you enter with such fanfare?"

His mother asked back with a helpless smile, though the cunningness in her eyes was the same as swirling within Azrail's eyes.

"How many?"

Azrail asked.

"Majority of the nobles and powers here and even the royal family just sent us a letter."

His mother said as she waved the letter in her hand, making Azrail smile to which Yun continued.

"They want to meet us as soon as possible, a friendly meeting with this super genius of the Empire. They even want to throw a ball for you."

These words only made Azrail chuckle as he responded.

"A ball by the royal family, how can we say no?"

These words prompted Raena to speak.

"You plan to use the name of the royal family to show the truth of your powers?"

The sudden words from Raena surprised Azrail, nonetheless, he replied.

"Not just that, I will be using your backing to create a beautiful story."

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