"I have a plan that will keep my family safe while at the same time getting back at Liam."

Azrail spoke, his words filled with his cunning drive to get what he wanted done. Azrail knows better that if Raena or Valencia had a chance, then they would easily get rid of the whole of the Ewald family and start anew, but that can't be done due to the very fact that there is no better family for protection than Liam's family.

Raena is very powerful in this lower heaven, and her talent only reached a supreme level after she gave birth to Valencia. For even giving birth to prodigies makes the mothers stronger, and no one has to say anything more about Valencia, right? Right now, even Raena is a brimming vault of talent, and if they wanted, they could get into a powerful place in this third heaven.

But the question came, will the powers protect and safeguard Valencia and Raena like Liam will? With all the guilt eating him up, he will do everything in his power to keep the duo safe, and that's the main reason they stayed, and Valencia even went the extra mile to show all of her great talent to Liam.

Of course, she didn't show everything but just enough, hidden by Adria, to show Liam what kind of a divine gift Valencia is. This makes Valencia's presence on Liam much higher, even if it sounds cold-hearted, so they could go to any other powers, but perfect protection or care isn't a guarantee. There is no guarantee that people might not lust for Valencia's beauty.

'Though that would not be a problem if Valencia's 2nd master gets here.....'

Even Valencia's first master, Adria, is enough to make a powerful backing in the cosmos, but she can't come out due to the very fact that she is blacklisted in the cosmos. But the second master that takes Valencia in the future is someone with an extreme amount of connection in the cosmos and a very, very powerful figure that few dare to match.

With her, Valencia and Raena will be free from the clutches of the family they have joined themselves to. Strictly speaking, the current faction that Azrail has can match the Ewald family, but then again, bringing in the mad scientist Nayan into the show will only be asking for his new family to be now fully blacklisted from every power in the cosmos.

But that doesn't mean there isn't a workaround here. Azrail has the plan of making the best of everything while keeping his family safe, riding the waves, and making a profit.

"We will bring the full force of the Ewald family into this, which can bring a lot of headache to Liam that he will have to take you into the family faster than he wants to."

These words of Azrail's only made Valencia clutch to him tighter, the resonance of his words opening up to the future of Valencia being far away from him, earlier than planned. But she is smart enough to understand that this will be better for her development to fasten, and within the walls of the Ewald family, Valencia will be able to plan their fall in a better fashion.

And above that, Valencia knows that even if she is in the third heaven, the two of them will still be very close to each other. They can always meet each other when Valencia desires it. Azrail has already made that promise to her, and feeling her emotions only leads him to supply Valencia with emotions of calmness and safety, which quickly relaxes her.

"We might be safe, but what leads to keeping your family safe from what's coming?"

Raena asked, if she is to even release the words of an engagement between Azrail and Valencia, then that would mean the forces that are targeting Valencia and Raena would then focus on Azrail's family too, trying to bring them down, to this Azrail smiled.

"You have nothing to worry about all that, I have covered up all the angles in that path."

Right now Azrail has about 1700 previously made slave experiments just waiting to jump at the chance to be of any use to him. Their powers too are worth matching at the second and even the third heaven, even with their powers being sealed here in the lower heaven of Quadralia, they will still be a force to be reckoned with when protecting the people he cares about.

Not to mention he has another access full of slaves of Nayan's, one proficient in many arts and others who are extremely powerful to warriors that Nayan created from scratch, some powerful monsters he is creating, hidden, and more. Overall, in terms of safety within this lower heaven, there would barely be some hidden lost legacies that can even harm him.

Even above that, there are a lot of protective treasures and inventions of Nayan stored away, everywhere, ones that are used even in the fourth heaven to keep the little descendants safe, one used here will be like throwing a nuke to protect a baby, more so when Nayan can go to create any invention that Azrail wants to.

There is a reason that Azrail kept Nayan alive, even when he wants in his heart to torture that bastard for millions of years, he is too useful to fully break. Even above his inventions and great mind, there lay the connections he has around the cosmos, ones with extremely powerful factions, pantheons, and more.

All of which will be used by Azrail to the max.

"That's a bit hard for me to fully swallow up."

Raena replied with narrowed eyes.

"Don't worry, I will show you all the pros of my confidence soon."

Azrail replied after which he focused fully on Raena.

"My plan isn't a simple one, it's a very complex one with lots of paths to it. I am not rushing into something like an idiot, and as I said, this plan will keep your ex-husband on his toes."

"Um.....fine tell me the plan fully."

These words made Azrail smile as he started to speak.

"The beginning would be with spreading the words of your majesty through the lower heaven, starting with this Empire. This presence of Valencia is an extremely dangerous factor for Liam's new wife, and it's to be taken for granted that they might still be searching everywhere for your presence, right?"

The words of Azrail led to both Valencia and Raena nodding their heads.

"Then all we have to do is to start spreading the true information about you through the lands, and the Empires here connected to the second heaven will contact the second heaven. And it won't be long for them to connect you to the missing powerhouse sect in the second haven that vanished at Liam's rage, would it?"

These following words started to get the minds of the three women to run, Yun, Raena, and Valencia slowly coming to understand the depths of the plan Azrail wants to put forward. Yun already has a very good understanding of the situation around Valencia and Raena from Raena's words. Meanwhile, Xuanyin, like always, just sat beside Azrail enjoying his warmth to the fullest.

"You plan to pull these so-called powers that are targeting Valencia and Raena towards here, the response of the wives of Liam will be more than enough proof to give us the backing that reaches towards even the third heavens, right?"

As Yun finished speaking her words to Azrail, her eyes started to sparkle, her mind already seeing the paths this could either be strengthened or made better. She even started to think of the ways to make the situation even better for her family and business too.


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