Far away from the Yun mansion to the place that Xiao was heading to, within the Li mansion within Li Lun's room sat a young girl of age 10 on a chair, the few months hasn't changed much about her, she still seemed cute but now none of her cheerfulness nor her bright smile could be seen

Li Lun sat blind and crippled on a chair, the young child had faced the true cruelties of the world, a world were true power and talent ruled, where if you don't have even one of them, then you are of no use, a baggage that would be one day thrown out, it was truly a blessing that her father truly loved her

But that wouldn't change the things that have already taken place, Li Lun could not believe that her life had changed so drastically, she could clearly remember it, the day had began all jolly, she would finally be able to embark on her journey of cultivation

Li Lun wasn't much a fanatic of cultivation, she didn't give much importance to it but after meeting Xiao she slowly developed an interest in it not because she like it because Xiao did, she could see that he was totally into cultivation and she wanted something to have in common with him

She had already dreamt of it a lot, she would awaken and then she would go to see Xiao where they would talk about cultivation and she would ask him pointers, that way they would spend a lot of time together, she had really come to like Xiao a lot

Talking and playing with him was always fun, she would laugh at his poor attempts of joke, she would always be fascinated at his fixation on cultivation, there was some sort of attraction for him whenever he practices, it was one of pure focus, a will to do anything to reach a goal

Not only that Xiao was truly good looking, she would find herself being attracted to him more and more, everything was going perfect for her, so why?, why did things have to be like this?, why did she have to experience this?

She could remember it vividly, the day had been completely normal as she happily headed to the awakening area where the elders would awaken her martial core but things all went wrong there, she felt, a pain so bad that she felt her bone was being crushed, she could also vividly remember a whisper in her ears

'I chose you'

The words were very faint barely a whisper but she knew that was not an hallucination, well that was the last light she saw before everything became dark, the next moment she woke up she was in a bed and there was no....light

she couldn't see

It was dark, very dark and she could feel her body crawling in fear, she was confused, disoriented and scared, the lights and color she was familiar with never appeared, only darkness never ending darkness flowed in her eyes

She screamed, she cried, she cried till her voice broke and tears ran out, afterwards it came, the feeling of not being able to move her legs, the feelings of not being able to walk, in just one day she lost many precious thing she never knew she had

But for her that was only the beginning of her nightmare, while she lost something she gained something else, her sense were sharpened like never before, she could 'feel' the aura's of others, her hearing was at a level she could not believe, she could hear a persons heartbeat to a small sound that happens far away

She could feel the surroundings, it was as of there was some kind of connection she was getting but even that to her was a nightmare, a curse she wished she never had, even if she couldn't see it, she 'felt' the disdain and utter waste she was to others now, their slow mockery of her filled her ears

'Sigh...to think she would end up a waste, what a pity'

'Truly her only worth was that she was engaged to young master Xiao, what do we do now?'

'Looks like she will be a burden'

The sounds of the elders that smiled at her now filled her mind while the servants that used to be kind to her spoke as much ill as her as others

'What a pity, here I was thinking I could Cousy up to her'

'Yeah me too, well looks like she would be like this for the rest of her life'

Words that cut deep into her heart was spoken, but it was only the beginning, doctors renowned around the entire Empire were called to check up on her but they all said the same thing


She would be like this for the rest of her life, she could cultivate but she would never see and walk, a cripple for life, Li Lun who thought that she wouldn't get more hurt now truly understood despair, in a single day she fell from heaven to hell

But among this her greatest fear was her engagement, she had heard about others talking about it, now that she was like this why would the engagement go forward?, Xiao's a talented genius, why would he want to be engaged to a cripple?

All these words and question filled her mind but she tried to deny it

'No, he's not like that'

'No, he promised'

'Yes, he's different'

All these words messed her mind, she was wanted to believe but an 'if' always hanged deep in her mind, her body turned cold while a deep unknown feeling filled her mind, the day had truly brought her to the brink of emotional demise, she now truly understood powerlessness, a true flaming desire for power filled her heart

"I see, now I understood a bit of what he was saying...."

Li Lun muttered with dead eyes as she sat on the chair, she had always asked why Xiao tried so hard and he always said that it was to control his fate, she had being always confused but she could now feel like she could understand a bit of it, it was this time that she heard whispers of the maids who stood outside

'pss...did you hear?'


'It seems that young master Xiao is at the mansion, he seems to be heading to meet the young mistress'

'Really, did you think that he came to break the engagement?'

'Who know? maybe....'

Li Lun didn't hear the rest as her mind buzzed as she heard the maids talk about Xiao being here, thousands of possibilities filled her mind but in the end she just shook her head, even if he came to break it with her, she would take it, it's natural after all who would want a cripple?

So she sat their waiting but it didn't take long before she felt another presence outside her door, even though she was feeling it for the first time she still felt that she knew this aura, it was Xiao's, so she waited, waited for him to enter inside, it's then she heard his words

"Li Lun, can I come inside?"


Her words here crooked and unrecognizable, while her voice was trembling, even if she thought of it her heart still fought in apprehension, soon she could hear the door open as Xiao walked in, even if she couldn't feel him, she could still hear his heartbeats, his steps and his scent

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